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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Can't stand em pal i'll make no bones about it. As for the Joshua comments come on OOJW if you are a boxing fan you'll appreciate the completely different approach by Klitschko in both those fights he was prepared to go out on his shield in the last fight and in front of him he had someone who goes head hunting not running. Hit and not get hit is the name of the game but you have to actually hit not flick your paw into thin air or bounce the underside of your glove off the top pf the head if you want to gain points or break down your opponent. Difference with Tyson is he can switch hit round the earoles as he's going backwards or slipping a predictable shot, Hughie didn't. Fury as he was v Wlad & AJ is a 50/50 fight but it's naïve to think Joshua wouldn't pin him down and land he would and it's a case of what happens then particularly after 5/6 rounds. We can forget it though it's not happening big Tyson despite his words to the contrary will never be in that shape again, end of because deep down he doesn't really want it. For every bit I might be dramatic where the Furys are concerned you are blinkered pal
  2. Fury's - way overated pillowfisters - victims, conspiracies etc etc. Boring negative fighters. Bunch of absolute clowns the lot of em ! Have you seen the state of that big goon now ? Looks like Foreman did when he was 48 not 28 No license doesn't stop you training, no excuses he's an embarrassment to the sport as are his gobshite think they know it all, boxing owes them family.!!!!!!!!1 On a serious note if I was that pair i'd take off to America and get away from the family and the stink they carry round. Get in a gym over there with a roughhouse trainer and learn the art of fighting to go with that backwards motion they have and gigantic reach. Both have the size and footwork but need more imo, forget the lineal champ rubbish he only proved he could outhustle a very subdued 39 year old champ in a one off fight. A guy who ultimately ended up battered in his next fight because quite simply his time was coming to an end and in both his last fights although contrasting performances it was clear he was out of steam after halfway, it's called age. They need a rethink because at this moment ones career is over and the others imo could go backwards before it's really got going.
  3. It's not on that they bring their own refs with them though On the other point yeah you can't beat what being in the Prem brings to your local area and I think PNE are going about it the right way, positive managerial appointment.
  4. Nobbers only won because super Lowe went off injured after 3 mins
  5. Bonus side is the longer these lot stay together at U23 they become a stronger unit. No surprise that I fully expect the contract situations to be holding some back given who has been hovering up the kids for years according to some. God knows what's written in their deals and it probably turns out cheaper to borrow kids whose clubs are sending them for next to nothing. I do think though that miss out on promotion this season and we'll be seeing most of the U23s at first team level soon enough.
  6. Was watching an old HBO documentary last night centred around Mike Tysons comeback fight after the shock loss to Douglas. Tyson was pleading for the rematch as was Don King plus there was a who ha about the long count Douglas received after Tyson decked him (14 secs) so they were trying to get that win overturned also one or two of the unified belts Douglas had ripped from Tysons grasp were refusing to acknowledge Buster because of the long count. There was a public outcry and even Tyson to his credit told King to drop all that and Douglas was given his belts but Iron Mike was still pleading the rematch however unlike these days the Authorities ordered the mando who was Holyfield next and not only that the mando for another of the titles was Foreman who'd come back so that was next for the winner. That's the way it should be and not even Don King nor Tysons mega drawing power could alter it but now there'd have been a rematch clause in the original contract and probably a rubber stamp one next had the score been evened. SKY etc would have wielded their power for the biggest earning fight next no matter who deserved what even if there wasn't a rematch clause. Like football, money and tv control top level boxing these days and it's getting pathetic it'll blow itself out soon as I don't think it's as foolproof as the football bubble. There has been a series of daft or unfair fights made over the last 12 months just down to earning power and that 'event' last night which 10/15 years ago would have been billed as an exhibition match and treated as such just topped the lot, millions fooled by the hype and continuous in yer face marketing by Boxers on Sky who knew the score but tried to pretend different. I don't think that's a one off I think it's the beginning of more farce when they see the figures. So glad I didn't have any part of it by paying or even watching it ! Cotto on Boxnation did me just fine.
  7. Well the Jack/Clev prediction came right and a nice win for a legend in the other real boxing match, Miguel Cotto, shame it was overlooked for an exhibition bout. Anyway hopefully that's the end of it CM comes out with a bit of respect he's a tough guy but in reality the things he thought would swing it in his favour, size, age, inactivity just bought him a few extra rounds nothing else. No more crossovers now please, two great sports but very different they don't gel at all.
  8. Pretty much nails how I feel and god help us if Floyd has aged badly and McGregor connects with a big one given his size, think that'll go against him though and Mayweather should dance rings around him he'll be too big and slow.
  9. So the night of the big fight is finally here, I see It going something like this ... Cleverly will take the fight to Jack and outbox him for 5 rounds maybe even hurting him a time or two but Jack will grind it out and come back strong and stop Nathan when the gas runs out in the later rounds.
  10. Ah maybe so, I thought it was odd it was quite cheap considering.
  11. Riverside usually shut for these early round cup games so i suppose it's a bonus they've left that open Dingles on buses again so plod continuing to have their say.
  12. I wonder how many of their lot will choose to spend their money on a trip to Ewood over a trip to Wembley for their game v Spuds, tickets only £30 adults by the way, Quite a lot I would wager.
  13. There must have been 3k + walk ons there was loads buying tickets before 2pm so it'll take some convincing for them to return for MK Dons, classic Rovers shooting themselves in the foot tactic although that's been going on as long as I can remember
  14. You have a point although this is Burnley it's always been about us and them fan wise so everything else to one side. Let's stick it up em, a win v these lot might just light the fuse for the season before all the belief totally evaporates.
  15. I'm reading the U23s played a similar system to the first team on Sat ? Let this Nuttall lad have a go at Burnley in the reserves cup !
  16. The way it's panning out and the short timespan for tickets I can see only about 7k home fans
  17. They manage all that but somehow failed to give any ticket details for Bradford away
  18. Not on TV so expect daft prices and a gate barely over 10k.
  19. I said last season that if we went down to league 1 under this lot we'd be finished as a club. At the very best we've 1 chance to bounce back this season and that rests on Mowbray which is worrying. After this season it's curtains for the foreseeable believe me.
  20. It did get stick on here and quite rightly at times it was painful party line treading stuff but it was the content not it's existence that got stick. I'd imagine it was mainly aimed at the community in general and those who for whatever reason couldn't attend otherwise why have it in the first place ? Not as if 20 thousand people sat at the match had earplugs in listening to it. Therefore it's a community service axed imo. Poor form yet again from the clueless suits, how much does multi millionaire Bob put back into the club ?
  21. So the first thing they do is dump it instead of looking at other ways of maybe operating it and financing it, pathetic but typical of the pass the buck culture at Ewood. Likes of Cheston & co hiding behind the audit on one hand and the owners on the other, not our fault gov just doing as we are told. Surely they could have sought a sponsor for it or something along those lines all this oh it's ok get on ifollow or stream or whatever is just typical of the clueless thinking down there, clubs now aimed at the few not the many. Many across Blackburn & Darwen won't have the option of anything internet based particularly the older generation but the attitude is if you can't pay for what's on offer screw you. Community club ?
  22. I'm sure they could have downgraded the radio station a bit without completely scrapping it. One commentator is enough and they are shooting themselves in the foot a bit seeing as it was the clubs biggest propaganda machine in recent times. How much is the license to broadcast ? Probably less than servicing and cleaning one vehicle of the fat mans car collection
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