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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. This one is a ‘must win’ for me. Don’t do that and he is the holder of a new record: ‘Worst ever run by any manager under Venkys’. With 2500 potential new Rovers fans, he also needs to try make the match a little entertaining at least, which won’t help. It’s a good job we have had such a miserable 8 years or Mowbray would be toast by now.
  2. Maybe their broadband provider has cut them off. Shameless what’s happening there.
  3. I get that it’s likely in preemptive response to the question of “well who else would be any better” but personally I thought a next manager thread/poll was too soon and a bit crass given that there isn’t currently a vacancy.
  4. No, not when there is nothing to play for. Mols isn’t a Reed replacement thought. Buckley or Butterworth for me. Unless you are looking for an out-and-out winger - but I’d be surprised if Mowbray was.
  5. Worst thing that could have happened. Ultimately it has saved our season but the safety net effect has pervaded its way into the psyche of the team. It also gave us a false sense of security and likely stopped Mowbray from strengthening, and probably also convinced him we could cope without Downing. 8 defeats in 10 games since he posed for that picture.
  6. Astonishing. He slagged off fans for pointing out the glaring holes at the time. Now “we can all see”! Trouble is, this kind of fan is only ever bold in hindsight. Wonder where he stands on Mowbray’s future prospects. I expect “Trust Tony” until we as in a relegation battle next season - which we will be without upgrades. (And it’s a key distinction: first team upgrades are required, not squad reinforcements).
  7. How negative! I’m confident our 44 points will see us safe.
  8. Bolton have a adjournment (another one!) until 8th May.
  9. Clearly not. We have been in this exact position before with Bowyer. If he beats Stoke all will be forgiven but we lose the next two then the pressure will grow. Mowbray has had more patience from fans that any manager before him. The odd thing with the Venkys dynamic is that they funded us back to promotion from L1 and - according to Mowbray himself - wanted to throw money at it.
  10. But with this in mind, the right approach would be to bolster the defence in January, not weaken it and then blame your most creative midfielder. His credibility has taken a big hit on this point alone.
  11. Definitely worth investing more time with. I expect he’ll go out on loan.
  12. So far it has been 2 x Go for every 1 x Stay. From a statistical point of view we are good to extrapolate our 100 or so voters up to 10,000 with about 12% error margin at 95% confidence. That said, it is a niche within a niche and the former official site would likely have given the opposite outturn. It’s just interesting to get a feel for the mood of the sight. I actually thought it would have been a lot closer.
  13. Tomorrow, case number 39.... https://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/court-lists/list-companies-winding-up
  14. Feels like there is some serious last ditch brinkmanship going on here. Any new owners would surely get a better deal from a receiver / administrator / liquidator but their current owner looks to be heading down the route of “I’ll kill it before I let that happen - buy from me or else”. What I don’t get it why the league are so keen to prevent them from having a points deduction. Birmingham overspent but kept paying people, Bolton are playing Russian roulette with the livelihoods of their staff and players and nothing is being done. It would be a huge shame for Bolton to lose their league share and have to start again as a Newco but that may be what is necessary to stop folk like this guy getting involved. Wimbledon managed it, Luton look like they are about to take their place. It might be the long way back but at least they can get their club back. Of all the clubs, Charlton, Coventry, Blackpool and us, I didn’t expect it to be Bolton who looked most likely to go. A cautionary tale of what Eddie Davis did - a guy who loved the club - and similarities with what Venkys are doing in terms of accruing unrepayable debt.
  15. Luton were promoted in second place last year and are looking nailed on to be promoted as champions of L1. Don’t they know about the consolidation rule and how you need to build slowly and be grateful of 21st place?
  16. You just stole my joke! But if I scrape enough barrels I’ll warrant a full one soon.
  17. Just think, in a few years time the ladies could be carrying the men’s team!
  18. Unless he thinks one of his full backs isn’t up to it... well there’s a way to change that too!
  19. He changed the subject quicker than if he had opened a packet of chocolate digestives. “Adam is like a... erm... cup of tea anyone?”. “His name is Joe, is that why he doesn’t answer when you shout to him in training?”
  20. Slightly different angle on the same outcome but if Mowbray resigned today would anyone beg him to reconsider?
  21. My mistake. Thought he had posted a photo from a NZ match.
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