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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. DO NOT RUIN THIS WITH STUPID TICKET PRICES CHESTON or it'll fall on it's arse if it's on TV. For once come up with something imaginative to fill the place up, won't be a full house but 18 to 20k should be achievable if the price is right. Leave the BBE upper tier closed unless there is demand to keep the other sections as full as possible to help atmosphere and stick the majority of the visiting horde in the upper tier of the DE if their allocation is restricted. Oh and tell the police to do one if they start talking bubbles, they don't run the football club. Time for some spine here.
  2. Burnley fans to travel up via A1, Rovers fans to Anglsey then via Dublin to Shetland !
  3. Mike Cheston is currently doing cartwheels naked across his living room under his life sized ceiling picture of fat Barry. Blackburn police are already drawing up the bill on a cost plus 50% basis and looking for as many ways as possible to ruin the fixture.
  4. Do they not bother advising them to 'Check source' then check it again in journo college.
  5. Away at Villa probs , not long ago we'd have been saying not them again but right now it's an attractive proposition.
  6. Yes no doubting he's a cultured player more of a thinking defender than blood and thunder so get a couple of those types around him and he'll be fine. I don't think he lacks the motivation it's just the type of player he is, slightly laid back.
  7. Noticed that when he first came he's a bit of a ball watcher too casual at times although I put that down to the championship settling in period for him but maybe not. We desperately need some win the ball first ask questions later type defenders we are so lead footed at the back, it'll keep proving costly. We are going to end up needing to score 3 or 4 to win games again !
  8. 3 at the back in away games in the league is very much a no no from me it just doesn't suit these players. All at sea when Cov attacked at times from highlights I've seen although they gradually got to grips with it but in a league game with more robust opponents we could have been 2 or 3 down again. Great attacking effort and the football flowed at times but just as Southend presented a challenge we maybe didn't need on opening day Coventry are the opposite, just the type of team you need to be playing away in the cup to get the season underway.
  9. Never been a fan of it aside from odd games as I think you need really good players to master it and certainly a leader or two organising it.
  10. It really is beyond me how so many watch that type of utter trash and even worse it gets on the front and middle of newspapers nearly everyday.
  11. I'll go along with that although i'd prefer to avoid the 3 at the back if poss, we aren't good enough to carry it off imo. Good effort tonight, much needed confidence boosting win altho oppo has to be taken into account.
  12. It's a cracking effort yet again i'd have expected 2/300 I remember Brum only bringing 160 to Ewood in early rounds of this when we were both in the Prem.
  13. The times that perma tanned gimp raced on the pitch at Ewood whenever Bolton scored here no ta He's a turkey but he's found his niche now so leave him down there and hope he takes Southend places we've had more than enough 'it's all about me' type managers that's why TM is proving popular with fans. That won't wash very much longer if he doesn't get his team gathering results though.
  14. You see 50/60s and 90s fashion, hair, music and styles coming around again every so often but I always wondered why nothing from the 70s
  15. I seem to recall it was no more than 10k pwk for Rovers under our embargo. Is this because the ave wage in the champ is c10k pwk whilst it's c4.5k in league 1 or something ? Our embargo did seem rather odd compared to others for some reason.
  16. You used to see the odd player or two from whatever opposition had been at Ewood occasionally out round Blackburn on Saturday nights as well, often ones who hailed from the North West. I think when they clock off after a match wherever they are they can go anywhere they please it's their time unless the gaffer says otherwise. Lower down the leagues the less of a big deal it becomes and the bigger the dicking about culture is evident.
  17. She would probably have done better than him. I remember a load of Rovers players in Manhattan Heights every Saturday night being back slapped off fans win lose or draw and whether home or away if they were back in time. If Blackburn had the nightlife it had in the 90 there'd be a few out and about regularly these days no doubt. , Like i said earlier i hope he doesn't turn out to be another Marshall, not a bad guy but far too easily distracted from the day job!
  18. A distraction we don't need that will probably drag on to penalties. Hope no more knocks are picked up or anything. Cov 1 Rovers 1 AET Cov win on pens.
  19. He'll be fine once he discovers Manchester/Cheshire nightclubs and realises they are often populated by birds off Corrie/Hollyoaks etc. Ben Marshall mk2.
  20. So Klitschko retires, right decision definitely you could see he put absolutely everything into that last fight as he surely would have done in the rematch with Fury. Such a shame he didn't get that opportunity as when he was prepared to go out on his shield instead of just try and do enough he was a hell of a fighter. Modern era great and future hall of famer whatever you want to say about him.
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