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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Darren Moore just became available... ? Edit: wow, news travels fast.
  2. Sorry pal. All I see there are excuses. And the red button is a desperate one to raise as it’s only been going a few months. It’s always the same when someone makes a comment about needing a change. It’s then followed by “well who can we get instead?”. “We couldn’t have spend £7m any better” ”We have to stick with Bowyer nobody else would come to Rovers” “We can’t possibly sign a better keeper than Raya” So defeatist. Stop asking me what I can do to change it, instead ask what the club can do to change it. I highly doubt the answer is nothing.
  3. Mowbray’s lack of harshness is the whole problem. Time for a change. I’m honestly thinking of ditching the ST and cherry picking games next season. A slippery slope to getting out of the habit. Watching Rovers is getting depressing.
  4. Trouble is we don’t need a “not loss” we need a win.
  5. Sorry but that default response from fans is getting very boring. Managers get sacked every other month. Amazingly those clubs ALL manage to bring in replacements. Some do better some do worse. Things are too cosy at Rovers. Imagine if Williams had just kept on backing Ince game after game, defeat after defeat, relegation and beyond. Don’t worry though, Waggott won’t even be thinking about it. He is probably too busy working out how much he can increase next season’s ticket prices by and whether scrapping the early bird offer would still see the diehards renew, while setting ambitious targets for ST sales.
  6. Bloomfield Road pretty much sold out today. Hard not to admire their resolve to not return until the Oyston’s went. And they are back in numbers. How long until we are playing them again?
  7. I’m telling you it wouldn’t have mattered who the ref was, we’d have lost. We are a League One team playing in the Championship and the manager has now lost the players. How many different positions were players asked to play in. Bennett has about three, same with Reed. Armstrong had two. Williams had at least two. Nyambe had two. All this chopping and changing is doing nothing for team understanding.
  8. Mowbray changed the course of the game. Stop looking for excuses. We barely create chances but we concede most of the few the opposition create. This has been going on all season and Mowbray has no idea what to do to change it. He couldn’t stop the rot that Coyle started and now he can’t stop the one of his own making. He didn’t think we needed defenders in January and even got rid of the one spare one that we had. 1 point out of 21...
  9. Anyone blaming the ref today is chasing a burglar out of a burning house. Mowbray has lost this game, the plot and the players. He has clearly run out of ideas, and his stock response to a poor run is to go “back to basics” and pick his League One team and whichever player random.org spits up. The line up spoke volumes, the formation shuffling in the first half, before finally admitting he’d got it wrong and brought on some attacking players just backed it up. It’s like he is trying to keep things tight and they try to nick one late on. Classic Bowyer tactics. Newsflash: they didn’t work for Bowyer either!
  10. Rothwell is the best player on this pitch by a country mile. Mowbray needs to stop letting the senior players pick their favourites.
  11. Gone to a back three I think. Bennett out on the right, Reed left. Armstrong in the middle, left of a three cm? It’s a bit like spot the ball. Spot the formation.
  12. Bennett playing at left back. Williams and Mulgrew in the middle.
  13. Ah well. Could be worse, it could’ve been a Sunday game. At least I’ll have tomorrow to lick my wounds before the inevitable on Monday. ?
  14. Ah well. Could be worse, it could’ve been a Sunday game. At least I’ll have tomorrow to lick my wounds before the inevitable on Monday. ?
  15. Rothwell has no future under Mowbray. If I was him I’d be on to my agent about a Summer move.
  16. It’s not to do with pushing for it to fold it’s about not caring enough to carry it for the short term. It’d be typical of Rovers to close it down just as the women’s game kicked on. It’s especially galling after the season the ladies are having. This rumour hasn’t just started yesterday btw, and I wonder if this has been a factor in the recent less emphatic wins. The fact is that the club isn’t backing the ladies team apart from allowing it to use our marketing and paying for a few local pitches. Some of the places they’ve had to train have been embarrassed. If they win the league this season and the club won’t back them to promotion then it is nothing short of disgusting. It was bad enough what happened last time but the women have responded and the club should reward that. The money we wasted on Brereton would have funded the ladies for an awful long time. Women who represent this club with distinction by the way. Then Waggott has the cheek to peddle a mantra of “commitment”. F.O.
  17. There are times when a football club needs to look at itself and ask - why are we here, what is the point? And apart from the careers of a few individuals, the answer is always community. Sometimes the U23s, U18s or Women’s games need to be supported. The club have already made the Community Trust a separate entity so because they can’t produce players for the first team, does that mean they are worthless? If the games were more accessible, like the U23 games, I would go along, but the club under Waggott (despite Venkys riches, and the women’s game being small beer in comparison) is all about £££. If the team had been poor this season then the could have a point but... Even a club like Fylde is more forward thinking than us. The so-called ‘Pride of Lancashire’ tag is about as grubby as most of the stadium. Nothing short of disgraceful.
  18. If Waggott allows that then he is an utter ****. Extra costs? F*cking hell. What are we even here for? So short sighted. Scrapping the women’s team after this season would be the biggest kick in the teeth ever delivered to a football team.
  19. That’s a bit of a contrived definition, in my view. Plastic just means fake. PNE, like us, wishes they had plastic fans. It’s the only way any of us will fill our grounds.
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