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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. It took Stanley 38 years to return to league football. Dont get me wrong, I’m with you, and I’d put up with that if it meant being rid of Venkys but it still means it’s curtains rather than any kind of handing over of the baton.
  2. Waggott is not going to sack Mowbray. Door number one: Mowbray walks after we are hammered in the next two games (unlikely as his ‘10 games without a win’ clock has been reset). Door number two: Mowbray stays and we limp along Bowyer-style next season, minus Reed, Dack and a decent defender.
  3. He actively sold Rhodes because he believed he’d be getting the money.
  4. And yet the honest guvnor’s response to being undermined and given an unachievable target? Take the money and give it a right good go. He probably even said the words in that very meeting. Contrast with the much hated Lambert’s reaction when they did the same to him... Luckily for Mowbray he’s held on to Dack long enough that we potentially won’t miss him when the same happens to him.
  5. Football is littered with enough ‘money is no guarantee of success’ stories to make a legal case difficult I’s expect. Or maybe they are happy with a loss-making enterprise? Tax deductible? Luckily we have honourable owners and an honourable manager so we shouldn’t worry. Our future is in good hands.
  6. The more responses I see to that roversmum post the more ridiculous it seems “she wants it to succeed”. If she really wanted it to succeed she would be bringing in a credible, experienced club chairman and a bright, up-and-coming, proven manager - and backing them both.
  7. How can they take money out and add it to the debt? It’s like they are robbing Peter to pay Peter!
  8. Without promotion, our next owner will be buying us from an administrator. Unless Venkys carry on until the whole English football world collapses when the European Super League is finally launched and the media follow it.
  9. I seem to remember him being absolutely electric when he flew into L1. He didn’t get me out of my seat but he was quick enough and showed good movement and passing. He will be a good fit for the first team but probably instead of Armstrong.
  10. The Wharton thing doesn’t smell right. He can’t get near the team but has signed a new contract. I think he will be sold to a L1 or L2 side and the contract is just to protect our investment. Hope I’m wrong as I think he should be still here and getting the opportunities that are now coming Magloire’s way.
  11. I’ve watched him play for the U23s recently. He was good.
  12. Surely this kind of link should be in the Academy thread? This can’t be the kind of player Mowbray is looking to bring in for the first team.
  13. Not looking good for Bolton. Another 11th hour Anderson special in the offing? Takeover talks have broken down. Maybe they expect to be dealing with an administrator very shortly. Meanwhile HMRC have another go.
  14. Are you that bloke who rings in sick at work but everyone knows you are out on the lash?
  15. Reading that has depressed me! Bell and Nyambe are young enough that they could improve but they need a strong cb pairing and goalkeeper behind them. If I had a magic wand I’d replace Raya, Mulgrew and bench Lenihan but it seems that we are stuck with at least two of those for the foreseeable future. We are only heading in one direction if Mowbray continues with several of these players because of a sense of loyalty or to save face over signings that aren’t cutting the mustard. He does tend to stick with his players though. Of his permanent signings only Whittingham and Caddis, along with loanees Feeney and Ward, have left. We are persevering with the rest - or just waiting for their contracts to end. We do pick up to bottom of the barrel players - even if Whittingham shouldn’t have been - and, curiously, nobody ever seems to leave because another club wants to sign them.
  16. I think he is just playing a straight bat. Maybe even trying to peer into the mind of Mowbray. What would be an interesting article would be for him to do a bit of research into the last time we made money out of a sale (that wasn’t ‘undisclosed’) and how many players have left the club since, for nothing or even paid off (the latter being a feature of Venkys disastrous tenure here).
  17. It’s a good point. He really didn’t pull up any trees but he’s better than Williams or Nyambe at CB.
  18. Flowers and Given is the most recent one. When Robinson was here we had Mark Bunn (plus Jason Brown and Frank Fielding). Friedel was a one-off and we were spoiled. The guy used to do 15 minutes of yoga on the pitch by himself before every game. But two number one’s not the issue, we don’t have one credible number two and Raya isn’t being pushed. He makes mistakes and is never rested. Raya isn’t great but I’m always dreading him getting injured.
  19. Nail on head mate. Rothwell isn’t a wide player. Mowbray just randomly puts him and others people out there.
  20. I’m with Chaddy on this one. A keeper without any pressure to keep his place will stagnate.
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