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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Quigg seemed reluctant to close the distance and when he tried big shots Frampton was out the way. As soon as he started going at Frampton he realised he could push him around easy and was slowing him down working the body. As good as Frampton is I really think that fight was there for the taking for Quigg if he'd tested the water earlier. If they had a rematch in Manchester I'd back him but going over there will be too much I reckon.
  2. I was expecting them to call it a draw to be honest. Mainly because the first few rounds neither did enough to take those rounds but it seems they scored them to Frampton because he seemed to be landing the odd jab.
  3. Too many nerves for both at first them it settled and became tactical boxer v puncher stuff. Developed into a good scrap later on. Close despite what Framptons camp may so but that was only because of lack of punches early on. Quigg looked like he had plenty left and was never in real trouble so his corner should have had him stepping on the gas a couple of rounds earlier. Would have made all the difference, they only seemed to put it on him in the 9th and he looked surprised to be told he was far behind. A bit poor from Gallagher that imo.
  4. He looked a bit drained yesterday and I think they had to weigh in again today so he won't be able to get much back on so don't know if it will go against him a bit being the slightly bigger guy. Not been keen on some of the antics and mouth coming out of the Mcguigan camp so I hope Quigg flattens him now. Spent 40 mins on phone one morn ages ago for tickets for this only to be told they'd sold out in 9 mins. Similar with the AJ thing, Hearns mobs distribution of tickets is a disgrace. Basically they advertise them for sale to everyone but quietly hand the majority over to agencies then take a cut off them selling at 3 or 4 times face value. Just wasting thousands of peoples time and effort.
  5. Quigg v Frampton is an interesting little match up and should be a good fight. Hard to separate but heads says Frampton breaks him down and a late stoppage or points. Had a sneaky feeling all along though that Quigg might pull something out of the bag, I'm probably rooting for him really as the home boy. A bit difficult though as he's an ex dingle
  6. I think Hanley got a lot of deserved stick last season because we all knew he could do a lot better. Also the question marks about his off field habits which I don't think was doing him any good. He definitely seems to have cleaned up his act and got his ample heed back of the job. He's been excellent so far compared to last season and fair play to him. Sad thing is though if his form stays consistent he'll be the one paying the bills after summer
  7. Your lost paragraph is spot on, not about titles anymore really certainly not outside the heavyweight div anyway. Fighters fighting each other for money and profile first and belts second. On the AJ fight I've a sneaky feeling some American tv company or promoters have put some big money forwards to get this on as a profile fight more than anything. I was chatting to a Yank boxing guy on twitter and he was saying that Joshua was proving very popular Stateside after his fight v Whyte drew good viewing numbers. People over there have never really taken to the Klitschkos and they won't buy into a knob like Fury at all. It's a no brainer in that sense because if AJ wins it raises his profile over there in prep for a big fight v Wilder. If Martin wins it gets him known across Europe and paves the way for a huge fight v Fury or Wlad after their rematch. Assuming Fury would go for that belt again )he would imo) but also there is Haye who could get a shot if Martin wins.
  8. Well this season now really is about beating the crud from down the road on their own patch. Do PNE 3 nil at Ewood and get enough points to finish above them. I think this manager might be able to get them up for the derbies a bit more than the previous.
  9. AJ fighting Martin for IBF title on April 9th. Hope this isn't a step to far for him at this stage, shades of Bruno.
  10. Well it seems it's driven by the fact that his previous defeats were at the hands of two opponents who failed drugs tests. Fair enough he feels wronged but the last knock out was a bad one and he'd only just got his confidence back to let his hands go after the other defeat. I like Price he comes across as a real decent guy but I don't think he should be anywhere near world level. He might prove me wrong but some guys are just cut out to be decent domestic or European fighters and I think he's one of them. No shame in that if he could become British champ again but also no money in it so it depends how hungry he still is.
  11. Roy Jones set to continue and now David Price coming back again. Not just football that's a funny old game evidently.
  12. Boro must be old fashioned then, be interesting to see where it gets them, although I actually think they usually play a hard working closing down pressing game. Obviously there was something missing though.
