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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. The four managers interviewed ? Ha ha that's a good one, I doubt there was anything more than a few incoming phone calls just to keep Cheston & Co busy whilst they rooted about looking for an ex Evertonian. Meanwhile in Pune the window dressers and their advisors identified the new stooge and basically said come on down.
  2. Just sounds like a cover up again, if he had no connection whatsoever I think he'd have said so. Easier to pretend he's never heard of them, complete denial to end the line of questioning there and then. Interesting what he'll say next time it's brought up although it would only be at a fans forum or something because the LT won't ask and neither will R Lancs, they'll just sweep it under the carpet as well now. That's why he flat denied it I reckon.
  3. Not one of them can lie straight in bed. I don't know who that agency are. - You mean the one you worked with for years ? I don't have an agent I have a lawyer - The same lawyer that defends the agent who you don't know and has big connections to Rovers under the chaos of Anderson/Kean. Now people wonder why the suspicion of virtually everything. There's more cover ups at Blackburn Rovers under Venkys & their stake holders than the politicians and their tax accounts. The stink & sting continues.
  4. Hope OC has his image rights sorted, bound to be an earner that one
  5. Dread to think what wages we'll be offering these days, one extreme to the other.
  6. All good shouts but I doubt we'll be in a position to offer decent wages to any of them compared to some others who will be after them. Unless the plan is to use the Rhodes cash for wages on decent loans and frees which probably wouldn't be a bad idea in the circumstances. I'm dreaming now though !
  7. Well his first job is to unearth 2 or 3 goal scoring strikers at this level who'll come for nothing and accept less than 10grand pwk probably. I won't be holding my breath....
  8. This squad is nowhere near good enough to try and play Coyles brand of open football and he won't get the money to improve it much. This has got disaster written all over it.
  9. Big risk taking on Canelo next unless they could maybe get him over here, I still think he's a bit over rated but a top fighter non the less. Besides I thought it was a done deal he was fighting GGG next.
  10. Sad news that the Greatest is on life support this eve, seems the final bell might be close this time
  11. Yes this pitch thing is nonsense as well as I'm told it used to get completely re-laid every few seasons. I think it might have been the rules in the Prem however since these lot arrived it's just been reseeded. They did it last season and of course it wasn't great due to the horrific wet weather. Obviously a reseeded pitch takes more time to settle than a completely re turfed one so it struggled but actually started to come too this spring after the season ended and a more normal summer would probably have seen it fine for next season. So much so that the groundsman was tweeting pics of it not long ago saying it's coming on nicely now. Yet it's been ripped up again now and I'd say if we end up with another really wet year which is entirely possible then it'll be a mess again ! Bizarre, also heard Shaw was the man with this idea and it wouldn't surprise.
  12. On the round by round betting on sky bet he was 80-1 over the first few rounds to win by KO, it fell to about 66-1 nearer the fight. Price certainly looked physically better and was good to see Burns turn it on again, I thought he'd lost that kind of form a few years ago. Bellew v Haye would be good, for me Haye spanks him pretty quick no matter what weight. Bellew can't resist going to war.
  13. Why now though when we are skint and every other thing under the sun takes on more urgency. No point, no need for it at all when the JW has the state of the art facilities already in place.
  14. I thought he was a goner then I checked the other guys record and he's neither fought nor beaten anyone anywhere near Bellews standard. No doubt the lad can punch but it's about taking them as well. Proves bookies know naff all as Bellew was 80-1 to win in the first few rounds this morning. I've missed out cleaning up there
  15. Brutal stuff from Bellew, did really well recovering from that knock down. Bit of a gobshite but I've always quite liked him for some reason. Poor refereeing again though, nearly got hurt very badly that lad.
  16. Which is obviously nothing more than people jumping in first to pick the best seats. If they don't get that they really are daft.
  17. Suns never shone on Ewood anyway since they arrived
  18. They'll start doing it during the season then say sorry we'll have to relocate you to the JW whilst some work is going on. All part of the plan.
  19. We could probably do worse than consider Jason Wilcox if we are going down the Joyce type route. I doubt he'd want it as he's on a good number at City but he fits a good bit of the so called criteria.
  20. I know he's on the comeback trail but Hayes doing himself no favours now. He should be doing that on someones undercard not making a song and dance out of it like it's a world title fight in Vegas. The whole nonsense around it was worse than the fight. He should have been fighting Briggs tonight and stepping up again the one after if he won. The Briggs fight is interesting for 3 rounds because he'll bang back for sure until he runs out of steam or gets KO'ed. Problem for Haye is he doesn't really want to take any risks and blow a huge payday with AJ so he's caught between meaningful fights and just keeping busy. I reckon he seriously needs that AJ for the money.
  21. Good point about Groves, I cannot stand that deluded clown he's a bigger tit than Khan will ever be. On Khan I've seen him live earlier In his career many times when we used to follow Mick Jennings around. Don't know about the lad himself but his entourage left an awful lot to be desired and that was like 10/11 years ago when he was way down undercards even at Bolton arena. You'd have thought it was Mike Tyson in the building with about ten people around him at all times and I don't think that endeared them to a lot of people. He also never seemed to have a very big following from the local Asian community either for some reason. I've nowt against him and just judge him in boxing terms, he's good but just outside the elite guys. He's had a great career but he's blatantly been ducking Kell Brook, no glory to be had by ending up on his arse there.
  22. GGG ships a lot of punches and he takes one to give one or two so it'll be interesting if Canello lands one of those although of course he's a natural at that weight. Thing with Khan has always been he can't resist letting his hands go in a fight and trading at some point so he leaves himself open for that.
  23. Bit of a crazy fight for Khan to take but obvious respect to him he wanted a huge name from over there and a big fight. So desperate to prove himself to the Yank masses yet he's got it to do over here at his normal weight v Brook who probably KO's him as well. 2 big fights for his retirement pot though I suppose. He'll go down as a very good fighter but never elite level, bit like Hatton although I think Ricky might have had a chance over here v Mayweather and he made a complete balls of Pacman fight. Khan beats neither anywhere. That's a good dust up but surely he has to be going over the pond now. He's a cut above Flanagan now imo.
  24. Whose next for him ? Any idea, I missed the post fight interview .
  25. Great effort from Crolla, top drawer fighter. Shades of Hatton v Tzyu.
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