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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Wasn't it just implied that a certain agent on behalf of another was doing his best to get as many youth as possible on to their books, whatever the contracts might have been. By doing so yet again navigating around the conflict of interest issue ?
  2. It seemed a bit excessive at the time seeing as he only had a few games and was probably going from five hundred per week. I was also led to believe it was plus bonuses and on a sliding upward scale so god knows how much it became. Young Adam was quick to tell his former school pals how much he was getting when on the lash regularly, it certainly didn't do him any favours. Point is if this is the kind of deals they were signing youth up on at the time it won't have helped the wage bill and also will have lumbered the club with a few who nobody else would take when they failed to make the grade here.
  3. Didn't Henley get a 5 year 5k pwk deal from Kean ?
  4. Yep some just come back with 'well all players have agents' true but there is one lot in particular here with a few others satelliting around them it seems. They might just batten down the hatches for a while once they've got a load of youth on their books and one or two others in the team. Club run on income parity near enough to outgoings whilst they hope the new crop grows to flog off in a season or 2. To achieve that will see massive cuts in summer the likes of which Nixon alluded to and there is no real reason to think it won't happen unless the main sponsors have a change of heart and keep a championship budget. Then someone like TM might keep us treading water a bit longer.
  5. Most roads keep leading back to the same place yet some still won't accept Rovers are just a vehicle for a certain set of agents underpinned by Indian sponsors using it for their own non football purposes and a huge wad of debt. Until it's released from this grasp it'll keep going in ever decreasing circles until there is nothing left to bleed because there is virtually no income.
  6. Only beaten by top opposition and rose to the occasion several times when a big underdog and showed the heart of a true warrior when up against it in possibly his last fight. Yep all about opinions
  7. Iv'e been where i always have been and that's watching plenty boxing not just tuning in for big fights and assuming what i'm seeing is the total of one mans career summed up in one fight. Like i clearly said Haye isn't everyone's cup of tea as a bloke but to say he's all hype is farcical. Yes he made a tit of himself in this build up but he's done a job on those who bought into it and subsequently bought the fight hoping to see what they saw, think about that for a min. Career wise Cruiserweight world champ, unified those titles, moved to heavy and won world title, won big fights on foreign soil. Injury robbed him from possibly adding to that. After a farcical second come back fight aside a game effort at 36 years old against a class opponent who's probably hit his peak. Gobshite maybe but to brush him off all hype is a bit off the mark imo he's probably just reached the end as a top level fighter, happens to them all.
  8. Repeating myself again but Steele must be the weakest keeper iv'e seen at Rovers and reminds me of Darren Collier. It's taken him nigh on 3 years to build enough strength to kick the ball proper and i think he's gone backwards since keeper coach Keeley left. Along with some steak for meals they need to insert some metal plates into his weak wrists. No wonder he was 3rd choice at the then average Boro when Rovers went for him. Scary thing is i don't think Raya will prove any better.
  9. 25 stone by his own admission yesterday so if that's looking good in training i' going to get on the pies lol The hearing was supposed to be in Feb but it seems to be being kept quiet for some reason although knowing the Fury mob who think they can do anything they please in boxing they probably didn't turn up. He seems convinced Wlad will beat Joshua and i think it would be all systems go from the Fury camp then as he'll suddenly fancy the rematch and the huge paycheck. Come back maybe repeat the first win against a near 41 yr old, bank his huge cheque then disappear on the razz again not fulfilling any mandatories or voluntaries. Doubt he'll be as keen if joshua batters Klitschko though. As you can probably gather iv'e not much time at all for the unsavory Fury clan, any of them and until Tyson has been in a few proper fights with other top 6 heavies i'll reserve judgement on him so called being the best. So far he's proved nothing except his style was too awkward for a 39 year old slowing up giant rather robotic champ and until it's confirmed one way or another question marks hang over how he 'prepared' for that fight and got into such good shape. All just my opinions of course I will say this though if the PEDS thing proves to be wrong i hope he hangs them out to dry.
  10. A big mouth and big right had, fast hard left jab and superb athletic ability before his lay off. Got his tactics badly wrong v Wlad but only previously lost to Carl Thompson he was top drawer at cruiserweight. Hayes a lot of things but hype job certainly isn't one of them.
  11. Even if he got his license back, which he won't, no way will Fury fight in may he's a right mess physically. Saw him in Manchester in Dec and he was obviously out of shape, saw him again recently and i'll tell you this that fella has no intention of fighting. He's just drawing attention to himself because there was a high profile heavyweight fight at the weekend and obviously an even bigger one in April. Sat behind his keypad bad mouthing everyone, crying injustice and hiding behind this lineal champ bollux. All this whilst suspended for substance abuse and facing an inquiry into PEDS. I'll be surprised if he ever fights again, maybe in a couple of years when he's blown his doh. I'm no expert but imo if he'd carried on after the Wlad fight and had rematch,fought Wilder, AJ etc he'd have been found out by now in the ring.
