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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. I agree with Canada Rover that the Champ could end up rather two or three tiered with the massive parachutes and the likes of SKY etc seemingly willing to pump endless TV money god knows how many times per season into the likes of Leeds. That's why the FUP is a fook up as owners should be able to pump in what they want if it's their money not debt to allow clubs to compete with these advantages some clubs have. You look at the Championship and how smaller clubs struggle to stay in there more than a season or two, your Rotherhams, Donny's, Posh etc there is a fair old list and Shrewsbury will probably end up on it if they go up. It shouldn't be that way really but it is.
  2. I have my own thoughts on some of that but looking at it non conspiracy how many managers and coaching teams have been hired and fired in the last couple of years never mind a few directors as well. That's why I struggle to give any gratitude to them underwriting the bills because a huge lump of it was continually created by them, firing GB & co, hiring all that Lambert backroom team as well as him then not backing them, letting them go then hiring that teapot Coyle and his crew. Not to mention some of the crap they foisted on us that had to be paid big wages then paid off in a few cases. Jesus Barry should have had to sell his car collection and pay for all that lot straight out of his own pocket.
  3. Sustained sensible investment season on season it's what is needed not throwing huge wads at it because i'm still not convinced all snouts are out of the trough so every chance of repeating same mistakes. Holding on to what is worth holding on to and if they want to go or there's ridiculous offers a large part of that money needs reinvesting in direct replacements with similar potential not spreading around the squad on signing on fees for has beens off an agent or twos list let the manager and his people go after good young potential and actually pay for it. Basically follow a plan over a three year period and stick to it where possible both on and off the pitch and see where it leads. People expecting a wild spending spree and an instant challenge for the Prem IF we go up are clutching at straws I think.
  4. Yeah I've been reading some analysts say don't buy the price will drop soon. I hope it doesn't drop in the summer
  5. That's exactly how i'd see it, first and foremost it was supposed to be an advertising tool that probably paid for itself although in the Prem it was something that still needed underpinning with extra cash so they must've known they'd have to throw a few rupees it's way regularly. I think the last few years it's become a handy accounting tool by default but the difference is now with some costs reduced etc and it being run more sensibly a bit of the money put in is being put to good use instead of firing straight through the system. At least it's an improvement on when I and plenty others thought it was one big laundry
  6. A bit of both Everything in that last post is fact and easily checkable apart from the bit about profits going into Rovers to offset against tax, pure assumption on my part but a common practise in some large businesses. If you look at their share price a few years ago it was basically flat lining but over the past 12 months it's shot up again. I don't think it's wild conspiracy to think that might be why their input went down to a trickle and the club had to start cashing it's assets in to keep going but now the input has picked up to healthy levels again on the back of trading going well. Might all be down to something else but there is a pattern there and like any huge business the VH group will be reliant and their banks backing and when times are a bit leaner and money is needed elsewhere you'd think the first tap they'd turn off would be the oversees football club.
  7. Their core company share price has gone through the roof in recent times so a nice diversion of some profits and another bit off the tax bill. These days it seems to be being put to good use for maybe the first time in actually building something instead of plugging holes, bills need paying after all and it's only expensive if you can't afford it. Let's not forget the few years minimal investment and the 30 million in sales with no cash buys that lead us to where we are though.
  8. tomphil

