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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Yet their continued connections remain long after so I wonder just what exactly that settlement was ? You keep throwing us a bone and we won't tell what we know about you or something along those lines.
  2. If you don't sniff foul play in the Coyle appointment Vinjay I think you need the doc with that cold it must've been on you a long time. Even the clubs one and only home based director couldn't tell the truth on that one. As for the alleged Kentaro lawsuit why hasn't all the details of this come to light ? Did it every actually go through or was it just posturing or even a smokescreen to put the FA off the scent ? And if it did go ahead just what were they suing for exactly ? Why didn't similar steps get taken towards Anderson himself and SEM ? The Berg contract ended up in court and all the details are there, why did that contract get altered AFTER it was agreed then signed off by Shaw without permission of a head V ?
  3. Yep Belokon got burnt after he'd spent his money funding a promotion drive only for them to then give it him back and cream all the profits themselves at the expense of the prosperity of the club. Think he realised pretty soon he'd got in bed with snakes but his money was tied up although he turned off his taps and has been on the fans side ever since. From the outside looking in it seems 3rd parties here have used Venky money to fund the continuing dismantling of the playing side of the club and diverting as much as possible into their own pockets. Personally I think it goes deeper than that certainly where Barry conman and his cronies are concerned.
  4. Either a contract, unofficial shareholders or covering up it always comes back to one or all of those. In any line of business or even friendship you only listen to bad advice once, twice if your generous but 3 strikes and your out. If it's costing tens of millions per year you'd be suing your own mother never mind a friend like 'one of the family'.
  5. Yes correct that's what I'm saying ,...... about the Oystons. You added the other bit yourself but bottom line is if they'd used agents it would have cost them but they'd have got away with a huge wad and been able to put it down to bad advice. Besides that doesn't it strike you that the Vs don't particularly care that huge amounts have gone into Anderson and co's pockets ? Either that or they couldn't/can't do anythjng sbout it
  6. Read the whole post i'm clearly pointing to how 'they' have gone about their scam compared to Rovers.
  7. All Oystons have done at Blackpool is freeze out the agents and didn't wheel and deal in big money big contract players and kept the profits themselves whereas at Rovers a myriad of people have taken the money generated by tv income and big contract/fee wheeler dealing. About time those here are brought to book, if Oystons followed a similar path to the happenings here they'd probably have got away with it by having 3rd parties bleed the money out but it would have cost them commission of course. Rovers has been stitched up good and proper by a set of thieves who clearly knew what they were doing and a bunch of idiots who didn't.
  8. Sounds like Venkys, SEM/Kentaro, Cressendo, Anderson, Kean etc and Blackburn Rovers really. Hush hush
  9. WBC are a farce they might as well just have given that belt straight to Wilder once Vitali retired.
  10. I don't know if syphon is the right term for Oyston i think at one point they just wrote themselves a cheque for 11 million from the tv money or something so it was blatant thieving. Syphoning is a bit more complex, hard to prove, has a variety of ways it could be applied and there is no evidence to say it doesn't go on at other clubs. Sheer arrogance has undone Oyston, not for the first time.
  11. Classic example last night of why Wilder has held on to that WBC belt, tough oppo gets pulled out on him yet again so he gets fed an unfit bum who he's already beaten coming in for a pay cheque. No doubting the guy has lead in his fists and is seriously quick but someone somewhere is going to hit him back one day. Contrast to Joshua who after what should be a difficult opponent pulls out he get's the IBF no 3 stepping in who's been training as back up since the original fight was announced not just coming off his sofa at 12 days notice as some would make believe. WBC is the top belt but rankings and officials are a farce it was the same in the 90's. They must've been gutted when Vitali had that strap well away from the USA but now it's back they'll not let it go easy. He won't come over here to defend it just like he swerved the Klitschko bros in Germany despite the belts being over there.
