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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Tony, what if the Club and Mowbray had previously agreed his situation would be discussed at the end of the playing season? (Whenever that was). Secondly, as a point of order I have never tried to convince people that the owners are any different to when they walked in the door. All I did was report that other people were told some time ago about extremely promising changes in general were in the offing, which,if they had happened, would have possibly indicated a shift in the owners attitude. I said a few weeks ago I personally couldn't see much evidence of those changes being put into effect (apart from the community work) Nevertheless the people in question are still trying their best and if some posters on here knew the lengths they were going to (even as we speak) to try and help the Club they would hang their head in shame. Whether the Club accepts or acts on this offer of help and assistance is a different matter entirely of course. You can take a horse to water and all that. However the help support and assistance is there if they want it.
  2. What were you saying earlier about "reading between the lines"? Instead of simply confirming he's off he's said he'll wait and see what the owners have to say and whilst it wouldnt be his first choice, it might be nice being a DOF. Seems a fairly clear "I would like a new deal as manager. Failing that I would consider a role as DOF".
  3. The hyperbole is necessary because he's been THAT bad a manager. - Just finished with 17 points from 19 games to avoid getting in the play offs. - Another record breaking run last season (for the wrong reasons) - 2 very disappointing seasons before that and various death spirals. Yet some people still seem to think he's all right. I just don't get it. It's like they support Tony Mowbray and not the Club.
  4. And the answer is........(drumroll) Tony Mowbray! I'll see if I can get them to offer you a new deal!
  5. It' would hardly be a case of the Club hiring a manager JH didn't rate from scratch and JH not giving him a chance though would it? It would be a case of giving a manager who has already been an abject failure over a number of seasons an extended dea for no good reason. I'd be in the same boat. Even if he gets a cushy well paid job as DOF that he seems to be favouring in that interview. Whilst someone else might be in the hotseat we know who'd be calling the shots. And what about his comments that indicate as DOF he wouldn't mind losing particularly as long as he wasn't the one getting the stick for it! The man is utterly shameless.
  6. Holy shit. Sounds like they're going to beg him to stay. He's playing them like an absolute fiddle. New contract, nice pay rise - Happy Days. Edit: "I'll see what they have to say" Why would he do that if he'd made his mind up he was leaving?
  7. Couldn't defend that at all if it happened but it would prove Mowbray is a lying scumbag, happily agreeing to a new deal after his comments last week and consistently moaning about being away from his family season after season. If that happened that would be it for me. You couldn't defend the owners any longer and they and Mowbray would fully deserve each other.
  8. You're just being Gav style argumentative for the sake of it now. He made his announcement before the Bournemouth game at which point we still had a mathematical choice of going up. Say we had somehow scraped into the play offs and then gone up. Most people would have been wanting him given a new deal in that instance and Gav would have been lobbying for his status outside the ground again and saying what a disgrace it was we'd previously announced we were letting him go.
  9. "Idols in Pune" Lol. As soon as Mowbray started playing the violin last week, they should have thought "Thank goodness for that, you've saved us a job" and straightaway issued the standard leaving statement. The fact that no statement has subsequently been subdequently forthcoming is an absolute farce but that will be nothing compared to if he ends up staying.
  10. You're going to look rather silly if he ends up agreeing a new contract. There's only one logical explanation why there hasn't been a statement from the Club on the matter, they weren't expecting his comments last week and they either want him to stay or hadn't made their mind up.
  11. With respect, you nor anyone else have any idea whatsoever what has been said over the months between the Club and Mowbray about his situation. The more I think about it, the more likely it seems that this is a storm in a tea cup engineered by Mowbray. There was no advantage at all from his point of view agreeing a new deal before our fate was known. His stock is radically different depending on - Whether he took us up automatically - Whether he took us up via the play offs - Whether we got in the play offs and put up a good fist but just missed out - Or failed miserably and missed the play offs altogether. Why would he risk agreeing to a deal on the basis he was a Championship manager?
  12. Ha ha, could you imagine how gutted Nyambe would be if that happened? Anyhow, cautiously optimistic about this surprise development...... not convinced Mowbray's off until the Club make some official announcement on the matter but it would be a fantastic boost if Nyambe and Lenihan end up staying. Fuck off Mowbray, welcome back Ryan.
  13. Might be something and nothing but Nixon is hinting there's something in it by saying "I wonder" at the end. If we're being pedantic "a long chat" isn't needed anyway. All that's needed is "We're not renewing your contract Tony, Thanks for your efforts' all the best for the future."
  14. He seemed pretty certain about his future last week for someone who's allegedly had no communication whatsoever. Also how did he know Park was leaving as well if the matter has never been discussed?
  15. How did we know that was going to happen................ Also get your tame journo at the LT to randomly name drop Woodgate's name into the mix and all of a sudden good old Tone looks a lot more attractive. Like I said the other day, I wanted to know what the odds for the devious old bastard Mowbray were.
  16. I like Stelling but he's hardly any room to talk based on that clip with his shirt open to the navel. All he's missing is the blingy medallion that looks like a bar of chocolate. Not sure why he's laying into Ainsworth for no reason based solely on his appearance - perhaps he isn't represented by the right agency. I actually like Ainsworth's appearance -part of his appeal - a refreshing change from conforming to the boring norm these days but at the end of the day we need a manager that can win Championship football matches not just Ozzy or Bruce Dickinson from 35 years ago. That should be the only consideration.
  17. Not even in jest. Please. If Mowbray gets a job as DOF, does that magically transport the Club nearer to his home and stop him moaning about being too far away from his family?
  18. The only straw I'm going to cling to for the time being is that Sharpe saying "he's likely to be in the conversation" is hardly conclusive. Ironically the only person I'd rather have the job any less is the present incumbent!! BoroRejectsRUS
  19. Another strong Middlesbrough connection. I don't suppose we need to ask who he is represented by do we? Has even less on his managerial CV to commend him than Mowbray had at the time.
  20. Unless they'd had some sort of prior understanding that Mowbray's future would be discussed at the end of the season. Don't forget in January the expectation would have been that we would have been in the play offs minimum and they extend well beyond the end of the regular season. Far be it from me to defend Waggott who probably can't lie straight in bed but if they wanted him gone I can't see why the Club haven't just put out the standard "Thanks for your service statement". after Mowbray beat them to the punch. Regardless of whether Waggott is sulking in a corner somewhere and whether or not they'd communicated their decision to him is irrelevant. Mowbray has in that case taken the decision out of their hands by indicating he's leaving and has saved them a job.
  21. Still going strong as well. 92. Mowbray will probably be about that age when he leaves.
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