  12. If it looks like a manager, walks, talks and makes decisions like a manager then it is one. That's Mowbray by the look and sounds of it and aside from early Lambert briefly there hasn't been that type of presence on the touchline for over 6 years. Shame he has to be called 'Head Coach' Long live Big Tony
  13. Where was Jim White and the boys dedicating a show to him and telling everyone what a nice lad he is and how he had his hands tied so what did they expect ? That service only seems reserved for Scottish wee gem mafia.
  14. Agreed there is no way he should be anywhere near Wilder or Joshua etc it would be a farce of the highest order. Haye at this stage made sense and the clear ring rust from an ageing inactive fighter balanced things out. The injury tipped the balance in his favour just when it was shaping up into an interesting fight, he took full advantage and a rematch is the only serious option at HW for him. Haye will be out a long time if it's a serious injury so if he continues it'll be an easy nights work next time probably for Bellew. Personally i hope Haye calls it a day i hate it when you see fighters coming to the end losing to lesser opposition in that manner but i think Hayemaker has serious money issues. Sad.
  15. Fair play to Bellew he avoided any early storm and shook Haye with that vicious counter left like i thought he would. Have to say though Haye was never in any bother and seemed to have found his rhythm before his leg clearly gave in. Anyone who's suffered anything like that will know it renders you pretty useless so to keep going is massive credit to him. Also credit to Bellew who seized the advantage and got the job done. Got to laugh at all the Haye 'fakers' clueless in the extreme. He might not be everyone's cup of tea but the last thing he's ever been is a fake and tonight proved it.
  16. Like both Bellew and Haye and always have as fighters although makes me laugh when a crossover fight gets general publics attention. Making Haye out to be the bad guy, not covered himself in glory but Bellew has long been one of the biggest gobshites in boxing. Hayes always had his moments as well and is a bit flakey but Bellew as a bloke is a proper muppet in terms of gob. On the fight Haye might be classed as a small heavyweight in the days of near 7ft 19 stone giants but he's a natural at that weight now whereas Bellew to me is really a blown up light heavy. Done really well at cruiserweight but he's overachieved in an era when there aren't many good ones about. Carl Thompson would have ruined him as would Haye when he was cruiser. For me if Haye was the guy of a few years ago pre lay off it would be a complete no contest mismatch but he's bound to be rusty and no way as sharp as he used to be. TB has a wicked left hook and Haye is wide open to those shots when he lunges so it could be interesting. If Hayes still enough to go at it for 3 or 4 rounds he should bulldoze him over as Bellew can't take big shots despite what he says, been decked and hurt numerous times by far lesser than Haye and the only real big puncher he faced in Stephenson rolled his eyes in the back of his head and that was at light heavy. Really wouldn't be surprised if the bomber pulled it off though he's a vicious finisher when he tags someone but for me it's all about Haye.
  17. Having now changed careers whilst hiding behind the retirement line and having handed most his clients to other friends and newcos Mr X could maybe now be in the clear to take a more active role in his near 7 year project without the conflict of interest tag sticking ?
  18. 'put him to sleep' may have been a threat but put him to bed ? Hardly
  19. You been on the phone to Balaji after all ? You seem taken in The Dogometer will be replacing the Chaddometer soon i reckon. In all seriousness i pray your right but just can't see it there is absolutely nothing under Venkys ownership to back up any positivity.
  20. And that's correct but what some of us have learned is that it will not happen under this ownership. Mowbray might stop the rot briefly, i think he can, but it'll re-emerge in summer. If he stays his task will be the same next season as it is now, keep a budget slashing, player selling loan and freebie signing club out of the Championship bottom 3.
  21. I take it you haven't really been observing the last 6+ years very closely, where were you at ?
  22. Pashas thinking up another new name before he sneaks back meanwhile Senior is getting his wife to line up exits for any good youth team players.
  23. If the new manager bounce gets us say 7 points from the next 9 then that's surely an improvement than the 3 Coyle would have been likely to deliver. Burton away is a tricky one whoever is in charge but our lot are more than capable of getting a win IF they are all at it and if they are set up right. I'd have been more comfortable if he'd have brought in a proper coaching team, this could be a rerun of the Berg tenure i fear.
  24. Not inspiring in any shape but did we really expect anything else ? We are now n the market for ex Coventry managers which shows just how serious things are. He'll be cheap as chips and appointing rookie backroom staff from within is just another cost cutting measure. Coyle & co were probably on rolling contracts so terminating them before possibly the next one kicks in would be seen as saving money long term. Always quite liked Mowbray and at least he's experienced if not inspiring and yet again someone like him at the beginning of the season would have yielded more points than Owen 'back door open' Coyle by now, dull as it may have been.
  25. Did he eat your cat or something Jal you've really got it in for this lad
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