  12. Which striker is going to get played on the wing now last 20 of every game I wonder
  13. Your right about lack of depth of real quality in the HW div compared to previous generations, there's been a void of a real good pool of heavies for over a decade now. These days the top guys are absolute giants though following on from the marker set down by the Klitschko brothers so unless they fight each other you won't often get good technical boxing matches. Fury struggled plenty times with much smaller very limited bar room brawlers but looked good v Wlad as did AJ. Smaller brawlers will always cause these guys probs and make it uneasy on the eye but they'll usually come up short. To be the boss you have to beat all types of shapes sizes and styles. Iron Mike in his pomp thrived and taking bigger guys out for fun his unique style was tailor made for it and he'd probably have mown down any of these lot when he was at his vicious best, he had probs with guys similar size and strength to him like Douglas and Holyfield were his bob and weave couldn't really work the angles the same as with bigger guys so he just slugged but his short arms meant he fell short whilst getting tagged himself. The Klitchkos on the other hand reversed that and figured out a style to beat everyone because nearly all were much smaller but had probs with big guys like themselves. All about styles and fights but Joshua can box he picked his shots quite well at times last night although he still needs to get rid of some rawness.
  14. Joshua needs to drop a bit of bulk imo and come in around 17.5 he always looks ready to gas midfight and people are cottoning on now although I know he was preparing was the much bigger Pulev but he put weight ON in the final week. Thought he fought the right way though if a bit sluggish by his usual standards, real tough opponent but he's operating at top level now so these are the tests and he was probably the best guy he's fought up to now Klitschko aside. Lessons learned from the likes of Lewis and Wlad who slipped up badly early career against these types going looking to just blow them away. Fair play to Takam the HW division needs guys like that and he probably did deserve to go out on his shield and I did get the impression the ref was looking all night to protect the homeboy once his hooter was bust. Unlikely he would have seen the final bell though but it robbed us paying punters of a final few exciting mins as he would have gone down swinging so you never know.
  15. Worth noting he was playing Ward above Downing at times and probably would have done at Oldham regardless of who was fit apart fron Darragh. He's a tinkermon !
  16. Buster Douglas was a 42-1 underdog when he shocked the world v Tyson so this guy must be worth a punt although the odds won't be that long. Joshua always prepares meticulously although since Wlad he's been popping up at awards, on the social and TV circuit quite a bit so you never know. Mike Tyson on the other hand was flying back to the US from his Tokyo training base to shag his favourite hooker and visit his favourite night club a few weeks before the fight after his head had gone into full on meltdown. Press these days would've been all over that and Busters odds would've been a lot less plus he had a great left jab and looked as if he was building a decent CV which went right over the bookies and most pundits heads it seems. I think AJ will be a little less wild in his private life lol but you never know with HW's. Could be an earner.
  17. Teams who haven't been paid for a month or two are over running us from start to finish and showing the heart for battle missing in some of our lot. The lack of real desire and urgency you need in every game if you crave promotion just doesn't seem to be evident in anything apart from words. All to often it just seems to be a shrug of the shoulders 'oh it's not happening today but it might tomorrow' type attitude. It was the same last season though, soft underbelly and weak management for so long it's now in every fibre of the club, keep your head down, mouth shut and pick up your wages.
  18. Could be real tricky this for Joshua although having already got tickets i think it might make for a more exciting fight than Pulev plus he's IBF no 3 contender so it's fair enough. Looking forwards to it now whereas before i was expecting a bit of a grind. Must've been a few question marks around Pulev seeing as they've had this guy on standby in full training since the original fight was announced. They don't call him fast Eddie for nothing
  19. Both in equal measure but we have a bench that should be able to alter things yet it doesn't always get used correctly so that's down to the manager. He throws them on but gives them the wrong tasks out of position or next to one or two out of position so they can never build any momentum plus his subs are to predictable now opposition know what's coming.
  20. Bunce nailed it tonight, what works against one man at HW won't always work against another it doesn't happen like that. Highlighting Norton beating Ali then Foreman beating Norton and so on. Beating the man doesn't make you the man you've got to beat the rest as well to be known as the man all the best did that to earn their status and all the greats lost at one time or another and came back. Beating the man makes you the man of the 'moment' nothing more and those moments pass.