  13. Vardy bears all the hallmarks of a player that's had to graft for everything he's got and knows he has to keep doing it. That's what playing non league etc does for players rather than graduating from an academy and having a 5 yr contract thrown at them after one or two good games. You'll never get the likes of Rhodes grafting like that at this stage of his career. He's certainly not alone although he's a completely different kind of striker so yet again it's clutching at straws just to compare for the sake of slagging him off !
  14. You could certainly point to Rhodes being a Championship version of Andy Cole in terms of stats etc. Both penalty box predators as well but that's about the lot and I don't think Stuart was drawing like for like comparisons anyway. They did have another glaring thing in common though and that was too many people crying and picking fault over what they couldn't do rather than appreciating what they could. I'll include managers in that as well.
  15. Khan v Canello in Vegas is on, fair play to him for that.
  16. Fortunately they seem to have refused Big Franks intention of renewing his license. It's mad how fighters lives are often such a mess outside the ring that the only place they feel safe and secure is actually in it. Tyson on the other hand is best off staying away from the ring as he's finally got his life in order. Injury to his eye meant Brunos career was over 20 years ago,Tyson on the other hand knew he had nothing left after keeping going into his late 30's and losing to a couple of bums because he was just fighting for money. There were so many opportunities though for someone like Bruno after being so popular but his mental health has sadly been his hardest fight. He's almost Boxings version of Gazza without the drink, proves depression can get the better of the hardest of men at times. I've often thought though that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a veterans version of the Heavyweight crown. That many of them going on a long time at that weight and some are still quite good. Have strict rules and age limit for it and fight it over 5 rounds or something. A lot of other sports have veteran catagories.
  17. He's been sending hints out for a while and the way he's been working out suggested something might be in his mind. Crazy stuff that will only end in tears although if he's skint it's the ticket to some quick money I suppose.
  18. He was another who was on 10k pwk and we PAID him off to go. About 3 hundred grand I think it was.
  19. Can't take away his achievement of beating an over the hill Klitschko but Fury is more known for his mouth and his antics than his fights. If you look at AJ then look at Fury at the same stages you didn't see him destroying people like Joshua does. Then you look at Haye who's flattened one or two names in spectacular fashion before he stopped last time. Again you look at Fury and most of his wins are pretty laboured. He is a decent fighter who may well get better but his main advantage for me is just his sheer size rather than skill although I'd never question his bottle. Still hasn't taken a shot of a proper heavyweight yet and a lot of boxing fans remain to be convinced by him. He seems to appeal more to the general public with a passing interest. A promoters dream I suppose.
  20. Nice to see Haye back and Wilder continues to knock out everyone. Heavyweight division looks a bit interesting again even though some of them are imposters compared to the previous generation. Some good fights could be made now at least, especially with Fury winding everyone up being the drunken tit that he is.
  21. Plenty would I reckon that's why it might just happen
  22. He was wittering about a comeback a few years ago and called Jones out in all seriousness on that Sky round the table thing they were all on. He then went and fought an old adversary Neville Brown in a charity exhibition thing and told everyone it was preparation for Jones jnr.....he lost. It is daft they are seriously talking about getting it on again, they've left it a bit late but they are maybe all getting a bit skint by now. If they did Benn would smash em I think judging by recent the clips of him on youtube. People would probably watch as well
  23. I suppose he still has enough about him to knockout a few bums but who wants to watch that especially after he was so brutally exposed last time out as being the finished top level fighter he is. Crazy choice of opponent last time but they probably had to get some kind of name in to make it financially viable. That promoter guy can wave goodbye to his investment I think. Maybe they could get Eubank, Benn or Collins out of retirement and in with him next If I was Roy I'd go back to the US and do a couple of years in jail it'll be less painful than getting battered another 5 times. Not only that but owing US taxes is one thing but owing the Russians.........
  24. Going back to Roy Jones jnr it's now come out that he's been chased by debt collectors for years and he owes large amounts in US taxes. No wonder he's skipped countries and got cosy with the Russian mafia. Don't expect him to stop fighting anytime soon, all very sad and in years to come it won't have a happy ending.
  25. Got some mouth of a six fingered one in the toilets of a Blackburn nightclub so nutted him leaving squealing dingle calling the cops. All alleged of course but it made the local paper.
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