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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Cotto is now the classic ageing warrior struggling to mix it with the feisty young guns. Must admit I thought his time was up a while back and this fight went just like I thought it would. He would still be ok with slower fighters or older ones but he shouldn't bother mixing it with the young lions, unless he needs the cash. 2 or 3 years ago it would have been far more even and at their peaks I'd take Cotto to win. Just goes to show again how good Mayweather is as he strolled past Cotto when he was a lot fresher and he made Canello look a bit of an over hype job.
  2. Great stuff by Crolla, amazing after what he went through. Still a very talented boxer and bigger things await. Shame for Murray again as if it wasn't for the point deduction I think it was a draw. Not difficult to see who the bent judge was in that one, scoring such a wide margin just in case. I'd like to see him fight Groves next and finish the twerp as a credible contender then maybe get one last shot himself on home soil. He deserves it.
  3. I just cannot take to Fury at all, he's part playing up creating a character for himself and he's part idiot. If he wins and he might then i'll be the first to congratulate him but then i'll be waiting for him to get ironed out by someone else. I've a lot of time for the Klitschko's although yes they are boring and recently haven't had very credible challengers but you don't do what they've done without being a bit talented. Fury's nonsense reminds me so much of the crap Groves came out with before Froch and when you look at his record and opponents I don't really know how anyone can take him seriously but you never know.
  4. It's a funny one with Haye, I believe his shoulder injury was genuine but I wasn't convinced with the cut eye thing. I do fear he might be coming back because he needs the cash as he was involved in some foreign property thing that hit problems. That's why I think he'll just try to jump into big fights rather than work his way back in.
  5. David Haye coming back and is training with the Mcguigans. Not sure if it's a good idea as he's been out a long time and the heavys are getting bigger but if he's retained most of his ability and is fit and hungry then he's still one of the best we've got.
  6. She seems to just be a puncher who's fitness levels were put into question when she didn't flatten her oppo in the first 60 secs. Either that or she took her eye off the ball after thinking she's the best thing since sliced bread. Got to give credit to Holm though, she's a talented fighter who's proved to be the real deal.
  7. Well Rhonda you've learned a valuable lesson there, chat @#/?, get banged. Hope your watching Fury !
  8. Also a big fan of Froch, more so the fighter than the guy but he is full of contradictions. In the paper today saying he's telling his good mate Haye not to come back as he's been out too long. In Mens fitness mag saying he's staying in good shape just in case but it would take a promoter with a really interesting fight at light heavy for him even to consider it. Then Jonny Nelson doing a Q&A on twitter last night said Froch would have gone for Groves again if he'd have won the title but other than that no chance he'll come back. Personally I think he'll have another fight in the new year I think the pull is too strong for him to resist and he knows there is still gas in the tank.
  9. Quigg v Frampton now done and dusted and that's another potential cracker. Although a good fighter I thought Frampton might be a bit of a hype job but after going out of his comfort zone and winning that fight after being under serious pressure I now believe he's the real deal. Strangely though I fancy Quigg in this, naturally bigger and a big puncher.
  10. Probably didn't read it anyway, only doing as he was told. Who by though........
  11. Tantric probably see's it as one of the best he's ever handed out
  12. He should be in court for theft of 33k per week for 4 years really.
  13. Yeah watched it on Youtube tonight and yes cracking fight, glad you mentioned it on here because it had slipped under my radar. Don't usually bother too much with the tiny weights but Gonzalez is a beast, touch of the Durans about him imo. Record almost like Mayweather but barely gets a mention over here, if he was a Yank all the world would be raving about him. Would like to see Ward / Kov although Ward is a bit awkward to watch at times but fair play if he wants this fight. Having said that though he's a crafty one when it comes to picking his fights and he'd never go into it if he wasn't sure, he won't be going in to trade I know that much
  14. There was a few handbags outside at both games and at the train stations I think, doubt it was anymore than some ordinary league games. That was with 10k plus crowds and away followings of 2800 & 1200. What would this match draw ? 3 or 4K all in ?
  15. As someone who watches the u21s when I can and have been to these fixtures in the past I'm aghast at this. It's absolutely pathetic they can't police a game that will be attended by no more than a couple of thousand fans. Never seen more than a few handbags or mouthing off at these and as usual most of it comes from the dark side.
  16. Not seen it yet so hope to catch up on it this weekend. The Smith v Fielding fight could be an interesting one, can't see past Smith myself but may be a tough one for him.
  17. tomphil

    Howard Kendall

    Like a few others it was just before my time of starting going to Ewood but I was always aware of his time there. Remember as a kid reading the promotion brochure and seeing reports of that great run and some photos of the Bury game and being gutted I'd just missed out on it. Real legendary stuff and a massive achievement. RIP
  18. It was mentioned a bit back that Williamson had played enough games last season to automatically trigger a clause for another year. Maybe they were going to look to phase him out last season but the injury crisis forced otherwise ? If Lowe wasn't injured I could've maybe seen them letting him go in Jan or out on loan.
  19. We can't say for sure but on the face of it things surely looked like he was finding someone to play alongside Lowe rather than instead.
  20. You have to ask yourself why it's come to people unfortunately saying these things. Then just look back at the evidence under Bowyers tenure in regards to Lowe, his selection, results etc. The answers are all there and whilst I don't want a player injured if he was available he'd have been in and it probably would have affected recent performances and results. Best case scenario here is he gets right then gets loaned out hopefully until he's 100% fit. We all know damn well he'll be back in as soon as he's available. It's a giant achilies heel of Bowyers sadly and he's changed the team just to accommodate this guy several times before so no reason to think he won't again.
  21. A guy I know over there reckons they get about 4 or 5 k on but the gates are usually given as around 7+. He did say that quite a few bought season tickets covering several seasons otherwise there'd be even less on. Don't know if that's correct or not but it's amazing they get any on at all.
  22. Which is a nice bonus and hopefully something that can be worked on. Never worked out great that way with Rudy as he just operated with a 'i'll just get my head to it' style and Rhodes often went the wrong way to his attempted flicks.
  23. He's even putting it about a bit more this season in a better attempt at leading the line so that might suit one or two. He's likely only playing for his big move though which will surely come so they'll get their wish eventually. He must stay till the summer though....or else
  24. Sounds like they played well again and it'll be handy having Taylor back, at least he isn't another defensive mid. I just wish a few more people would turn out to watch them when they play on Ewood, we get the same on at Leigh.
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