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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. He’s talking about what he says, not his abilities.
  2. Rovers 2-0 down against Brighton. Chapman started and looks good without being spectacular. Smallwood, Reed and Brereton watching the game from Mowbray’s usual perch. They’ve just gone back inside. Just heard a shout of “and he’s put it wide!”. Sounds like Brereton must have nipped to the toilet.
  3. Smaller scale but I’m sure all those who went to Ewood to watch on the big screen feel the same.
  4. Never heard of anyone doing surgery on rockets. Sounds difficult.
  5. Mowbray’s tenure so far is framed by ‘almosts’ and ‘if onlys’. Almost stayed up. If only he hadn’t settled for so many draws. Almost won the league. If only he’d picked a proper team to face Charlton. Almost made a play-offs. If only he’d strengthened in January. All of the ‘if onlys’ were based on decisions made by Mowbray rather than just bad luck.
  6. I think they have to - and the numpty at Arsenal.
  7. There’s an argument that more people would have been about if it had been a later kick off. I assume that all PNE fans will be required to be bused in for future games... or might that hit club revenue...?
  8. The aggravating factor is he has already broken the law just being on the pitch. Then he has committed premeditated assault, probably abh, in HD in front of thousands of viewers. He could get six months but will probably be fined and have a community order imposed, with a 5-year football banning order. The thing is, how long will it be before somebody enters the field of play with a knife. How none of the stewards got to him before he could reach a player is another reason Birmingham should be culpable as well.
  9. Relegation watch: If Rovers lose the next 10 games... QPR need 1 win Reading and Wigan need 2 wins and 2 draws Millwall and Rotherhad need 4 wins You have to think we are safe but it could be an embarrassing end to the season.
  10. ...after 8 minutes. He has to stop chopping and changing the side around. How many of us were saying repeatedly in January that we needed to buy a central defender? But no, no, Trust Mowbray. Well he did it his way and we are now feeling the consequences of his inaction. Didn’t help that he said he had money to spend.
  11. He fair connected... https://twitter.com/bryannufc87/status/1104722651505934336
  12. No chance. Clubs will be required to employ extra armies of stewards though and have “club evidence gatherers” filming their own fans.
  13. Trouble is, anyone who hit him would have been sent off. But I’m with you. Just imagine if that lowlife had a knife on him... ?
  14. Just seen it on Twitter. He didn’t just throw a punch, he actually assaulted him. That fella is surely going to prison (although knowing our “justice” system it’ll be suspended), minimum a lifetime ban from all football grounds. The book needs throwing at Big Club too. There’s probably no precedent for a points deduction but they’ll surely have a behind closed doors game and be banned from attending the away game.
  15. A winning run of one is all it takes to have Trust Tony rammed down our throats. It’s looking like ?? he has done enough this season but his record in the transfer market means that giving him the Summer is a big leap of faith. There seem to be a lot of fans who see our only choices as mediocre or chaos and opt for mediocre. Why is it so blasphemous to want more?
  16. That form table actually makes us look as good as a game ago - except we lost another so we are even worse!
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