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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Saunders v Lee didn't quite develop into the firecracker it could have but a decent fight nevertheless. Not keen on Saunders for some reason and it's getting annoying now how any boxer with Irish heritage seems to automatically come from the travelling community but he is developing into a real good fighter. Still think it's way out of his league to be taking on the likes of Cotto or Canelo over in Vegas though.
  2. It happened but I do agree it's up to players what they do after they score but they should always expect to take the flak that comes with it. Was just a bit strange coming from him seeing as he was on record as holding the club and fans in high regard and it did happen in the modern world of some not celebrating after scoring against former clubs. Moot point on Shearer really as he'd never played for the toon then and I seem to remember the first few times he scored against us he was quite respectful. Not so much as time went on which is fair enough after all the flak he took. Anyway there was debates on this very board about the Duff incidents so I ain't getting into any did he or didn't he arguments. Like I said I always thought Duffer a sound lad, seen him out and about a few times back in the day, top lad, top top player.
  3. A couple of disrespectful goal celebrations infront of Rovers fans, all a bit needless after he was supposed to love the club.
  4. Class act Duffer, goes down with Shearer, Friedel, Tugay as one of the best ever I've seen play for Rovers. Pity he made a bit of an ass of himself v us for Chelsea & Fulham by disrespecting his former worshippers but that's footballers for you. Great player but bit of a dick although he did nut a Burnley fan up Cav so that gets him forgiven
  5. What does that big furry thing say ? Oh yeah 'live long and prosper' or was that Space 1999 or something.......
  6. Watched him play in the U21's a bit and a first thought yes he looks like he has something. Good touch, awareness and movement although clearly struggled with the pace and nature of the game even at that level. His performances went downhill though and to me he didn't look very interested but maybe that was down to some false promises or maybe he didn't get a chance because he wasn't working hard enough. Anyway to get into Bowyers midfield last season your name quite simply had to be Evans, Williamson or Lowe, otherwise.........
  7. No he lunged and got caught with a left hook but basically UFC strikes me as street fighting only by extremely fit and quick guys obviously. MMA I can handle as the title suggests there is a lot more to it. Like I said though each to their own I don't watch it enough to form a big opinion really. That's why I love boxing really, you can have 2 guys who if they went into the street one would smash the other up and down but put gloves on them in a ring and following the rules of boxing the other would win nine times out of ten.
  8. He's not ready for Fury yet, yes he could nail him but he needs another one or two like last night to proper rough him up. I'd put him in with Chisora and then some big gangly awkward opponent from Europe before he gets to the pikey, or maybe even Wilder. I'd try and get that Whyte in with Fury I reckon he'd cause him problems, styles make fights and all that.
  9. No fan of UFC but each to their own, have to say what a farce that fight was though the other guy couldn't believe his luck. Yes he KO'd him but what a clumsy lunge it was I've seen better drunken street brawls.
  10. Mills Lane or someone like that would have thrown Whyte out probably. He was getting beat up at that point so it was classic cheap shots out of frustration. No surprise that he rattled AJ after that as it clearly had the desired effect and took him off his game plan for a bit. Credit to them both though, cracking fight. proper stuff you want to see from heavyweights. Joshua has to learn to grab when he gets tagged though like Whyte was doing, shades of Bruno in there a few times whilst he tries to keep fighting in vicious bursts like Tyson. Once he got behind the jab he loosened up a bit and looked a class act. Also good to see him come through the big shots. Whyte will have gained a few new fans as well he walked the walk. I'd like to see him have a bash at Fury he has a style that could trouble him on the inside. Great night of boxing well worth the coin for once although I switched over and watched Jones v Enzo. I cleaned up quite well as I had Enzo in round 4 the odds were amazing. Gives me no pleasure though seeing Jones done like that, he must be stopped from fighting NOW.
  11. Oh well, I thought we were being a bit spoiled with all that on the same night
  12. Good night of boxing coming up on tv on Sat night. Was supposed to be being dragged around Manchester Christmas markets but sod it, I won't be being dragged away from the box for all the mulled wine in Manchester ! Eubank v O'Sullivan should be tasty, Whyte v AJ explosive, Saunders v Andy Lee a tear up and Mitchell, Bellew always come to fight. Just a pity we might see another former great like Roy Jones getting bashed up again
  13. I thought maybe Klitschkos tactic was just to stalk Fury around the ring and hope to pounce at some point with a big right hand straight down the pipe. However I can't help thinking something was amiss because the few times he got in range he didn't throw the right at all, then in the last round he lets a few go and had a bit of success. A bit strange him starting to put the wraps on his right hand before he was being observed. Busted hand maybe ? Not that I'm saying he would have won but he must have known he was way behind going into the last 3 rounds so it was a really odd fight.
  14. The Jacobs win over Quilan was brutal and a bit surprising. GGG v Canelo moving closer as well, now that should be a tear up
  15. If that fight was in England then both fighters would have got pelters after 3 or 4 rounds of messing about no matter who they are. Furys clowning wouldn't have gone down well at all.
