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Everything posted by wilsdenrover

  1. Surely they should be embarrassed by nearly everything that’s happened under their watch?
  2. Did he say what that target was? I’m just wondering whether it could be covered by selling a player before his contract runs out instead… Then all season ticket sales could be ‘bonus’ money and they could be sold at a far more appealing price.
  3. I’m pretty certain we’ve established that they don’t.
  4. We’re going to need a very big banner!
  5. Perhaps no one should meet the claim their seat deadline and then all send a poorly worded email the following morning to explain why they should still be able to have it.
  6. Clearly a CEO shouldn’t be micromanaging but surely the instruction should be more than ‘raise £x’
  7. He probably has one that’s given to fans and goes straight into his deleted folder
  8. Perhaps a 24 hour ‘grace period’ could be introduced but with the condition that the player cannot play for, lets say, the first fortnight. I guess, as others have said, any leeway and clubs will try to push their luck even further. Regarding O’Brien potentially losing five months of his career, this is only because the transfer fell through AND the 25 man squad list thing - in the past he would now just be fighting for his in their first team. Surely, if nothing else, the submission of your squad lists shouldn’t have to take place until after the deadline for any appeals on failed transfers has passed? I wouldn’t have the squad lists at all, I’m not sure what the purpose behind them is, or was intended to be. Of course, we wouldn’t be discussing any of this if our club knew how to do basic admin!
  9. I think your point of it being so public is a very good one. Most of the day to day ‘administrative’ running is done ‘behind closed doors’ without any spotlight on it at all. It makes you wonder how often they make such stupid errors. People bemoan, rightly, how late season tickets go on sale - maybe they just forget to do them. Somebody mentioned there are currently no shirts for sale in the club shop - maybe the order for more suffered ‘technical difficulties’ too. I’m sure there are countless further examples
  10. As with most things, the reality is always somewhere between the two extremes. Although at this moment in time I’d suggest the reality is much nearer one extreme than the other! We need this to change and to change fast - a big step would be the reintroduction of people taking accountability for their actions, or being made to by others ‘above’ them. But the club will always get somethings wrong, it will never be to blame for everything either.
  11. Of course it depends when you start the clock as well…
  12. I think it’s because people hoped this transfer was a sign of a much needed change in ambition. The move collapsing was bad enough but has been added to by that amateurish statement.
  13. Eventually…it’s been biting us on the bum for years
  14. I’ve been to one match since the ‘Kean Bolton debacle’ Sometimes I wonder if I still care but then I find my heart racing as we try to hold onto a lead or frantically refreshing to see if we’ve made a deadline day signing. Then the club makes a mess of things (I’m being polite) again and I wonder why I still care. I live in hope, but not expectation, that one day things will get better
  15. I think at this point the most surprising thing is that we’re still surprised when things like this happen. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me
  16. Only 10? - that will take some narrowing down. We’d be close to 10 if we only looked at managerial appointments
  17. I think a problem with modern managers is that they have their way of playing and expect the players at their disposal to adapt to this - I think this is the wrong way round because some players can do this but far more cannot. (Particularly the lower down the leagues you go) I think you need to work out the best system(s) for the players you have and then this can be evolved as and when you sign the players that fit your desired system/style
  18. That’s what happens when you wait 14 years to make your first contributions! (only been a reader until today)
  19. With our set up (coach/director of football) I don’t think we can use transfer windows to judge JDT - I think we have to judge him on performances and results on the pitch. When he said “judge me after x windows’ he probably, naively assumed that would be how long it would take for the club to provide him with the players he wants/needs. if my interpretation is correct, he may well need to add on many more windows to allow for the club’s incompetence ( although I doubt he’ll be willing to hang around that long)
  20. I’m not sure, but my thoughts are the club should be judged on every window. The intention should always to be stronger at the end than we were at the beginning. When did that last actually happen?
  21. Sounds like a reason not to resign - or at least to leave it until after you’ve done this!
  22. Is there a deadline by which you’d have to hand it in??
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