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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Funnily enough, Chris, I don’t post on here hoping for your approval. Footballers lives are very public, and very far from private, which means they are always on duty as ambassadors of the club. There’s a reason Gillingham got shut and it was nothing to do with his footballing ability. And he’s been in trouble since he has been with us. He needs to grow up a lot. Sadly he mixes in the wrong circles - although I expect he disagrees with me too!
  2. Imagine Dack with the right attitude: fit, athletic, focussed, motivated. He needs a rocket from Souness and a cuddle from Dunny.
  3. Arms has 8 goals this season from out on the wing. He’s a number 10. For some reason, when he is played further forward it seems to be at the expense of Graham rather than with him.
  4. Footballers don’t clock off - ever. They represent the club they play for, at all times. Having them blow off steam during the Summer break I’m fine with. During the season - or if they are recovering from injury - they should be maintaining their fitness so that they can perform when needed on the pitch. If they can’t maintain their bodies to help maintain their form then the least they could do is be more discrete - which, in the days of social media, is becoming more and more difficult. I don’t think Dack is going to change. As great a footballer as he can be (really only ‘proven’ at L1 level - and with a patchy history) he is going to let us down. I want us to get as much money as we can for him rather than hang on to him as his value will decrease rather than increase. He certainly isn’t going to become an England international any time soon.
  5. Nothing to do with me? None of my business? He plays for my football club. And no, I don’t recall Mowbray saying Dack is in good condition. Thanks for backing up my point. Sell.
  6. So you don’t think players have an obligation to keep their bodies in top condition throughout the season? There is a reason Dack will never be a top flight player: a lack of self-discipline. Seems like you think that’s acceptable.
  7. Dack is on the wane. His lifestyle will catch up with him. £10m might seem modest based on his performances during the first part of this campaign but looks expensive based on the second.
  8. Mulgrew will be retired soon but yes, he too should be looking after himself better. All players should be made to sign a no-alcohol contract for the duration of the season. You seem to be happy to overlook one player’s clear problem in keeping himself at the level he needs to be and will excuse each and every incident - presumably because he has talent. For me, his value for Rovers has almost certainly peaked and we need to cash in while we can.
  9. Which team do you play for? Stop being obtuse, Chris. The modern footballer is an athlete. They need to be physically and mentally at their peak during the season. They get a month off a year to relax and go on holiday, have fun - within reason - and are made millionaires by way of compensation. Dack’s lifestyle means he will never make it to the top of the game and is wasting his talent. He’s a poor man’s David Dunn. We should cash-in while we can.
  10. This guy really enjoys his international breaks. If we can get more that £10m for him - big ‘if’ - then I’d cash in. We’ve got Rothwell and Armstrong to fill in for the number 10 spot. We can use the cash on a new defence.
  11. They are probably at CERN trying to find out if they can time travel back to 1995 to tie Matthew Simmons’ shoe laces together.
  12. So, assuming they haven’t got around this somehow (through use of parent/subsidiary companies) then there is no reason for them to continue pumping money in. How long can they continue to powder their nose to save face? It’s promotion or bust in slow motion.
  13. They have a loss making business within a corporation. Doesn’t seem that far fetched.
  14. So why do they keep throwing their money into the pit. As you say, they are never getting that money back. The only way this works for them, to my mind, is if our losses are tax deductible for the group.
  15. We’ve already done our Summer business. Chapman, Davenport and Butterworth.
  16. A fan argument being touted about all this is that this is “not real debt”. It’s “only owed to Venkys”. They are “backing the manager and the club” and “we should applaud them”. If this is the case, surely this means that if they do leave then they will be able to write off the debt and in theory leave only the football creditors as liabilities to pass on to the next owner. Otherwise the debt is real and we should worry if it continues to grow. At the moment there looks to be no sign of this stopping - particularly when Waggott is at the same time capping our home attendance through a ridiculous pricing strategy. Even the vape company, our most prominent advertising at Ewood, is run by a huge Rovers fan so what else is being done to attract investment. We are run by a cold, careless dictatorship!
  17. But that’s backward. They broke the rules. They cheated. Probably thinking they would get promoted and it wouldn’t matter. I’m more worried about Rotherham being relegated having played within the rules and competed on unequal terms against a club that cheats. We got relegated because that club got a helping hand two seasons ago - and the team that helped them also cheated and got no punishment. Yet Rovers managed to spend money they didn’t have on bad advice chasing relegation and got an embargo for their troubles. Football is corrupt.
  18. How can they not be placed under an embargo?
  19. Just think how damning it will be when we STILL finish behind them!
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