  16. Yeah if the Ukrainian had thrown just 20% more jabs or whatever then the scorecards could have looked different although again I get the impression Fury is quite adaptable. Just touching on the fitness side of it again it takes some doing to shed 6 stones in a month yet stay in top fighting shape. Maybe it's just a question of cutting out crap but if some other heavyweights had followed that path just how good could they have been. I'm thinking Bowe, Buster Douglas after he dethroned Tyson and one or two others. Fury looks like he could crack at any min but he must have some serious mental strength to be fair.
  17. I caught the gloves are off and didn't think much of it other than the usual mouth. Stating that he was much younger and bigger as he repeatedly did wasn't rocket science just like his tactics of dance and counter using his much bigger reach weren't. Has to have massive credit for sticking to it and carrying it through though as well as getting into the shape to do it for such a big cumbersome guy. Saw some behind the ropes and yes I was surprised at his boxing brain and the guy is very intelligent. Fact remains though that he's a loud mouth prick from a family of scumbags and he spent the last few months making it impossible for hardly anyone to take to him, u makes yer bed as they say. Not that he cares, he genuinely doesn't which helps his daft image. Fact is though that for everything Fury did good the other night Wlad was equally as bad. 50% Fury made him look that way but the other 50 was a bit of a no show with him. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you don't rate them though and Fury can be a force in this below average division. I remain far from convinced there is anything great about him though and I just wish the other night it was only for one version of the crown as that would be more fitting for him at this stage but that's boxing I suppose.
  18. Not seen it yet but sounds like a good effort from Degale and a great confidence builder, not that he needs it like. Agree I always thought Froch would have had too much for Degale and I'd like to see him set the record straight with big mouth Groves although not sure he should keep getting title shots. Joshua / Whyte is an interesting one, if it's a trade off it really could go either way but if they box a bit I expect Joshua to come out on top inside 5. As much as I'd love to see Fury ironed out I don't think AJ is ready for him yet he needs to be mixing it with the Chisoras for a good few hard rounds in a couple more fights yet.
  19. It's getting a bit like footy, athlete first, skill set second. If Klitscko had stepped on the gas a few rounds earlier it could have been different but Fury does have a good boxing brain on him i'll give him that. Still maintain that a good heavyweight who gets on his chin will stop him, when he did take a couple late on his legs always look like they could buckle. Thing is with his new found athleticism I can't see anyone getting near him just because of the sheer size and movement. Wlads talking about a rematch and he deserves one as the long reigning champ who put ALL his belts on the line if not his performance. If I were him though I'd forget it unless he's going to go for it properly @#/? or bust which is doubtful. He'll get stopped next time with that same approach.
  20. It was no real surprise as he was always in with a good shout and in no way whatsoever is this a Douglas / Tyson type scenario some of the press are trying to whip it up as. Probably the biggest victory of the night was the stuff in the background with the gloves and canvas. You have to respect team Fury for sticking to their guns on that one, many would have bent over and taken it then took their money and gone win or lose. As for the fight itself three belts for that is an absolute travesty and if I was the boxing governing bodies of those belts I'd be keeping a close eye on them. You know what Pikeys are like for weighing stuff in ...
  21. Just distresses me to see a guy like Fury getting ALL those belts after just basically dancing around the ring all night. Crazy to have them all on the line after working so hard to unify them. Of course he only has himself to blame he should have fought tooth and nail but it's crap they are all in the hands of one guy who's come from nowhere and was only mandatory to one belt. Shocking state of heavyweight boxing but to be fair the only ones I see beating Fury is a Haye at his best, unlikely now, or Joshua when he's ready but for me he's nowhere near yet. Fury beats Wilder and the rest.
  22. Guys a prick but fair play to him and his team, got their tactics and his fitness spot on. Very very poor from Wlad though, so terrifield of getting ko'd that he won't go for it himself which has been his way all along. Out goes the jab and grab giant and in comes the dance around with hands down then rabbit punch and nut the side of your opponents head with the back of yours close in man mountain champion. You don't have to be good in this era just huge.
  23. Agree with that TJ get it back to being more Bond less Bourne although some would say Bourne is the Yank take on Bond. They must however keep the actor who plays Bond British. Once Hollywood grabs it it'll become a farce and just a vehicle to promote the latest American poster boy !
  24. Funny how peoples opinions differ on the Bond films. Love the old ones of Connery and Moore as most do and I even thought the Lazenby one was good. Never watched all of the others with Dalton, all 80's films were a bit cheesy, Brosnan a bit too flash for me but some great casting and acting of villians. Then I thought the Craig bond is excellent with it's dark edge but wasn't overly mad about Spectre as I think it's going away from that now. Nevertheless it is a good film in patches. Prob a good one for him to bow out on really as I don't want to see him trying to be a Brosnan type but in what are increasingly becoming action movies. He suits the ruff, raw edge stuff better for me and I think they had more way to go with that type of character.
  25. Pulled out because this fight came up, he's a Russian citizen now and promoting boxing over there where he is probably still thought of as a major force seeing as they're always behind the times. Not even sure it's money with him I think he just craves the limelight again after his top class career all but ended years ago. So sad to see him beaten by one or two who wouldn't even have been good enough to sparr with him in his pomp. He says he's going to keep going until he wins a proper version of the cruiserweight world title but I really think Enzo Mc will beat him pretty painfully.
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