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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Thing about Nyambe is he has that physical strength already for a young lad so it's easier to swim rather than sink. Hanley, Jones were the same and Darragh so they are halfway there if they have some ability as well. First saw him a few years ago at Leigh and he looked the part then physically.
  2. When Coyle is managing Brunei in a year or two as his reward for smashing Rovers a bit more his interviews will be popping up " Yes we did the double drop to league 2 for the first time but i was being dragged into meetings about closing stands so it was distracting. There was the 2 wins over Newcastle United the former Fairs Cup winners though"
  3. Be careful a newbie on here coming up with a post like that.. But in honesty it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest neither would it surprise me if Kean still had shares or something in the club seeing as he's been hiding out in Brunei where amazingly Cresendo are based. Break the club down into a fragment of itself then bring him back to relaunch himself in the face of hardly any opposition . Would not put it past those who really run this club, by rights it should kill what's left stone dead overnight but there'll still be a couple of thousand sat there saying give him another chance.......
  4. That's a fair point but the rag should say no. So deep in Rovers/Venkys ariss though they couldn't give a toss.
  5. Knowing the feeling locally towards this guy who takes a huge chunk of responsibility for the mess at Rovers just WHY would you publish that if you weren't on the wind up ? Dingle infested rag full of outsiders. It's been dropping through this letterbox 20 odd years, not anymore.Boycott it now.
  6. Aye i think it's a case of if it happens it happens and a shrug of the shoulders from them. Whilst maybe not planned it does seem invited thouugh and Clownpants i wouldn't trust to pass me a biscuit.
  7. If we don't go down this season it will be next surely as like you say and iv'e said in recent posts there will have to be another big cash injection in the next 12/18 months just to keep things ticking over as they are. Unless of course everything is slashed in half in terms of budget and running costs which is the way i think it will go in summer. That equals nailed on relegation. If not it brings us back to them being happy to absorb huge losses on the accounts every year. There has to be a beneficial reason to them for that which opens up the rest of the conspiracies. Bonkers.
  8. I suppose it's not a bad way to increase your personal wealth whilst having a bit of fun along the way. Your major shareholders in a corporation that can lose heavily losses of one of it's franchises in it's accounts quite easily and to it's benefit. Meanwhile you amuse yourselves and fill your own back pockets via percentages from player trading etc and playing at spread betting on this crap team you co own who are nailed on to lose more than they ever win. No need to get rid it's a fun toy for the wealthy with nowt better to do. The company props it up and it causes no major financial bother so the other shareholders don't care. Lets just look again at the odds of every manager these lot have appointed .......
  9. The deliberate leaning towards relegation would likely come from those doing the button pushing of the V's as they stand to continue making % from more ins and outs. From Vs point it's probably more of a don't really care either way maybe after being advised that if relegation did occur it gives them the opportunity to drive cutbacks across the board. Strip it right back to build it up again in a much cheaper, leaner and easier manageable version. They seem happy to absorb certain losses through the books and it probably suits them that way so they are not arsed. They may even be using Rovers to filter off a few quid from the main corporation and into some offshore account as an unofficial divi or pension without scrutiny pot from shareholders or something.
  10. There you go again with your veiled defense of Venkys and the badly advised line. Kean cheaper than Allardyce ???????????? 6 whole years and you still believe it's all down to a bit of bad advise, get some new coffee Revster
  11. Yep not really a betting man and certainly not on football but i was so brassed off in summer and so convinced we would i staked a few quid on it. Also 8-1 for us to finish rock bottom, maybe that won't happen but the rest you could see it coming a mile off and all things considered the season is panning out just as quite a few expected it would. Anybody advising any owners or people running clubs would have said that would be the case. Strange that, i suppose the poor confused fools still aren't listening eh ! Then again........
