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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Hope not but it didn't make sense selling 30+ mill of players in quick succession reinvesting virtually nothing and ending up relegated but it happened and it maybe had to.
  2. We are still on a financial tightrope and you'd think another large dollop of share capital will be needed in Jan/Feb or a big sale or two unless they go down the high interest loan route again. I wouldn't expect much in Jan apart from maybe a loan in covered by one out or more pruning. Still an incredible number of 'employees' on the payroll despite the shrinking nature of the club and cutbacks made
  3. The guy is a drug cheat end of. The bums going nowhere ! Wonder how many 2nd rate pumped up cruisers they've got lined up for him before he runs away from Joshua or Wilder for 12 rounds
  4. It would appear the drugs cheat has been cleared to fight again by UKAD after what appears to have been a secret ban which is now time served. Think i'll leave the country the tosser was never out of the media whilst he's been banned so god help us now. I don't care who does it but someone somewhere please expose him for the big awkward gangly non fighter that he is. Pity there is such an all time shallow pool of genuine heavyweight talent out there in this era outside of the top 3 or 4.
  5. With Conway not being a flying winger I always feel Mowbray likes to start him to tuck in down that side which again suggests we might sit off from the start but like you say no real options now. Probably rather start like that than play a striker on the right as well I suppose, young quick winger desperately needed in Jan.
  6. A point would be ok but trouble is when they set out for a point we usually end up chasing the game and often losing. Get after them, get in front then worry about it.
  7. Certainly one for the purists and hard to call. Loma on a split decision for me although wouldn't rule out a draw !
  8. If he lets them off the leash from the beginning Posh 1 Rovers 3 If he reverts to type and reels them in yet again Posh 2 Rovers 2
  9. The dodgiest of the dodgy and it just shows what can be done and what goes on. All is never on the inside what it seems like on the outside.
  10. Which perhaps shows that they just wanted A football club, why would they want A football club I wonder ?
  11. On the txt thing my take is before that only hardcore boxing fans knew who Eddie Chambers was but the day after everyone who follows boxing knew who he was, say no more. I can believe AJ has a nasty streak you can see it in the ring and it's no bad thing it's something that makes him stand out from the Bruno types but I struggle to believe he'd be that naïve. Chambers being Furys pal and chief sparring partner adds weight to it, it'll be some kind of stunt whether Joshua is in on it or not.
  12. Interesting stuff from the podcast i'll have to dig that up later. It is true though and the loose less perfect looking guys at heavyweight tend to have longer careers providing they are good fighters of course. Holmes, Foreman when he was in his 40's, Bowe would have done but his head and heart went. Fury much as I loathe him also falls into that category although for me he falls into the Bowe one as well sadly. Fair point on Bellew waiting but I just can't see it coming off unless Haye is playing games having got the fight in the bag. It was always going to be a massive ask to get back from an injury like that so quick for a fight of this magnitude.
  13. Always been a fan but i'm sick of him now he only came back for the doh and took out a few club fighters then the money on offer for Bellew probably seemed like to good to turn down. The original version of Haye beats Bellew any day but that version is gone for good and I genuinely said to someone the other day Bellew would win again because Haye would break down again. Your right on the training and Bellew said it as well, Haye trains hard he always does he's a demon trainer but he trains like an athlete not a boxer and the constant niggles he gets are weightlifters injuries not boxing ones the way he conditions himself is all wrong. Can't believe TB is going to rearrange it and wait for him putting his own career on hold he'll break down again in the run up to the next one for sure. Haye will end up like Mike Tyson & Holyfield getting beaten by nobodies once the fight has gone past a few rounds because he's a busted flush just fighting to pay debts RETIRE !
  14. Haye pulls out ..... again. If your injured your injured so no point taking the money turning up and serving up a shocker so no prob with him calling it off but he really should pack it in now his body has been telling him it's time for about 4 years. Desperate for cash though no doubt.
