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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. With a portion of the training ground sold off to a leisure centre then rented back or something.
  2. I'm a bit lost with that I haven't been following this evenings shenanigans. Never mind Yeah Keeley, Reid, Todd anybody !! Johan Vogel would look hard amongst this lot now .
  3. A bit of character just what this bunch of snowflakes needs amongst them.
  4. All for giving youth a chance as long as it's done for the right reasons within the right structure and not just because of desperation because there is no other option due to mismanagement. Have to say though that this season would Tomlinson or Wharton have offered more than say Brown and Lowe at first team level ? It's a fair argument although hindsight is a wonderful thing but we've seen it all before time and time again with Lowe and it wasn't rocket science that Brown wouldn't be capable of offering much these days.
  5. It looked to me like Coyles original plan might have been Lowe, Brown, Greer, Mulgrew across the back but for various reasons it never panned out. The lack of getting Brown fit meant Hoban came in .Shocking really and I refuse to believe Wharton or Ward wouldn't have been better back up this season.
  6. How many skint clubs sign player coaches on 8k pwk ? If you remember back the coaching thing only came out after he'd been here ages but was nowhere near getting fit. They signed him as a player and tried to get him fit but when it wasn't happening and it was under scrutiny Coyle came out with he's helping the coaches with the kids.
  7. In fantasy land it might be a romantic prospect but in reality it's horrific and will send us straight through the other end of that division. There is no old school Crewe Alexandra Dario Gradi story going to unfold here i'm afraid.
  8. Believe you me some will rub their hands at the prospect of it.
  9. Being close to all this action has someone tipped you the nod that this is the plan if relegated ?
  10. I'd say they learned straight away, money in from players the first chunk disappears straight away then the rest of the instalments go towards bills servicing a huge debt running the show. Meanwhile you buy in on the drip which adds to the bank debt running the show. Hit the limit with that, parachutes run out so continue to sell and don't buy at all........simples. Keeps investors happy and the bank for a while at least.
  11. One thing you've got to keep in mind is Wilder is quick on his feet around the ring and should negate Fury's movement which everyone now goes on about but he had a 39 yr old robot shuffling after him who was just looking to put one down his pipe. That won't happen v the likes of Wilder or AJ they'll pin him down a hell of a lot quicker so we'd see how he actually fought guys nearly as big as himself big punches and quick hands. All the questions remain unanswered with him yet. It's crazy but would be really interesting and I said after he beat Wlad that he'd beat Wilder but get nailed by AJ, I also thought at the time that Wilder would nail AJ. All about styles and I don't think there is one of them outright the best of this current era who will dominate the rest like previous times it's a real mixed bag. We'll have to see what version of Fury comes back if he actually does, could be he'll just go in bigger than before and try to bully his way around people. It'll take a lot of time and a hell of a lot of dedication to get near the shape he was in for that last fight. That was about 3 years in the making when he'd got a bit of momentum and big fights were on the horizon so it kept him focused despite the cancellations. Lets not forget the assisted methods which may have helped him get in shape/lose weight, take his mind off things. They won't be an option this time around.
  12. Just basing the Wilder thing on the fact he's been around a while and kept beating what's been put in front of him. He's been the most active and he's defended his belt five times. Outside of Klitchsko he's the main man on paper surely.
  13. His CV still stacks up better than anything on Fury's pre Wlad though so just because he pulled it off in that one doesn't make him the man either. History is littered with one off heavyweight champs that's all i'm saying. I've never bought into the 'he's the man because he beat the man' stuff proper champs defend the belts not run off and hide after their partying ways have left them out of shape and nursing long term Monday blues. Not sure on Parker but then again i'm not sure of Hughie either (surprise). Just going off the fact Parker can bang a bit.
  14. Seen him twice when dragged there by an ex GF and despite him not being my cup of tea I was surprised how good he was. Played about 2 hours almost non stop which was impressive and he nailed most songs. It was a while ago so I don't know how he sounds these days but would agree a stadium is better than an arena for his type of stuff. One of the last of the true entertainers who tries his best to give the moneys worth i'd say.
