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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. If it's from Nixon it's pure filth i'd wager the mans an agents stooge we've known this all along, agents whose snouts are likely to be shoved out the trough at the moment. IF this did turn out to be true it's yet another monumental own goal....or rather convenient depending on how you view these owners
  2. darrenr mentioned accounting function and I think these days that's just exactly what the club is to them, big profits on V H group again on their balance sheet for this year might see a good budget increase that allows a bit of proper team investment again. A flip side to it this time next year if they are struggling again or channelling cash into another project might see a player fire sale again, something he doesn't mention. Never know with this lot but yeah we are basically a handy accounting tool one way or another.
  3. Pace on the wings an absolute must in my view especially if this summer turns out to be an 'as you were' mentality. Ideally you want to boost it with a quality signing in each key area or a Dack like marquee signing but I just can't see that happening. So just dig some speed out from somewhere to help what should be a limited but hardworking side.
  4. Not going to lie I would have laughed heartily had Bolton dropped but fair play to them and it's another big fixture returning. I hope Steve Waggot and cardboard Mike come up with a plan to charge them 35 notes though can't be doing with loads of them knocking about thinking they are our big rivals.
  5. One manager I can't remember which maybe TM in his early days did let the cat out the bag a bit by saying he carries some kind of recurring problem that needs careful management. Seemed to be managed around the Internationals as well and i'm sure Mowbray signed Whittingham just to cover for Evans then decided to try and shoehorn him in just for the sake of it. Evans earned his corn towards the end of the season there was shades of the player who wears green so well but it's reality check time for him he needs to put club before country or do one Rovers has been very good to him with little in return. Managers seem to rate him and I suppose he's one of the tidiest players in his position outside the top half of the championship, not great but not full of errors either. I'd prefer a midfield with a lot more bite than he provides though but I reckon any money will be directed elsewhere so I can see him staying abd being 1st on the team sheet, really shouldn't be throwing another big contract at him though he's been a passenger too often in his time at Ewood.
  6. It doesn't matter were people sit it's what they do that makes the atmosphere and sometimes the 200 in the DE are the only ones doing it whilst ten times plus in the opposite end are quiet unless the team is getting them up for it.
  7. They can damn well turn up with their ST holding mate/brother/wife/son etc then toddle off and sit in a cheaper part of the ground if they haven't got the means to turn up every week or pay top dollar then
  8. Maybe that's because that is where I like to sit and I did say 'decent' seats. I don't mind paying a bit more for the better facilities but like I said there's a gap between the 14 ST holder and the 29 quid or whatever walk on fan sat next to him. There's plenty seats on offer in every stand and if I couldn't afford the JW i'd indeed go in a cheaper section if I really wanted to go. It just seems a bit daft when the whole idea is to get more in, you'll be as bad as drog next claiming the JW regulars are subsidizing everyone else Fair point about the 1875 I had indeed forgot about it and didn't take advantage of it last season. As for what people expect I generally think a hike was expected and it's fair enough on the back of some success but if I recall rightly the last time it was hiked about 50 pounds in one go was just before we signed Craig Bellamy and we had a host of top class stars yet we kicked off the season v Fulham then Everton with no more than 16 thousand home fans on !
  9. You've conveniently missed out the other post where id already said they are still good value. Have you ever considered someone like me who can't attend enough to justify a Season ticket anymore so when i want to support the team i have to pay top dollar more often than not if i want a decent seat, i'm sure there's a hell of a lot like that. There's a fair old gap between 14 quid and say £29 pounds, plenty of room for some middle ground that neither upsets the ST holders nor devalues a season ticket but might help pull in a few more regularish walk ons wouldn't you say ?
  10. They are still good value obviously although as pointed out they aren't really what you'd call cheap anymore. Thing is though next season is highly likely to be a right grind and they need as many as possible in there as often as possible but it's likey to be just the usual hardcore plus maybe a few extra. Over 25k home fans tomorrow and they need to be aiming to get half of those signed up but without incentive it's a big ask. Factor in it'll probably be dear match by match they are going to ailienate quite a few I'd wager. Mind you a big signing or two could boost it
  11. Aye sorry i should have included i was assuming they are putting away fans upstairs.
  12. After they went to the trouble and wasted expense to move the cameras across to the Riverside because the ground looked fuller they are now going to be mostly looking at an empty end, rather odd.
  13. Scary thought but yep I can see them starting at 29/30 quid for an adult in the BBE most games.
  14. God knows what matchday prices will be like now.
  15. Leeds sometimes only sell about half of it when the ko is moved to lunchtime but that's what the OB want
  16. Daft to shut the DE in my opinion even though I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. The couple of hundred regulars in there won't make much difference to the Blackburn end and they probably won't even go in there but scatter about somewhere else. Five or six hundred in there next season could make a difference to helping the team although this is quite possibly done to house visiting fans in the upper tier.
  17. Is he a guy who'll turn up to training or will he be found in the bars of Edinburgh Weds to Sundays most weeks ?
  18. Like Stuart said it needs to wait until they've all got together around the table for their summer meeting. Hopefully the new regime either bites the bullet and makes the decision or somehow gets through in a phone call and gets the thumbs up.
  19. TM is obviously a big fan of Conway he's used him wherever possible when he's been fit this season, him and Samuel were almost guaranteed to be involved in some capacity. I imagine Conway is a good guy to have about the place and Mowbray doesn't seem to favour two wingers so Craig tucks in and is a more defensive option on one side. I can really see him getting a new contract and being involved heavily next season if fit. Not sure i'd go down that route but maybe a player coach or a watered down contract wouldn't do any harm in keeping him around.
  20. Pumps full of Benedictine so they can rot their throats and all start talking like him in a show of devotion only dingles are capable of - apparently.
  21. Well they probably play it in Pune towers so.........
  22. I'll be surprised if our wage bill was 8.5 this season if so they must've settled a load of ongoing contracts for people long gone in one swoop from the capitol injections or something. Maybe the 8.5 was the target in relation to income in league one but i'll be surprised if they hit that with such a fair sized squad. Either way i doubt V's will rise it much given how hard it was to get it down. As always prepare to be underwhelmed.
  23. Remember with Venkys & their 'advisors' there's ALWAYS a very real chance of rinse and repeat !!! This is the absolute only grain of success in their tenure so if they screw it up now it will be truly horrific and unforgivable and if anyone backed them after that you'd really need to visit a head quack. However it's understandable if there isn't wads of cash around as the increase in income will be quickly swallowed up by all the pay rises, new contracts and bonuses etc. What we'd expect is them to find just a couple of mill on top of that to invest in the team in some decent buys and reinvest ALL from any unwanted sales. Not really too much to ask is it, it's a proven formula.
  24. He's a threat only when he's used correctly which mostly he hasn't been and yet again it's an example of what you can get away with in league 1 with a strong squad but will bite you right on the ass in the Championship quite often. Wouldn't mind him on loan again but to use as a central striker maybe starting at home centrally or coming on up front away when counter attacking.
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