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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. I preferred you when you were breathing fire and brimstone!
  2. I'm told his son (who takes a keen interest) comes across as very sensible should their ownership get that far. He'd be taking over a team from the 8th or 9th tier at this rate.
  3. Broughton, if he's totally blameless, would have a very good case for walking out and claiming constructive dismissal. All of this is making him look even more of a mug than his signings. JDT maybe less so as he is only a "Coach" but maybe even him if he could prove he had been made promises which hadn't been kept.
  4. Unless a better striker than Mcguire (sorry Mcguire's mum) comes in later today and we have a good day as well in addition to that you'd imagine any innocent party in this would be walking out before the next game. My twopenneth (if anyone) would be on JDT only.
  5. Good post. I agree with just about everything you' very written above but I still struggle with the notion that they would sanction deals then pull out of them. The only thing I can put it down to is receiving some grim financial news between then and now on a rather larger scale to jim jesting about the leccy bill landing on Steve's desk. Or Adam's coming home but that would be something good happening and that hasn't happened to us poor sods much in the last 13-14 years
  6. Very fair if that's what happened. I still can't see though why they'd agree to the second deal then pull the plug. They'd just not agree to it in the first place. Unless they've had some truly catastrophic financial news between giving the deal the go ahead and this occurring.
  7. I agree, just that most people would appear to blame the owners for that as well. On the second one, why let him get on a plane before pulling the plug? I'm not having it they didn't know about the deal before that. If they didn't it's on GB.
  8. Is it likely the owners initially sanctioned the deals for O Brien and Mcguire twice only for them to then pull the plug on each occasion? And if they did, why then go to appeal in the first case and bother to fly the player across the Atlantic before pulling out in the second place respectively? It can't even be explained away by GB not seeking prior authorisation. They still wouldn't have gone to appeal on O Brien. It's odd beyond belief.
  9. If it has been pulled by the owners (again?) you're right. Let's see if he walks then.
  10. Yes but we didn't have high profile supposed deals collapsing at the last minute, failed appeals and players being asked to fly across the Atlantic for nothing.
  11. STILL no -one attaches any blame to Broughton. All this sort of shite only started happening after he rocked up.
  12. I said "Greg" or "Gregg" because I think it is weird in the extreme that certain posters (not you) refer to him in first name terms. I thought the inference was obvious. The spelling is completely irrelevant. People don't generally refer to Waggott as "Steve" or even JDT as "Jon" do they.The spelling is completely irrelevant. I have my view as to why that is the case but I know its an accusation that that people don't like being bandied around.
  13. Right OK, I'm wondering if this is right now - just say you give GB the benefit of the doubt for the O Brien deal and he assumed he was ok to go ahead but the V's pulled it at the last minute. (Not what I reckon happened but let's go with it) What are the odds that if that happened 12 months ago GB would set up another deal and fly someone over from the US without authorisation? Pretty slim I'd have thought. What are the odds of the V's vetoing 2 deals after sanctioning them in the first place? Equally slim. Unless of course Adam is chugging back up the motorway in his mk1 Fiesta for a few more months oop in the frozen North before moving to the metropolis of the South? We can but hope on the last part.
  14. Apologies. I'm equallyconfused why you think that's important. I think it's rather more important that he would appear to be fucking useless. The only way in which we can salvage a bit of self respect from this is if someone better has suddenly become available AND we land him. Still leaves a sour taste though.
  15. 100%. But then again if you can stop a poor kid from being a mascot because they can't buy an up to date shirt because you've run out of stock, maybe not so surprising.
  16. Holy fuck how can you treat people like that? What you got to say about this one "Greg"?
  17. As much as I don't rate GB the deadline is 11p.m. tomorrow tbf.
  18. Or even better, Wharton stays, the Court refuse the application for funding in March and they are forced to sell.
  19. How very dare she! Any of our resident internet sleuths got a handle on Mcguire's actual whereabouts? It's a bit like Alan Partridge waiting for Roger Moore to turn up for an interview and tracking his location and of course he never showed.
  20. Yup, come home Adam, it's not your responsibility to save the Club. You'll get a better move in summer, we'll get more money and in the meantime let the buggers sort their own financial problems out.
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