    Jim Bowen

    Did a great cameo on Phoenix Nights as well.
  9. tomphil

    Jim Bowen

    Nobody could get away with as many gaffs presenting a tv show as Jim Bowen it was almost like it was scripted that way he handled it so well. Good memories of bullseye and my mam and dad shouting at the telly 'it's a fix' whenever someone won and the little speedboat or ugly caravan got wheeled out yet when they lost 'look at what you could've won' - always a car
  10. They'll never dig because of the domino effect, one dig unearths untoward goings on and all hell breaks loose. Then you get the next club/set of fans wanting an equiry and so on before you know it half the clubs in England are up in arms over one thing or another. Letting sleeping dogs lie and brushing the dirt straight under the carpet is their mantra it's all in their best interests. One day the whole morally corupt sandcastle will come tumbling right down. More likely to be Sky going bust or some other money related thing that will bring it about not some irrelevant in their eyes football club.
  11. Wilder used to box behind his jab and move around quite well but he's seemed to get worse technically fight by fight over the past few years however his power, reach and leverage are absolutely lethal. I think he's so desperate to be take seriously he's abandoned working on his limited skills and just relies on his bombs but that's a dangerous game and you feel a good HW with plenty in the tank will take him out. He's benefitted more than most from the lack of depth of HW talent in this era and although Ortiz has something about him no way is that victory anything like as credible as the AJ or Fury one's over Klitschko, a man who Wilder should have been walking over broken glass to get to before those two did. But you don't do what he's done without being a bit good so fair play to him.
  12. Coming from the Chorley side I've no affinity with Accy like a few Rovers fans but what a fantastic achievement I hope they can keep it up and go all the way. Now that is a club being run and managed properly.
  13. It seems he's had the arm around the shoulder treatment with Mowbray trying to keep him involved and giving him mins here and there sometimes when it might have called for better options.. Now it's kick up the arse time. One thing about TM is he seems to give players more than a fair crap of the whip but after a while if he's getting nothing in return he'll drop them to one side. Strong management, no room for snowflakes here anymore hopefully and hopefully Samuel regroups and comes back stronger on the back of it.
  14. Yep he did well but he's yet to take a shot around the eyes at 154 so it'll be interesting although tonight will have done him the world of good mentally.
  15. Poor matchmaking by Hearn that was, yes it was big money but you're right it took the wind right out of Brooks sails in terms of being an elite fighter for a bit longer.
  16. The sales of Jones, Samba, Kalanic totalled near enough what Venkys & their associates paid for and took on with Rovers. Yes they also took on large contract commitments etc but within a business with guaranteed income of 20 mill plus per year and 50 mill over 4 years if relegated. Yes they spent a bit but until Rhodes was signed they were 10 mill plus up on outgoings v incomings in terms of fees. At the beginning they were nowhere near as daft as some would like to think in financial terms and i'll believe until i'm pushing up daises or someone proves otherwise that they got some or all their initial stake money back within the first few years. After that well god only knows all we know for sure is they've somehow stood the bills and unfortunately made many many tossers rich in the process but over the next few seasons it would be fitting if they invested some sensible money every summer in the new set up and did a forensic audit every year to make sure it was being used correctly like recently. As for Burnley yes please make it be true, they have a certain way of doings things that has proved right for them but any change brings a fresh approach and once it starts going tits up it's hard for outsiders to stop it.
  17. I'm with you on Groves Gav he's kind of grown on me and he's matured in and out of the ring everything he said about Eubank is correct because he was speaking from his own experience. One thing about Groves is he's never in a dull fight and he can be hurt and run out of gas but that just makes him more exciting to watch imo, he's a cracking fighter. Eubank can still go on to be good he has bags of talent but needs a new approach and to stop trying to fight like his old man. I don't actually blame the dad like many do in terms of the fight itself he was yelling at Junior to get busy and jab inbetween rounds in the corner right from the off. He needs to go to a real trainer like Freddie Roach or someone for 6 months. Brook is finished at top level I think and I fear a sorry demise if he goes on too long chasing belts and paydays as like Haye his mind is willing but his body won't take it anymore.
  18. Rather than have a run in the side just for the sake of it i'd rather they use the better options available.
  19. Done a good job and I said a while ago he's a good fit for the club on many levels and is the experienced all round guy we've been crying out for a long time, helped by being left to do his job obviously. Only real issues I have like a few others are his constant tinkering and formation changes game in game out which has led to some awful first halves and has held the team back at times I feel and I think there's plenty evidence. That though is balanced out by his canny knack of changing for the better so there must be method in his madness as we are top, he's making use of what he has effectively if not spectacularly. If we have to grind the season out that way so be it he isn't going to change I don't think. Long way to go yet and many acid tests to pass but so far so good, fair play to him.
  20. Certainly for home games the team and tactics we had v Shrews I see no need whatsoever to make any unforced changes or alterations. When you've found a formula that works well then just stick with it until it isn't working, if it keeps working and those in the shirts keep fighting to hold them stay with it and sod sentiment and trying to keep everyone happy the ultimate goal is to win promotion not give as many as possible mins on the pitch. Others always get their chance through subs, injuries, suspensions, players needing a rest etc so most play a part in it anyway.
  21. I was just going to mention that one 'Blackburn don't have fans they have a jury' or something similar although I don't know which era it was referring to but occasionally in the past it's been hard to disagree ! Only remember him for his radio work mostly 5 live but he was always very good and realistic, a great leveller for pompous Green & Co. RIP
  22. Long been my opinion that some money flows through the club elsewhere in some sort of accounting practice we can't still be paying every debt from 5 years ago most of that will have been squared off now and they front loaded some a few years ago to pay a load off. I don't care now either because if the actual paying off is significantly reduced and some money from wherever it comes from actually starts touching the sides and sticking in a way it's beneficial now then fine. If it's used properly a slow slight rebuild might get underway, before the next cashing in anyway, never let it be overlooked the 30 millionish of players sold over a couple of years and the cronic lack of reinvestment that saw us plunge to where we are now and we are still a long way from out of it yet. Hopefully for once they'll now start fulfilling properly their obligations as owners in terms of running it to a football plan !
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