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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. 19 year olds who are signed for millions of pounds come with greater expectations that a lad who cost nothing but a development wage. Citing his age is just an excuse. Footballers are starting younger and younger. In any case, the money spent on Brereton was needed elsewhere.
  2. Why has this thread been merged??? The whole point was to allow a new poll. Fuck’s sake!
  3. Ironically I think Lambert will have thought the same of Venkys when he got them their money back on Rhodes. I wonder who they will find to come in and sell Brereton for more than what we paid! Thank goodness Dack cost less than £1m.
  4. Fair as always. Yet that’s as grim a view as you have given on Mowbray so it’s a barometer that things have certainly worsened this season under him. We will stay up, it’s pretty much a certainty, but mainly because of three very poor teams. At the top end of League One is an all conquering Luton, Barnsley, a resurgent Sunderland, Pompey and Charlton. Huddersfield and Fulham will drop and one of Cardiff, Burnley and Southampton. In my view it will be harder to reach the play-offs and easier to get sucked into the bottom three. I don’t see what Mowbray is showing now that makes me think he deserves another window or even two. We all wanted, want, it to work with Mowbray. It isn’t working any more and doesn’t look like it is going to. He is now blaming individuals in his patched up side rather than protecting them and taking responsibility for mistakes made away from the pitch that have resulted in us being in disarray.
  5. My worries are two-fold: 1) if we get into an early relegation battle next season i don’t feel that he has what it takes to have us up for a fight. 2) if we go down under Mowbray next season he certainly won’t get us back up.
  6. If it gets people onto the site and voting I say go for it Jim. I’m keen to know what the current view is.
  7. I’ve just started a new (temporary) thread to help @J*B do the honours.
  8. For me, he has now reached the point where he cannot turn it around. To continue now is to cling on to a job that has become too big for him and it will end acrimoniously. He can bemoan his lack of defenders all he likes but this was a problem that fans could see coming and he couldn’t. The treatment table will start to grow as players don’t want to rush back to be part of this car crash. If Mowbray stays he will take us down next season. Simple poll to be added to gauge the mood please.
  9. I know that too but I don’t think he has “needed to go for a long time”. I think the time has come “now”.
  10. Disgraceful. Ok, he was asked the question about Rothwell and he was stressed but to criticise our most gifted attacking player like that is unforgivable. He’s a man under pressure that’s for sure. Is that one win in 9 now? And with Villa and Stoke to come.
  11. I know but the option to say he deserves to go NOW doesn’t exist.
  12. Can a new option be added to the poll? We need an “out” which reflects time now rather than “for a long time”. I want to change my vote from assess in the Summer to go now. Him starting and then singling out Rothwell for blame while protecting his favourites in a makeshift defence is the final straw for me. Alternative until the end of the season is to promote Johnson.
  13. Tin foil hat stuff. I’m a huge critic of Tony Mowbray as a football manager but as a man he has far too much integrity to put up with that - and be a lying face of Venkys. He would have quit first. It’s a no from me.
  14. He’s blaming Rothwell? If I was him I’d be on the phone to my agent this evening. Our plight is firmly down to Mowbray not putting right our defensive fragility in January.
  15. That is down to the manager. These players are no longer fighting for each other and haven’t been for a while. Was the January bounce a set of shop window performances? Does Mowbray still have the players on his side?
  16. Honestly can’t see it. What is most damning about his tenure is that if he was to walk away now then he has left us in a right mess. It’s only because he is still here that the cracks are papered. “Trust Mowbray” is a bit of a noose around his neck.
  17. Despite the posts, the voting has the Mowbrometer still at keep til the Summer at least.
  18. Nobbers with an injury time goal to win again. What a difference a manager can make.
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