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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. In chronological order: Significant improvement Massive improvement Massive improvement Massive improvement Significant improvement Marginal improvement Marginal improvement
  2. So how did the owners receive this ringing endorsement? It's a bit like Ancelotti ringing up to promote the claims of big Dunc really isn't it! 2nd para, completely agree and kudos to you if it comes off as established journalists pooh poohed it from the off.
  3. You're obviously trying to belittle the efforts of various people who have taken the trouble to contact the Club to discuss matters here and I think you're being extremely unfair. There's a genuine will and desire on all sides to edge the Club in the right direction and whilst I personally don't thing think things are motoring on at the pace 1864 would have you believe, everyone is acting in good faith and it may just be that the discussions and advice are permeating through the consciousness of one or two people in authority. I'd have to reiterate again, Mowbray gone, Venus gone, Park gone (probably) - if there's a really good managerial appointment along the lines of Farke and he's allowed to bring in his own staff, I'd regard that as massive progress personally.
  4. So you don't like it when people spread "We know something you don't know type gossip" but you don't mind doing it when it's your own!
  5. Well, if Glen's right the "Billionaire owners" have far bigger fish to fry than Carvalhal. 👍
  6. I think you're contradicting yourself somewhat with that post. If "the puppets at Ewood are on borrowed time" that can only be a good thing can't it? Furthermore if we do somehow by some miracle end up with Farke that would be one monumental upgrade on the last incumbent and signs of a potential " new dawn" wouldn't it.
  7. Think unleaded ought to be the new DOF. Speaks more sense than nearly everyone on this m/ board and a hell of a lot more than Waggott I'd imagine. 👍
  8. I've got a Galaxy S21 and I've got all the same problems. Horrendous. There's one ad that just won't close and another where you try and navigate to the x to close it without hitting the privacy or settings icon, invariably without success, then you have to plough through the cookies options.
  9. Very good. Was waiting for someone to come up with that. If we're being technical, HK was a olayer manager, these two aren't and I'll send you a bottle of champagne if either end up being as successful as Kendall. On a serious note if we were going down the cheap untested coach route I'd rather give Damien Johnson the chance to show what he can do. To coin a cliche at least " he's one of our own" and the others probably wouldn't even be that cheap. (Not that I'm advocating giving it to DJ for the avoidance of doubt)
  10. I'm a bit worried that Carrick features prominently in the betting at 12/1, makes Ferguson look like a managerial old hand with only 3 games managed as a stand in. So we're seemingly interested in two guys who have managed a grand total of eight games between them. I don't really get the attraction of that type of appointment.
  11. I did find Critchley's sudden leap up the betting odds intriguing, he'd gone from nowhere to as low as 12/1 last night and I wouldn't have thought he would have attracted any backers without some sort of expression of interest in the manager's role at Ewood. I think Critchley would be a good addition and imo he would have been a good replacement for Mowbray at various times when the latter was tanking but I assumed we'd missed the boat for good he signed a new contract at Blackpool. Have to wait and see I guess.
  12. Find it very odd that you offered a failing manager your unstinting support for three and a half seasons yet you wouldn't even give a new appointment you don't approve of even the briefest of chances to prove himself?
  13. Apologies if I've missed it, which two names did you post on here other than Farke?
  14. Possible but somewhat unlikely I'd wager. I do however concede that if the outstanding candidate out of a field of 50 was someone who has only managed for 5 competitive games what must the other 49 have been like? That said I'd take a punt on someone untried and untested like Ferguson over a proven serial failure like Mowbray anyway.
  15. That in itself would be a bit of a red flag for me. If they thought he was any good, you'd think they'd be fighting tooth and nail to keep him.
  16. The ferocity of the reaction against the prospect of Ferguson surprises me, he has the advantage of not being Mowbray and would I think be unlikely to put up with the sort of holiday camp mentality that has pervaded the Club over the last eleven or twelve years. I think we could do a lot worse. That said, he wouldn't be my first choice, not by a long chalk and it wouldn't scream of the owners having any real ambitions for the Club despite protestations to the contrary.
  17. It's not a particularly significant factor, the owners could if they so wished easily afford anyone we could realistically attract and plenty we couldn't. They would have to figure out how to get round any FFP implications but as someone else said earlier they'd probably be better spending more on the best manager we can possibly get as opposed to forking out £20m p.a. to trail in lower mid table Championship under an unsatisfactory manager forever and a day
  18. So......if it goes to the owners...... those at the helm don't have autonomy on decision making?
  19. Point completely missed as usual. I know you're trying to wind everyone up peddling your usual "We're poor little Blackburn Rovers, how can we possibly hope to compete?" line but in this instance the cost is irrelevant. Whatever the managerial pool we are fishing in, we ought to be able to identify a couple of stand out candidates and bring them in, not interview anyone with a pulse. The local media seem to be making it a badge of honour that the "short" list is getting longer and longer when the opposite is in fact the case. We need a quality not quantity, a couple of top quality names not sifting through a sea of dross. Still, what do you expect with Waggott conducting the process?
  20. Not right bothered now they can't win the quadruple. That WOULD have been unbearable! Don't really want Madrid to win it either. They've committed daylight robbery to get past PSG, Chelsea and City already!
  21. Agreed. The "interview process" is only a good idea if all the candidates are much of a muchness and there isn't a great deal to commend one over the other. If there's clearly an outstanding candidate in there who's expressed an interest you're only going to piss them off. Not saying CC is quite in that bracket, I'd reserve that sort of accolade for Dyche, Santo, or Farke. However he might be considerably better than whoever we end up with.
  22. I meant I "agree" with you it would be a toxic situation if we ended up with another Coyle style appointment. Not I "accept" it and would be happy with it! I think this is pure supposition on your part tbh and also think you're being very generous to Waggott if you're assuming he's shortlisted five or six stellar candidates. For me he's equally likely to recommend a dolloper who's prepared to work with the existing staff to save a bit of money. So to play devil's advocate, if we actually ended up with someone better than the likes of Carvalhal mentioned thus far, would you be prepared to give the owners credit on the basis they must have intervened and inserted someone better? I again "accept" I.e. "agree" you're right to be sceptical as to whether this would actually happen given their track record of appointing managers thus far but I have even less faith that Waggott wouldn't just recommend the cheapest option given his track record in general here.
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