  15. Hayes a bit deluded now sadly and he can't sit still for two mins which won't help but I think he needs the cash so he'll rush back and probably end up the same way if it's good opposition then his leg will be knackered for good. Maybe he can get away with fighting another nobody for a few quid in his first fight back though seeing as he had a bad injury. It's a gimme really so i'm sure that will appeal. Burns beats Crolla for me, good fighter Anthony but not in that top bracket I don't think, got a schooling on Sat night by a real top guy. Parker I think will have too much for the other suspected roider and the top guy around is Wilder he's kept going and kept winning although he's been steered away from the other very top guys. I think that's been more about trying to create a couple of super fights to maximize the most money from than anything else though. Neverheless his record suggests he's the no 1.
  16. .onI'd like to see evidence of Wlad avoiding him ? Because it didn't happen and I think most of Fury's stuff when he was rising up was tailored for him to meet Haye hence the blown up cruisers he was pitched in with ( and had a bit of bother with ). There was no logical reason he would have been put in with Klitschko until he'd earned the right by beating someone of note which was supposed to be Haye but turned out to be Chisora. Without sifting through his record, holding all the belts Wlad was always going to be busy with genuine mandatories I suppose Something Fury really didn't fancy once he became champ obviously. Anyway we'll put this on ice for 18 months and see what happens in regards to the big guy........ not much though I don't think
  17. Pulled it off v 'the man' but that's been quite common in heavyweight div down history and not many were nearly 40. Before that most of his performances were mediocre as were his fitness levels and his most notable victory was against a rather disinterested Chisora. Apart from that he's beaten no one so the 25 - 0 isn't exactly what it's cracked up to be. He struggled to get past some rather average domestic heavies and blown up cruisers. Yes his sheer size will obviously always mean he's a handful and as long as he can avoid being smashed on the chin he'll probably remain unbeaten. I've seen signs in him though that a few decent blows and I reckon he'll fold, he's been decked twice and a couple of other times his legs have stiffened and his eyes wide eye almost like Audley. He's never been in a brawl with a proper heavy and if he'd had the rematch he'd have probably had to have another fight or two by now and not against whoever they picked so we'd have a better picture. He'd also never shown much sigh of the rapid light on his toes movement he suddenly was able to conjure up against Wlad, a robotic opponent. Like I said i'm probably a bit bias because I hare the Fury mob they think they can do whatever they want and fight when they want and i'll file Saunders down in that as well. I've been following HW boxing for about 30 years and although no expert at all he's got it all to prove and in a very moderate era indeed but some just delight in him beating the man, disappearing on the lash the hiding behind this 'lineal champ' rollocks. My prediction on all this is that he's only showing signs of coming back now because he's convinced Wlad will beat AJ and he'll be eyeing the rematch and more importantly another 10 million cheque. If AJ wins Fury will suddenly lose interest again i'd wager, it's all about the money for him, can't blame him I suppose, for me though he takes the whizz but some just lap it up. Anyway it's a bit like the Venky debate, until he proves otherwise you'll have him down as the mythical champ and i'll file him with the Akinwande's.
  18. Sorry pal not wanting to fall out lol but our opinions vary massively on Fury. Your a bit blinded as far as he's concerned for some reason but that's up to thee. Guys a jioke from a family of dodgy @#/?s and if he's been bashing the coke chances are he's been on PEDS as well. Got Wlad at the right time then ducked rematch AND any mandatories by going on the @#/? which no doubt added to his mental problems. He's a bum
  19. Triple G versus Jacobs this weekend is an interesting fight. Jacobs a natural middle who can bang and GGG taking a few shots last time out v Brook. Can't see past Golovkin getting the job done in 6 but he'll meet someone who'll stand up to him sooner or later so this might be a test for him.
  20. Lets just hope that if safety is gained then at the end of the season we don't suddenly find out TM has a 6 month get out clause like Lambert. Cost cutting could reign with him stepping down sighting lack of investment and downscale making the prospect of his job near impossible. Then in step Dunn & Lowe with half the youth team making up the first 11 next season. Another season and a half survival being the target before the new crop is ready to sell. I really wouldn't rule anything out with this lot you couldn't trust them to tell you the correct time !
  21. Certainly seems so it's almost as if the club has to be filled with 75% their clients one way or another.
  22. Whoever it is i bet he's heard of them if asked ! Would be no surprise to find they are connected to the usual underbelly either.
  23. Balaji's best friend like one of the family, football investment funds popping up backed by who i wonder ? managers sacked out the blue then nearly always replaced by left field 30-1 shots. Players being signed from obscure places where Venkys just happen to have arms of their companies. Their financial input almost dries up the min the parachutes end, etc etc etc Hardly surprising it's suspected at least one (big) one of them has been in bed with the 'partners' all along.
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