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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Sunk without much trace once the 4 year 20k pwk contract someone at Rovers gave him had gone to his head and his stomach. Still only 32 now, he's either another waste of talent or a guy who got very lucky
  2. Actually iv'e just seen another shocker pop up on Rovers twitter account, Maceo Rigters ! Even Hughsey dropped the odd clanger and i remember there being a lot of raised eyebrows about how he got here and the wage he was on. Watched him for the 2nd string a few times and he really was pants.
  3. I was going to mention 'the train' lol apart from being quick in full flow and that goal v Everton lets face it he was crap !
  4. You've got to weigh it all up really when deciding and most of the current lot aren't very good but never have been and we don't expect them to be. Yes a good few should be better but they wouldn't be here under the current charade if they were any good. Not making excuses for them but some of the trash we've paid money for and some who've come with reputation on Prem wages then taken the p$sh certainly deserve first place in the worst player stakes. 4.5 million for Ward ....... Then you get people like Duffy and Orr who must be along the lines of the biggest chunts every to play for the club and i'm not talking about limited ability i'm talking about contribution and influence, bad apples. The Peterborough game and the Cardiff/Wigan/Preston games will live in the memory for ever and i can't quuite think of any others who've blatantly taken the whizz like this pair.
  5. Fettis played a few though i'm sure, certainly enough to qualify as useless
  6. Did we sign Harkness as well ? He was as bad. Yes i think that was him, Javi De Pedro or something. Came with a bit of bluster and supposed flying winger but absolutely useless and no interested from the off. I think when Souness was winding down at Rovers he was signing some crap on purpose to try and make a point.
  7. Fettis Orr Peacock Duffy Matteo Feeney Murphy Frandsen So crap i forget his name, Souness signing think. Ward Brown
  8. Lesser. I'm sure Coyle would jump at keeping the pair of them but when Saints/Swansea ask he'll tell them i have to ask India. The slasha will don his briefcase jump on a plane then not be seen or heard of again till Feb. Meanwhile the only phone switched on in Pune towers will be the one marked outgoing sales which gets answered after 2 rings 'ah Mr Marshalls agent, yes that's fine tell him thankyou and goodbye '
  9. Cracking nights boxing so glad i went and added bonus of not phone signal in there so i didn't know score till after midnight That Chisora v Whtye was and absolute cracker, rarely do fights live up to the overhype nonsense and so called bad blood that SKY foists upon us for virtually every match up these days but this one delivered. Neither was giving an inch and i'm sure would've carried on until one just dropped. Top stuff and to think i thought their rivalry was fake ! Del boy robbed though and whilst i think Hearn is a great promoter the number of stinks around his fight results are now getting beyond suspicion. In a fight that that when there is no belt on the line and the judges find it hard they shouldn't be under pressure for a winner they should be comfortable calling a draw. Then when Hearn comes out and says Whyte is lined up for Wilder it whiffs even more. Great to see Quigg back again and putting on a performance that was sadly missing v Frampton, unlucky for Blackledge but he was always going to be outclassed. Didn't let anyone down and he's tough lad but that brutal ko which came because he was knackered won't do him any favours. AJ did what was expected and everyone slagging him needs to remember that was just his 18th pro fight and if the chance of a beatable guy with a belt hadn't dropped in his lap then he'd still be fighting guys like Molina as part of his development. Hearn is doing it right with him and for me and now Wlad is primed for the taking. Won't be easy but his effort or lack of it v Fury showed he's on the wane, he won't trade with Aj and he won't take those shots although i'd never rule him out. Point is though by the time they fight he'll have been out 18 months and be about 41, all that balances it out somewhat, After seeing Fury again last night and him and his crews usual antics he remains a first class tit. Must be 25 stone and shuffled in and out looking almost embarrassed before talking crap on twitter again. Finished at that level i'd say, iv'e watched a lot of boxing and for me Joshua simply blows away ANY version of Fury.
  10. Giles Barnes is crap and it's another jobs for the boys if they throw a full time contract his way but of course the fat hack will be preaching him as a good signing like he was pre season. The fat hack who sings from inside a certain camp, more fool those who lap him up.
  11. The one thing you can say in Lowes defense is he's never worked for a decent manager and i feel he's never been coached or used in a role that best suits him. Not saying he'd be any good but for me the best way to use him is as a pressuring midfielder like a poor mans Robbie Savage. Bowyer tried to use him like Tugay sat infront of the back four but his football ability and passing isn't up to it and i've never rated him at RB but you'll get away with it some weeks in this league.
