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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. It's coming up to season ticket selling time folks we get similar things put about every year, they're selling. they're investing heavily, they're looking for investment. All rollocks.
  2. Always thought they might be running money through the club for someone else anyway Seriously though i'm not sure if that would be a good thing or bad thing now things have finally got on a more even keel. Anything like this will involve another agent or super agent or two and we know what follows all that. Money's only any good if it's used properly !
  3. The gulf in quality is huge though and combine the two - physical (which the champ certainly is) and quality and that's where it becomes very very tough. Mulgrew imo struggled quite a bit in the championship at times but that could well have been just the transition at a late stage in his career, never doubting his quality on the ball though. Graham has Championship pedigree he'll score if given chances but will need smart game management by TM, both could have a bit of an Indian summer though if the adrenaline and momentum keeps going.
  4. The proper way to do it at last. To think of the crocks and never has been free signings a few years ago on Championship wages Under embargo of course but still throwing 10k pwk at the Delfonso's, Browns and Akpans of this world I don't know why the hell they didn't look into league 1 back then for some potential on half the money. Most of those donkeys ended up there anyway after they'd got lucky at Rovers for a while........and so did the club. Rotten stuff thank god it's gone, hopefully forever.
  5. As a squad man on a sensible deal i'd be tempted to keep Conway he can come on shoring up one flank and do the muck and bullets stuff like a defensive wide man later in games. Certainly I don't think he's up to being a regular starter anymore but he'd be a reliable squad man and good guy to keep around the place maybe.
  6. There'll be some asking for a third stint from Feeney next
  7. Dack wouldn't be able to play off Rhodes like he does Graham I don't think. Part of the reason Rhodes has flopped everywhere since Rovers is his teams haven't tailored their set up to him like Rovers mostly did. To me he needs a bit of a free role upfront to lurk between centre halves and find his little bits of movement in the box but of course as we saw it means the team lacks other things. Still i'd rather be bringing him on to kill games off than Samuel or Antonsson
  8. Yes you're right and i'm not writing off DG he's been a favourite of mine since he signed, wish I could just dig back up the posts I made defending him earlier this season when the knives came out a bit quick. Was just thinking he needs some help next season, he'll still score chances but the workrate and physical stuff I think he'll struggle with game in game out and boy are we going to need that. Whether it's him who does the first 60 or he comes on for the last 20/30 we need another physical goal scorer to share the load. Samuel besides the other stuff has just never struck me as a decent finisher he doesn't seem to have that instinct.
  9. Priorities - Striker preferably target man type capable of 15+ goals to spearhead the attack, Graham to be back up late sub man. Samuel won't provide the answer to either question. Pace on the wings to provide outlets and actually provide something for the front men. We suffered for a complete lack of it last time in the Championship and you simply will not get away with playing strikers out there a division above. Got to have at least one wide man starting with genuine speed about him. If we are only able to sign two or three quality players this is where i'd start, yes ideally most other areas might need strengthening but if push comes to shove we might get by with what's available if TM hits on the right system and tactics but a good striker and pace are absolute musts imo.
  10. Always maintained I liked the guy and he's been an absolute breath of fresh air at times but I did have my doubts about his tactics. Did also say experience is his main strength and he's probably the most experienced actual manager we've had since Allardyce and I think that above all else is what's seen the job through from start to finish this season. Tony Mowbray = Football man, tonight football God. GET IN
  11. Wasn't it something to do with a big Man U match on TV that meant some of the pubs were full of glory boys and ended in bother with day tripping nobbers ?
  12. Should be in with a good shout surely, more gifted players and goalscorers automatically get the limelight but this lad plays anywhere and always puts a shift in. He seems at the centre of the team spirit stuff and comes across as a real level headed feet on the ground guy. Every set of fans from every club he's been at speak well of him. Not the best compared to the Dack's etc but i'd suggest he's been very important to Blackburn Rovers in a few ways this season. The modern day Super Atko.
