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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. What a complete waste of money but I supposed this will be passed off as generous owner investment ! Cut vital costs with one hand then window dress and waste money with the other.
  2. If you wanted to be cute about it you'd say there's been a delay then start the work when the season starts and say it'll have to be closed for a while. Get people in the JW then say there's more problems and it will have to remain closed a while longer, job done. Like everything else at Rovers these days you can almost write the script !
  3. Good ones, although I won't be offering them If it was at home I'd really back Smith but in front of frenzied Alvarez followers and the USA reputation for judges I can't see him pulling it off.
  4. Sept 17 at Dallas Cowboys stadium. Think Smith has bitten off more than he can chew here, still he'll make a few quid.
  5. Groves and Callum Smith sat together on the panel for Abraham fight looking a bit uneasy in each others company lol. Mind you everyone is uneasy around Groves ! Would like to see that one, good match up.
  6. Well anyone can have a bad night and anyone can have a good one and sometimes that's all it takes. I rate Smith highly but I'd like to have seen him take a smaller step up first. I've always said I don't think Canello is all he's cracked up to be but he's big and strong at the weight and can take shots. I do think he gets a bit gassed after about 7/8 rounds though. It'll be very difficult to get a decision over there mind.
  7. Just seen a photo of Brook and GGG stood together in Times Square from tonight. Brook in suit & shades, GGG just in shirt and it's noticeable how much bigger Golovkin is and I doubt he's much over his fighting weight
  8. Snr is allegedly trying to set up Jnr v GGG in USA regardless of what happens here but I doubt it. Also if GGG lost Canello would suddenly be back in thinking he's a chance. Eubank snr fancies himself as a promoter but can only get in on it off someone else's back but you'll never out move Eddie Hearn. Loved the guy in the ring but out of it he's a clueless idiot who'll wreck that lads career before it's got going if he carries on. Apparently he's that controlling he won't even let Hearn speak to Jnr other than to say hello. Barmy, he should be introduced to Venkys they'd make sweet music together
  9. I'd forgotten about the FS but even so I can't see it'll make much difference with only a couple of hundred extra scattered around in there. It'll just balance out others who've jacked it in this season probably. Just wait till they get the remaining riversiders across there, I'm sure it's coming.
  10. Brooks quite big for a welter but he is jumping 2 divisions for this so it's a massive task. GGG is absolutely bang on at Middle similar to how Froch was at Super Middle so again can only see one winner.
  11. Kell Brook v GGG big fight and big coup by Eddie Hearn to get Golovkin over here. Another guy stepping up like Khan and will be out his depth imo. Can only see one winner although Brook is very good and should present a test to triple G who takes shots to give them at times. Eubank has messed it up for JNR by all accounts, when is he ever going to learn. Also Canello and his Golden Boy promoters pulled out of a signed for fight with GGG so big credit to Brook for having the minerals to step in and move up to middleweight. Might be painful though.
  12. Lot of stuff flying about weeks ago regarding him breaking camp etc now it sounds like he bust his ankle whilst on the @#/?. Coming on the back of the alleged juice I wonder if his head has gone as the fight was approaching. If he was on it in the run up to the last fight then not this time maybe an attack of nerves did for him. All the pressure was on him this time.
  13. That has been aimed at his cousin for a while but I never thought TF would be on it seeing as he's never taken on that bodybuilding type physique. He was on his toes like a man possessed v Klitschko though for one his size and had lost an awful lot of weight to get in shape. Given the Fury clans background it wouldn't really be surprising.
  14. We commented on that and the other lad was solid build. Personally of the opinion he'll have to move up pretty soon there's nothing on his body to absorb the kind of shots GGG will plant into him. Was indeed the best fight AJ could have had as a first defence as Breazeele was no patsy. Little power in him but quick hands and good movement and his football background obviously gave him the legs as they held him up a few times. Most impressive thing about AJ is his patience, was missing a lot of big shots so needs to iron that out but his stamina was never in question and once he knew he wasn't blowing the guy away he just stalked him and broke him down, went for the kill when he was ready. Very good stuff but still a bit raw and needs two more like that before he steps up to Wilder/Fury etc. I'd also keep him clear of Haye although if he gets past 3 rounds that fights his as well.
  15. Pictured in pubs two weeks ago and also gate crashed some little rave or other in the Lakes. Genuine or not they've known for a while or he's just lost the plot and broke camp and now they need more time. Whichever, it just reiterates what a prize pillock he is and after the stick he fired out at Haye for their cancellations then Wlad last time I hope his social media is in meltdown. Having achieved his dream I'm not sure his hearts totally in it anymore as he's been a regular out on the razz and in junk food joints since his smash and grab in Germany.
  16. Now I'm going to ask what you've been supping ?
  17. Oh aye the 3 years will have been a big attraction, especially with knowing Rovers like paying people off although he doesn't seem that type. Have to say I've been genuinely impressed with everything about him since he signed. Especially after hearing some horror stories about his time at Sunderland on and off the pitch. Just hope it continues now he's got a good contract. Two more needed for back up.
  18. Farmers walk they call that. Probably what swung it with V's 'oh yes that Mr Graham he a farmer too'
  19. A pal of mine and his son got DG's autograph a while back and had a brief chat. Mate said he got the impression Graham was genuinely appreciative of the way fans had taken to him after stepping into Rhodes boots. He probably thought it would be a bit difficult to win over often hard to please fans after their big favourite had gone. Said a bloke called Den had made him feel like the new Jordan straight away
  20. It does but IMO the real tests are yet to come, Wlads still dangerous of course but I think the curtain has been coming down on him for a while. Not sure if any of the others would have still beaten him when Fury did though so can't take that away from him his tactics and execution of them were spot on to get the job done. Perfect time though to be able to do that and his team knew it that's why they went all out for Klitschko before someone else got to him. I think he'll bust Wlad up inside 7 this time I really do but that still takes some doing to be fair. Anyway.... Groves v Murray. Perhaps the most interesting one this weekend, a great domestic matchup. Groves takes it for me although I want Murray to win.
  21. All AJ seems to be talking about is Parker & Fury so he needs to be careful here. These are stiff tests once you become champ, another reason why i'll only start taking Fury seriously when he takes his mandatories and defends all the belts he won in one night from one guy. A repeat is on the cards though as the only thing Wlad has left in my opinion is to close the distance a bit quicker and land one down the pipe. If he opens his hands from the off Fury, not a big puncher, will break him down pretty quickly. We saw with WK in his earlier career he was quite a good boxer but he got caught and punished badly a few times when he let his hands go, too big, too off balance. When he adopted his big Bro's tactics he became unbeatable. He's too long in the tooth now to change and his robotic jab tactics just don't work against a guy the size of Fury. Much as I hate it it's changing of the guard time, happens regularly in boxing. Wlad should have retired after the last one because he's at the wrong end of his career and too far out of the comfort zone in Germany created for him. I can see him getting humiliated here similar to Mike Tyson v Lewis and against someone of bellendedness like Fury it'll be a damn shame. Oh for one big punch !!!
  22. They've almost gone out of their way to do the opposite of the right thing despite it keep going pear shaped time after time and despite knowing damn well what the fans want and how the club was run before when it was ok. They continue to do it after nearly 6 years and seem happy for the club to go to hell. Please don't anybody feed me the naïve line anymore, that one certainly doesn't wash.
  23. Looks like Andre Ward v Kovalev has been made for the Autumn. That's a really interesting one, will Wards spoiling tactics and slick counter punching be enough to outpoint Krusher ? Will he find some power at his new weight and will he take the shots he's bound to get caught with ?
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