  12. Haye v Bellew confirmed for March, can't wait for that. All the hallmarks of a mismatch with Bellew stepping up to heavy but it'll be explosive and he can bang. Don't blink or you'll miss it.
  13. Maybe it's just that Novak has peaked and now flattened out a bit whilst Murray has just reached his peak. As with most individual sports a lot of it is down to timing. Plus the psychological edge is now with Murray after beating him a few times he's now finally got Djokovic's number
  14. Another poor points verdict last night for a home based fighter from the 3 home based judges. That simply shouldn't be allowed at that level of boxing with what's at stake. Thought Kovalev fought a great fight again Ward who's difficult to hit and counters quick and clean but looks to have no real power at that weight. Never seen him knocked about like that before but he won a few rounds as well. At the very least it should have been a draw.
  15. Good fight tonight between Swifty Smith and Sosa but it seems that particular Smith is going to follow big bro Paul as a nearly man. Just not quite good enough at top level . Less said about Malik Scott and Luis Ortiz, Scott should be sacked for that. Think he took a leaf out of Furys book by prancing around the ring pulling faces except he wasn't very good at it and fell over his own feet about 4 times. Shame we couldn't really see what Ortiz has but from what I've seen so far I think he might just be a guy who'll give AJ a few probs.
  16. Looks like local lad and alleged Rovers fan Luke Blackledge will fight Smith for a shot at his title on the undercard of Joshua in Manchester Dec 10th. Hope it gets done and fair play to Blackledge for getting into position and the Smith mod for giving him a shot if it comes off. Hope he can do it justice although there is only one winner there I feel.
  17. So Pacmans back and strolls his way to another comfortable victory whilst Mayweather surfaces again. Think we can see what's coming again here, zzzzzz Much rather see either of them fighting the likes of Khan, Brook etc but we know it's all about the $$$$ so they'll be in with each other again within the next 12 months probably. Same outcome, zzzzzz
  18. For me the only reason the downward spiral had a break was the embargo which they welcomed as it gave them the excuse not to spend but it also meant things had to be left alone for a bit so the meddling eased up. The partners were happy because they could concentrate on making their % from moving people out and paying people off. Half the reason GB did ok for a season or two was because they had to leave it alone for a bit imo. The minute we came out of that the bollux began again immediately. So maybe rather than holding us back as they and others liked to say it may well have stopped us being another 2 years further down the ladder. We would be with Blackpool now if it wasn't for that period I reckon.
  19. Some cracking fights on the Birmingham card last night and interesting upsets. The Ogogo myth is finally busted.
  20. Fitzgerald trained by Michael Jennings and his brother, big hopes for him but a bit sluggish on Saturday. Think he thought he'd blow the other lad away but hopefully he's learned a valuable lesson there, never underestimate anybody. You've always got to hand respect to someone who gets up and wins though
  21. From what i can gather it was all a bit staged managed from Eddie Hearn. That's why there was no real verbal aggression, we've seen Bellew when he's really angry and he goes of his head but he was very controlled in all that. They were/are good mates in the real world allegedly but Haye won't take it on whilst he's still in with a shout of a HW mega money title shot so Hearns trying to whip it up. It will only happen in the near future if Haye gets squeezed out of the HW pic. He's getting divorced so he'll need a big payday soon though.
  22. Yes you don't see Derry Mathews stopped in his tracks like that very often and i agree it's time to hang em up now he's had a great career. One of the toughest lads out there but there have been signs over his last few fights his resistance is not what it was. Thought Flores was doing ok but got a bit clumsy and was very naive when claiming that low blow and got himself nailed. That was the end right there really.
  23. Another tear up from Bellew, always good to watch and no doubt he's got vicious fists but no way can he go gung ho like that v Haye or he'll be out of there pretty sharp. Can't see it ever happening to be honest as he'd have to go up to heavy whereas Haye has been comfortable at 15+ stone for years now.
  24. That really does need it's thread they are a nightmare. I don't quite know what goes on in the pea brains of some middle aged blokes on motorbikes. Once you've covered yourself in leather it doesn't make you Mad Max nor does it stop your limbs from falling off as you skid along hard tarmac or into an oncoming vehicle. If you can afford a power bike, it's insurance and all the gear then you can afford to take it to a track if you want to act like your in the TT or better still just blast it up the motorway and take the points you'll get on the chin.
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