  13. Depends how much they charge I suppose if it's cheap there's the curiosity factor to it which might up the numbers.
  14. Rumours of Furys comeback opponent possibly a blown up cruiser again no one has heard of but who's ranked by WBO (Warrens pals) or Kevin Johnson a 38 year old who he's already beaten and who Joshua sparked in 2. Can understand a stiff on his first fight back but the ironic thing is they are talking PPV !!!!!!!!! All the stick fish eyed Frank and the Fury mob gave to Hearn & Joshua and also Haye lol will make them even bigger hypocrites than they are already thought to be, at least Haye knocked his stiffs out on freeview. Get ready for the circus act, not forgetting he's coming back off a two year DOPING BAN !
  15. Yep another drug cheat allowed back to make millions. You just watch how fish eyed Frank wraps him in cotton wool until a big money title shot presents himself. I know his first fight will be a gimme and that's fair enough but some of the names I've heard are farcical, people he's already beaten years ago. They are going to take the piss good style.
  16. When things happen in the ring, weigh in or press conference of any fighting sport I don't think anyone can be too surprised. When it happens away from there in gate crashing style you have to ask why and wonder it it's just partly a publicity stunt. These guys are fighting men so if they have a serious personal beef there's only one way to sort it and if a pro fight isn't possible then get it on in private for a straightner on the cobbles or something. No money or publicity in that though ............
  17. Wouldn't be surprised if the McGregor nonsense was part set up that's gone wrong and he's gone way over the top, seems the type judging by the Mayweather nonsense which again was part act by both guys but part serious as in the actual fight bit on the night. I'll be amazed if Connor doesn't have problems with the dust though, too many rumours and too much odd behaviour. Rehab for that lad not jail.
  18. Got to agree it is a bit odd when people go all moral about guys who's whole lives revolve around fighting. Never been into UFC etc although I know they are highly trained and skilled but to me it's just fighting like you would outside a pub. McGregor though has never come across as anything more than a coked up publicity junkie, why not settle the dispute in private ? It's either staged or he's just lost the plot trying hard to live up to his 'notorious' tag. A stretch inside will see just how notorious he really is. As for Mike Tyson all the trash stuff came as he career went into decline but in his pomp he didn't really go into it he didn't need to people were happy enough for him to just do the business in the ring. In fact he was notorious as a man of few words in press conferences 'i'm just here to fight' was his usual reply. Made up for it somewhat in later years though
  19. Imagine using the Tickled Trout lol you'd think he would've been a bit more discreet !
  20. He can score 50 every day in training it's what he does or rather doesn't do on the first team pitch that matters and it's not like there isn't other options at the min. Pointless having a guy to do the Graham role if he can't actually do it. By the way there is no chance i'm marking him down as one of the worst ever he isn't he's just not at the races this season. Don't know why he's crept into this thread
  21. I don't know why TM insists on keep giving him chances in and around the team at this vital jucture his confidence is zero and he's useless in front of goal he's never been what you'd call a good finisher anyway. Missing chances like that could be difference between comfortably beating teams and getting promoted or getting caught out late when you don't put it to bed and don't get the three points to stay in the mix. I wouldn't bother with him now unless we are desperate for bods. Move him on in summer or pray that he has a fresh start here.
  22. Yeah the original back pass rule wasn't without it's flaws you got defenders turning it back without looking first just expecting the keeper to be in the middle but their instinct to pick it up drew them across. Amazing how often it happened back in the day.
  23. The hype around it is painful these days but the Hearns deserve a lot of credit for rebranding the sport in typical SKY style but a bit like the Prem the razzamatazz will begin to wear off soon unless you regularly get blockbuster fights to match it.. As someone who attends it's both enthralling and annoying in equal measure because it's a great atmosphere but just about everything is being geared to the tv audience. Last night for example they asked the crowd to boo Wilders name about 3 times until it was satisfactorily loud enough, probably for the edited version of the broadcast. Very sad
  24. No guy in Brownes condition should have been in the ring at that level, quite simply in there for a pay check bringing nothing but a big punch. He should have been saved to be Fury's comeback opponent really. Having said that Whyte boxed really well, probably the best he's performed technically but he just had a huge immobile heavy bag in front of him.
  25. Didn't Jack have the 3 million per year written into his wishes for the club as an ongoing annual donation from the Trust Fund to make up the shortfall between our crowds and full houses ? Smart move so quite why or how they got that stopped who knows and I refuse to believe they couldn't afford to keep doing that with something like a 700 million worth. It certainly hurt the club when it was stopped. Still I suppose it irked some of the already wealthy offspring with their own expanding families and business empires
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