  15. With the crock of crap pouring out of Rovers at every turn it's no wonder most were taken in by it, ok we might have thought a lot of it was pie in the sky but what actually followed came from the depths of hell. Biggest sting in British football bar none, this club and those corrupt crackpots have created more undeserving millionaires in the last 7 years than the national lottery yet they behave like it's just lost coins down the settee whilst the club and fans suffer. It would be unbelievable if it hadn't actually happened !
  16. Was Bob the head of Venkys London or Kentaro ? He knew the plans ....
  17. Yep there was a reason the Klitschkos weren't keen on fighting in the USA they new sooner or later they'd get stitched up. When belts leave their shores the Yanks don't like it and will do anything to get them back there or keep them. Manny got stiched v Tim Bradley, Khan in a fight as well once I think then you look at the GGG v Canello fight and that scoring. The way it was engineered as soon as Vitali gave up the WBC it was always going to find it's way straight to Wilder then when the IBF pinched the belt back Fury had won it ends up in the hands of Charles fliipin Martin. People including me call Hearn at times but he played an absolute blinder getting Martin straight over here by offering huge money because they knew a raw inexperienced AJ would smash him otherwise that would have ended up in Wilders hands pretty quickly. It was a masterstroke straight out of the Don King handbook when he lavished money on Bruno only months after he'd finally won it to go and be Mike Tyson's sacrifice again in his second coming after Frank won the belt off Dons man McCall. Maybe Fury isn't that daft after all at least he's got people believing he's still a champ years later when he could have lost it again quickly by actually fighting
  18. Wilders talking nonsense they offered him 4 million a career highest purse or something to come here and fight Dillian Whyte a fight he should be all over and he didn't want to know. That would have raised his profile over here and in Europe and got the winner a guaranteed shot at Joshua should he still be unbeaten yet he's papping on oh AJ has to come to the USA to be recognised as the real champ. Total bull the UK is now widely recognised as the home of HW boxing the US has been out of that for about 15 years after the last great generation got old and the Klitschkos and some other Eastern Europeans took over. Wilder is running scared all the onus is on him he's untested against the divisions best, has been steered very skilfully around fights and is unknown and unappreciated largely in his home country despite his spectacular record because the majority of his opponents are club fighters. IMO he's good and has nothing to fear it's a 50/50 fight all day long but he simply has to come to Joshua not the other way around because AJ holds all the cards and most of the other coveted belts and England has Wembley and 90k fans waiting.
  19. Get the wheels greased under the table in similar fashion. Pity tantric has retired he would have dug up a pot of cash thrown together in some dark corner of the world by some unofficial syndicate no doubt.
  20. I think they'll flog the club as quick as they can and use those funds to try and stave off paying out the 31 million which would probably bankrupt them personally.
  21. Yep they cut away anyone who might challenge them when they saw what was going on and now we just have a spineless puppet and a guy who should have resigned his guest directorship on principle years ago. They seem to have got away scot free though which is a bit odd.
  22. Aye wouldn't at all be surprised if Oyston stitches them up somehow or retains a stake but it would seem they are desperate for cash now and won't want to dip into their personal wealth so I guess it's anything goes ...
  23. Very pleased for them the way they've stuff at it and stuck to their guns they deserve it and it shows karma does always get served eventually, I hope the vile Oystons end up in a B&B in a stinking Blackpool back street somewhere. Sadly for us and handily for them they've been able to target those responsible on almost a daily basis but at the end of the day it did take one wealthy business man going after another to end up with this result.
  24. Bleeding money out with the help of a 3rd party, that old chestnut. I know a few Bolton diehards and they were convinced Gartside was on the take long before this they absolutely detested the fella and it seems our old friends had fingers in the Bolton pie a long time ago. Just consider the stage managed exit of Coyle from Burnley to Bolton thoroughly greased in the press by yes you've guessed it the fat red top muck raker . So much so that he was receiving all manor of threats from the great unwashed and couldn't go near the Turd for a good while. But of course good old Owen has never heard of them.
  25. lol you'd have gone off your rocker if it was Joyce with the UTD connection They plumped for Coyle because he was another of their agents yes men and he was cheaper. Cheston lied about it and Coyle himself lied in public, absolutely no need for that whatsoever unless your covering up.
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