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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Probably just the BOI's guys looking how they can streamline the operation and it can continue to run itself whilst Venkys pretend it isn't their fault but promise the bank there will be a new set of young players to cash in 18 months to pay down the overdraft again. Hopefully they see the true story and insist on a sale.
  2. Seems odd a bit of an Indian poultry conglomerate should pop up in St Helier, Jersey the base of our former owners.
  3. Do they really own Gary Neville's old house ? If so no doubt the club paid for it so it's about time that was cashed in.
  4. Was just going to say don't we have our own accountant ? What kind of dweeb is he if he can't sort it himself ? Fair enough they might want a second opinion but that guy evidently couldn't run a bath. The real story though will be a set of outside accountants looking at where and how working capital can be well raised as well as cuts. Mike will be hiding in his summer caravan until it's all over.
  5. If we had a real board of directors or still banked with Barclay's then their hand could have been forced by seizing control of the club. The way they've done stuff though prevents anything like that and it makes you wonder if that was planned. Non league is inevitable IMO and it's a pity the pie suppliers can't force admin
  6. If they don't go or do a 360 in the way things are done then it really is just a question of what comes first going bust or going into non league. Really that simple they've broken every other bad record at the club so the next one will be 4 tier for first time ever.
  7. Yep another player or 2 in Jan could have proved priceless but no he shows his true intentions by brining in only his man. The guy will have pound signs in his eyes now, just another snout in as fast emptying trough.
  8. He's going to get freebie 2k per week players foisted upon him and loans of players whose parent club sends them for nowt and who don't really want to be here. Probably had that before at Coventry and he'll know exactly where it leads so I wouldn't be surprised to see a Lambert style 6 month clause suddenly pop up. Dunn will be in charge by August I'd almost stick money on it, TM will get shafted one way or another.
  9. There was a specially customised WBA Super title belt made for Saturday with the fighters names on it. That clears that up then
  10. Even Joshua has apologised in advance of a fight with Fury saying he might have to break his politeness.
  11. There's the IBO as well which AJ now holds.
  12. There was some new thing up for grabs Sat night I'm certain although whether it's an actual new belt or just a one off I don't know. Don't take much notice of the politics side of as not many big fights seem to get made with the titles in mind now it's the PPV etc they are most bothered about.
  13. It is getting daft with all the belts now and they've created something else called the 'super' title or something which was up for grabs last night. It makes it difficult now for 1 guy to dominate but I suppose that's the idea and the more big title fights the more £££££ and dollars I suppose. I always thought of the WBC green strap as the most coveted then the IBF but in previous eras it was probably the WBA & WBO. Now they have the IBO amongst others and also these interim titles like the WBC silver belt and such like. Plain daft but it's big business.
  14. Fury got stripped of the IBF straight away because he had agreed a rematch with Wlad instead of a mandatory. Two bums fought for it and the winner Charles Martin could'nt resist Hearns offer so he got served up to Joshua who battered him in 2. Same problem is now set to happen to Joshua. Then obviously Fury had to relinquish all the other belts before he was stripped over his drug related problems so I think the WBA became available for this fight once it was agreed seeing as Klitschko was robbed of the chance to win it back after holding it for years. Seems fair enough to me although the IBF were out of order with Fury. Have to say I've been to countless live fights but never seen a crowd react like that to a KO. It was like England scoring a last minute winner v Scotland or something, amazing. We also stayed in the same gaff as the Sky team and Nelson, Barker, Froch etc were all in the bar Sat night. Gentleman to a man they all were and such a contrast to lower level footballers who are often classless crude knobs if you happen to bump into them. It was a shame Adam Booth came and sent them all to bed !
  15. Cracking fight and atmosphere and of course answered plenty questions about both fighters. You can also see why Fury ducked the rematch as that version of Klitschko takes that twit out. Hope Wlad retires now there's nowhere else to go but what a class act he's been and a credit to the sport. As so often in boxing it takes a heroic defeat to finally get some credit from some quarters meanwhile a complete knob who pulled off a smash and grab after making a fool of himself turning up to press conferences off his face and has never had a decent toe to toe with another good HW in his career has some rating him as the best around. Laugh out loud !!!! Get it on soon as I say then winner v Wilder but over here which I don't think Wilder will go for as he's another that's been well steered around.
  16. Surprised it hasn't got much attention on here, maybe too many thinking it's another mismatch and an easy night for AJ. Can't decide myself I think he either blows him away or he has big probs on his hands. Could well turn into an ugly maul after a few rounds.
  17. The idea WAS for him to turn out for his country despite not playing in Rovers first team let's not gloss that over.
  18. He only trains with Rovers so he can be fit for International duty and now we can only presume the aim has been to wrap him in cotton wool and get him fit to move in summer. They might get 500k for him
  19. Yet again this is the mess Venkys have created and it's certainly influenced for the worst by certain sets of agents still being allowed to foist their crap on us via @#/? like Coyle & co. Said it before but are these lot being paid correctly ? The shocking fitness and attitude of some of the full time pros won't help set much of an example to the ones loaned in. Maybe they have pay off clauses written in their contracts on relegation it wouldn't surprise me and even ones like Lowe and Bennett just basically go through the motions giving the impression they're busting a gut. If they all take being at Ewood as serious as Stokes has it's no wonder we are in the crap but letting people like Coyle and his 'contacts' recruit contract players and you end up paying the price. I fully expect nothing less than Mike Cheston to resign if we are relegated after putting his name to that one in the interests of covering the real story.
  20. That song is the worst in football and sounds a bit daft when they sing it surrounded by their own empty seats lol Memories of some good tussles with Villa and that Archibald game at Ewood really felt like the big time for a teenage fan although we'd no idea of the real big times to come. Still wouldn't swap those games for anything though.
  21. Constantly starting with defensive or deep lying midfielders and wingers on the wrong sides has made a huge contributed to this and it's been going on for years because that's the only type of players we have mostly. GB was chief architect of it for sure I used to tear my hair out but it's still happening now. They've got to start going for more attack minded more aggressive players all round the squad really. Lambert tried to up the ante but the little lovies weren't keen so the only answer is start bringing in a different type of player where possible.
  22. Well Ricky Burns beaten again it's time he hung them up now he's been living on a prayer for a while. Some dubious decisions up there and Hattons lad got robbed but no hiding place this time he lost about 10 rounds. Great career and achievements but no punch power and his tank has been near empty for a while although he's as tough as they come. Crolla and Flanagan would both out work him now imo when they probably wouldn't have a few years ago. Times up but no doubt fast Eddie and co will rinse a few more quid out of him. Indongo is some fighter though, where has he been hiding to come to the party so late ?
  23. Not having it there's ever been a set too with North End & UTD Briggers they are one and the same people.
  24. With a portion of the training ground sold off to a leisure centre then rented back or something.
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