  21. Then you'd duck the rematch, retire and boast about it for the next 20 years whilst resembling a demented hippo on legs
  22. I'm sure your his brother or something you get the hump easy when a few facts are pointed out Cunningham had lost THREE of his 4 fights previous to the Fury one, I think even Prince Charles or Brezeale would have done for him pal. Never mind keep dragging Joshua into it I couldn't care less if he laboured your too blinkered to acknowledge he's a completely different kind of fighter who's deceptively quick when he launches some attacks and is quick to pin down his opponent when he chooses in between his 'labouring' perhaps just perhaps that's his style. Survival first box counter off the back foot second is the Peter Fury way and whilst it might get some good results it won't get you through a career. What's the big deal about being unbeaten anyway ? Does that automatically make you a modern day great if you only have ONE name on your record, is that enough to retire and live off the back of forever ? He is undefeated for a reason your right it's because aside from 1 top fighter he's fought no one and you can't get beaten if you never effin fight can you, he knows that damn well ! Anyway turn it in now your out of legs to stand on and it's a bit boring just like the Fury's who couldn't sell out a phone box between them !
  23. Grow up ffs how am I going to look silly Fury has made an ass of himself time and time again an embarrassment to himself and the sport. He ran away (literally) from the rematches and everything he does now goes against him wanting to fight again despite the clap trap he comes out with. He was trying to call himself the baddest man on the planet not long ago, ha he wouldn't have lasted two days in the real Tysons world. Guys a cartoon character. He like you will be saying the same thing in 5 years and living off the back that fight forever. If you a grown man want to continue to buy into his nonsense that's up to you. We had a similar convo, disagreement about 12 months ago where you told me he was training and looking better, I told you no he wasn't and I told you he won't fight again, he's gone in the head and his heart went first. As for the PEDS the Furys themselves have caused several delays to that the latest being they asked for some evidence to be discounted, before that they wanted time to submit their own evidence and before that the big guy was ducking his drug tests and threatening the random testers who turned up. Not exactly the right way to go about it is it ? It's all a shame because if he'd continued after he out hustled a flat footed Wlad (schooled ) we'd know by now just what he was really about and i'd stake my house on someone having poleaxed him, maybe not one of the other big guys either. Anyway we'll never agree on him so i'm not falling out and despite all the rants i'd prefer to see him fit and well and in the ring but I just can't stand the guy and his crew, never have never will and that goes back to before Joshua appeared on the scene he's nowt to do with it I just despair the state of the game at HW level now where you have a few limited giants (inc the pikeys) and then a massive void, no one to test them unless they fight each other. Oh by the way Whyte beat Chisora who Fury beat & AJ KOed him, just like he KOed Wlad which Fury didn't, yeah he took a dip but so what he got up and came back, proper fighter that lad As long as they keep the other Joshua away from him !!!!
  24. Decent stuff from Masher Dodd and Rocky Fielding so far tonight although Stalker has always been a tad over rated and local lad Jack Catt battered him
  25. Dragging up Joshua again because he's everything your fat clown isn't i'm amazed you haven't thrown out the 'casual' term as well I'm hardly of an age to be having a poster boy and as for balance I said I wouldn't be surprised if Fury beat Wlad as he's a giant and he'd never faced anything like that plus he was at that point in a long hard career THIRTY NINE YEARS OLD. They all run out of steam eventually but I gave credit to Fury he got the job done. All this would've, could've, should've is irrelevant the fact is he's one a off joining a long list of one offs who in the grand scheme of things were no great shakes apart from one great career performance. (beating Chisora isn't a marker of greatness either ) Undefeated, jesus he's only had 2 real fights ! After that well he's blown it hasn't he so we'll never know but it's painful reading him running his mouth off from behind his keyboard and his belly and his followers who should know better swallowing every bit of garbage him and his family come out with. I'm done this subject, your welcome to him and his victim playing drug snorting/dealing collection of scumbags.
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