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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Whenever that long awaited day finally arrives, it really can't come soon enough.
  2. A lot of people have openly admitted they would like to see the Club relegated or in administration if it meant the end of the owners. Eustace is perceived in certain quarters as Waggott's choice and "a yes man" so I think Tyrone original comment was quite fair.
  3. I'm not suggesting for one minute that Venky's deserve credit for employing Waggott and well you know it. As usual you're reading what I write and posting the opposite inference from the obvious one. Waggott's a blight on the Club and the fact that he's still here is on their heads. Nevertheless Waggott will presumably be working to a budget agreed before the start of every season. It will only be items over and above that budget he'll need consent for and he will have a degree of autonomy within the agreed budget. We'd do better with a decent CEO than with Waggott irrespective of budget. And yes once again the owners need to go for the benefit of Upside Down who seems to be having difficulty reading.
  4. Yep Cheston and Waggott sat before a gullible Fans Forum and talked about raising the funding for a brand new state of the art trading complex. Don't suppose we'll ever know for certain why that scheme was shelved ( I've heard the intervention of a certain ex player was pivotal) but thank Christ it was.
  5. Broughton's only plan seemed to be selling anyone who turned out to be decent or was potentially decent for a shit price.
  6. See the guy who yet again doesn't read what I post properly as it doesn't suit his agenda.
  7. Unless Broughton advised them to take £18m and they went along with it.
  8. Never ceases to amaze me how you always stand up for Waggott. For all their faults, (and for the avoidance of doubt they need to go) the owners pay Waggott a fortune to run the Club so they don't have to micromanage every decision themselves from India. No matter what the prevailing conditions or finance or lack thereof are, we'd do better with a decent CEO in situ than Waggott.
  9. Do we even need a DOF? Surely everyone in the game (apart from Waggott and Mowbray) know that you don't let your key assets walk away on a free. Once you've got that out of the way, If you have a good manager with an eye for a player, why do you need a DOF? Mark Hughes did all right without one.
  10. So on what basis referring to the above would you have give given GB the job? Cutting through all the corporate bullspeak the only things I'd be interested in in a DOF is that he recruited well and put into place some things that helped the team succeed. The finer points of contractual negotiations could surely be left to the Club Secretary/CEO. If we had decent ones.
  11. That is still a ludicrously low fee!!! We don't know for certain how desperate the owners were to sell to keep the lights on. If there was no pressure in that respect then we got absolutely shafted on the price.
  12. In the unlikely event Waggott was shifted and someone decent half decent was brought in it would be far from immaterial. In fact I'd say it's reached the stage where it's imperative.
  13. Couldn't agree more but that doesn't mean Broughton wasn't a disaster as well. One down - Waggott (and the owners to go) Shame JDT didn't have more competent people to support him.
  14. I disagree. Broughton obviously couldn't spot a decent player if he tripped over one. Gestede as a former player might have a good eye for one. No guarantees of course, every appointment is a risk.
  15. He might have a very good knowledge of the game built up through his playing career. Might not work out but Broughton had zero experience as a DOF.
  16. Except here. Same was said about Mowbray. "But who could we possibly replace him with?"
  17. Yeah, former footballers never succeed in management circles, good job Kenny Dalglish never gave it a go. Why the **** is anyone defending Broughton? He's brought in 3 strikers who haven't even registered a goal for the Club and Wahlstedt who looks like he won a competition out of the crowd to play a few games. Add in two unprecedented transfer window cock ups which never happened before he arrived and you have to say it's an extremely positive step he has gone.
  18. "Footballer" makes him far more qualified than the Egg though? Irrespective of what exams the latter may have passed?
  19. Depends if he turns out to be any good at the job. Let's face it he couldn't do any worse than the Egg. (Has he been sacked btw? I've not been on the board for a week)
  20. Naughty headline in the LT. Club face anxious wait after Eustace "dismissal". Lol.
  21. I can only go off what is recorded in the minutes, there is no indication from that that anything that was said was challenged in any meaningful way. It may be that isn't an accurate representation of what was actually said but if so then any objections should be recorded as well. I wasn't really intending having a go at any individuals on the Forum, I've done my time on there and it's a fairly thankless task giving your time up for free. I'm also aware that even in John Williams' day the Forum was essentially a box ticking exercise for the Club - they'd listen to what you had to say and then they'd go and do exactly what they wanted in the first place but at least they could say they'd "consulted" with the fans. There comes a point however when the Club are simply just coming out with downright untruths or "We'll look into it" that the whole thing becomes pointless. Out of the meeting what did you learn about the Club's stance on the overall financial situation, the summer transfer window, Mcquire, season ticket prices or their ongoing commitment to maintaining Ewood? Because unless I've completely missed it I'm absolutely none the wiser.
  22. Only just read the latest Fans Forum minutes and it's made my blood boil. There isn't a single acceptable response from anyone at the Club! In its current format the FF is a complete waste of time and the members are complicit in listening to the Club come out with absolute bollux and letting them completely off the hook. The latest gems "Operational matters unaffected by the Court case and owners see no issues in sending funds in sending funds over as and when required". Clearly not true - we still have to go to Court to secure release of funding, a manager walked out because "the project" had changed and if there's no issue in sending funding over why was Wharton ushered ot of the door for such a pitiful amount? (Did anyone ask if we have a sell on clause btw?) Alternatively if there is no issue, what is it that has changed from 12 months ago when Waggott clearly acknowledged there was a problem? "What went wrong with the January 24 transfer deadline?," "We can't say it's subject to an investigation" 3 MONTHS later! "Will there be a summer transfer budget?" No information given. "We're discussing with owners etc." I.e. "We're looking into it. Will another offer be made for Mcguire? No information given "under consideration" I.e. "We're looking into it" (But if it doesn't happen it's down to his nasty parent Club refusing to sell despite us making a clear pledge to go back in for him in the immediate aftermath of the original debacle) Season ticket prices - no information given "We 're looking into it etc " Why cant they say "If we're in League 1 we're proposing prices should be X and if they're in the Championship we think they should be Y" What do you think?" Any chance of safe standing? "We can't get a grant for it so you'll have to pay for it yourselves" "Mildew in the stands?" We didnt know about it. We only work here full time. Send us a photo and "We'll look into it" Upgrade of Ewood: Great to see the Adam Wharton money will be going towards the purchase of various new lifts in the Executive Areas. As a general point they can't be crying crocodile tears about a load of items needing replacing at once as the current owners have been in charge 14 years and maintenance to the ground should have been kept on top of on an annual basis so that it didn't become a major issue all at once. Please - stop letting them get away with this nonsense! As stated previously I personally couldnt sit there and let my intelligence be insulted meeting after meeting, I'd refuse to meet with them until they start taking things seriously and come up with some meaningful answers.
  23. Agreed. Gallagher hasn't scored in his last 13 starts nor has he remotely looked like doing so. Therefore in the unlikely event that Telalovic had been afforded such a generous amount of game time over the same period he couldn't possibly have done any worse!
  24. I don't think we'll go, that requires us to lose and Wednesday to get at least a point (both very likely) combined with both Plymouth and Birmingham winning - (not on the face of it particularly likely). That shouldn't be seen as a badge of honour though, by god we've been utterly unconvincing under 2 different coaches and there needs to be a massive improvement next season whichever division we're in. At least if we never see Sam Gallagher again after Saturday it will be a reason to raise a glass in celebration I suppose. P.S. If anyone wants to hedge against the crushing disappointment of the worst case scenario unfolding, we're 18/1 to go down with Sky Bet.
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