  12. The hidden partners/advisers have another feeding frenzy getting people off the wage bill and out the door in summer again like last time. I think it's as simple as that the club has been agents vehicle since this lot turned up and we've had an unbelievable amount of players, managers, coaching staff, directors etc through the doors, All hired and most paid off, someones making money. Said this from the off i don't trust Coyle one bit and he has form for other people feeling the same the guys another imposter it was a rotten appointment right from the off. Only someone as desperate as Blackpool would've touched him yet he's here with his feet firmly under the table. Venkys have turned their backs and gone hiding and left it to their buddies to sort out the mess and all they are bothered about is filling their pockets with %. Look at the guy who's just turned up another one who cannot give a straight answer to anything especially when it comes to how he got the job and meeting with specific people who own it. Then he goes on to mention partners, stakeholders and shareholders!!!!! Why ? Absolutely any other club in our position if it had the means to strengthen or change manager would 100% do so. All this gang are concerned with is getting as much as possible for the latest asset ! The parallels with Keans time here are too close for comfort and if this jerk doesn't relegate us this season he'll be sure to complete the job next.
  13. Not much time for that Lockett myself after that fight. Towel should have been in pretty sharpish it was obvious he was getting hammered. Didn't help having Saunders/Furys and the rest of the plastic pikeys banging on the ring apron egging him on when he was out on his feet. Getting back in the ring is all down to Blackwell though but that gym and those in it will come under scrutiny now, quite rightly.
  14. Wilders been a bit in and out for me recently, decent performance then not so good although he's out injured at the min, due back Feb i think. Just like AJ and Fury he needs to be testing himself against the best now. Always got rid of what's been put in front of him though.
  15. Brown went AWOL in front of goal everyweek and Curry went awol during the week lol If Curry had Browns effort and attitude back then he might have done ok though.
  16. Sean Curry now there was a turkey from what i remember, used to detest that guy. I vaguely remember going away to Bradford and seeing him put in what was probably the worst laziest performance i'd ever seen from a Rovers player up to that point. Even his own players were having a go at him.
  17. Yes fully agree and yes i can see Fury being a spoiler but he'd get nailed before he does any nailing or dragged it into late rounds. He's a hard lad though so he might get up but i doubt it although there's no forgone conclusions with heavyweights, one punch and all that. I think Wilder would be the man to upset the AJ applecart if anyone does and that's the biggest test out there for either one. David Haye in top form probably beats them both but not sure if he's that much left to be honest.
  18. My point on this with Fury is he wouldn't get away with the way he fought 39 year old over cautious Klitschko when fighting the likes of Wilder and joshua. Younger, far quicker, throw long jabs and combinations whereas in many was Wlad was tailor made for Fury. Everyone has a nemises, i think Mike Tyson at his best could have blown away most top heavyweights in history over the first 5 rounds or so but i think he would always have had problems with Holyfield whenever they might have met. When Klitschko fought Haye he chased him all over the ring for 12 rounds yet the guy could only shuffle after Fury, too busy keeping his paws up. Iv's seen Joshua live a few times and he's quick and so are his feet and for a big guy he can also work some angles. Different kinds of fights and in these Fury would have to trade and he would get tagged no doubt. He won the title fight fair and square in the ring despite suspicions about what he may have used to get himself in that shape but before that he'd shown me nothing exceptional at all and having seen him in the flesh a few times it'll take 12 months to get him in that shape again. He's the one with it all to prove.
  19. Considering his past career i thought Mike Duxbury was crap at Rovers he definitely played like a dingle in blue and white. Can't recall if he was just on loan or on a contract.
  20. Own goal v Oxford, a bit more convincing than Duffys 3 efforts though
  21. Agree with one or two others on Perez i thought he was class and his heart was in it. Just didn't seem to work out for him but no wonder when we've seen Hodgsons round pegs for square holes approach numerous times in different jobs since.
  22. Probably not the worst he had a fantastic pedigree and was only on loan but Dino Baggio, the man who came off the pitch every week with his shirt and shorts almost cleaner and crisper than when he went on. We go on about agents these days, quite rightly but for a period back then particularly the Hodgson, Souness eras they must have had a field day.
  23. Sunk without much trace once the 4 year 20k pwk contract someone at Rovers gave him had gone to his head and his stomach. Still only 32 now, he's either another waste of talent or a guy who got very lucky
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