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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. I think we'll probably get at least one result we weren't expecting against sides higher up in the table and continue to fail to impress in the games we think we should win. Whether that will start against Ipswich remains to be seen.
  2. It's Nixon, so I'd treat the story with a lorry load of salt but even if it were true they'd have to be fairly quick to sell us as a PL Club given that promotion is arguably a licence to get tubbed for a season then go straight back down. All indications up to now (before the current Court case) were that they'd never consider selling, ever, and in the unlikely event we did ever get promoted under them you'd think being in the Premier League would make them less not more inclined to sell.
  3. Absolutely spot on. Whilst we know everything boils down to the owners I have no idea whatsoever why some people insist on giving Broughton and to a lesser extent Waggott a free ride. Broughton has signed three strikers in his time at the Club none of whom have registered a single goal for us and one of which wasn't even fit enough to play. He spent what there was of the summer budget on the calamitous Leo and what there was of the winter budget on a prospect that now we are told cant play because he needs protecting. And also brought in a 37 year old and a crock who lasted 15 mins He's also overseen two absolutely unprecedented January cock ups in succession. Apart from that he's done OK I suppose. Lol. Currently keeping his head down whilst all the fall out from January dies down and then will no doubt re-emerge unscathed next season like nothing has happened. Its sickening. A lot of people don't even like Waggott being given grief because they claim it deflects from the real problem which is the owners. I really don't understand this point of view - if they're doing a terrible job, both should be called out for it.
  4. Apologies if it was mentioned earlier in the thread but Elliott Jackson at the LT was being a bit of a cheeky bastard this week when he started a story with the headline that Eustace wasn't going to let all the "noise" about the owners situation deflect from his preparation for yesterday's game. Thereby insinuating that any concern about the subject is a bit of a fuss about nothing. That sort of attitude will look a bit silly if the situation does not resolve itself and we ultimately end up being relegated and/or going into administration. I doubt he'd be so flippant if the Club he supported was in a similar boat, that's if he supports anyone.
  5. Might as well give Telalovic an extended run in the team and see if he can discover some form as Gallagher literally offers nothing, so even in the worst case scenario you'd not be particularly any worse off. It's like the argument about selling Gallagher. Even if he hadn't been replaced we'd not be any worse off on the pitch and at least we'd have had the money in the Bank. Furthermore to have turned down a reported £2m for him with six months to go on his deal, with the potential there to have replaced him permanently at equal or less cost with the younger Mcguire was particularly barking even by our standards.
  6. Strange to see Hedges being praised to the rafters, I think he is absolute garbage, a complete waste of money even at £200k. The ultimate journeyman footballer. Conversely whilst Dolan is a bit hit and miss I think he has a lot more quality about him and generally puts in a far better shift. Each to their own I guess.
  7. His major failing is he crosses the white line. Decent point today though in isolation. Just need a couple of wins from anywhere.
  8. OK thanks. Sorry for putting words into your mouth. But in devil's advocate mode why not embark one one of those other methods long before now as an interim measure if they were keen to get money over?
  9. So to summarise: They currently can't send ANY money over without permission and if they do so it has to be matched by a security bond for an equivalent amount. However it SEEMS as though there should be ways around the problem if they wanted to send money badly enough so are you insinuating that they might see these problems as somewhat convenient? If that were the case, why bother going to Court at all? They could just do a Waggott, shrug their shoulders and say "We've done all we can."
  10. The future of the Club hangs in the balance and the LT are back in 3 wise monkeys mode I see. It's like the whole thing just isn't happening.
  11. Sounds a bit that way. The question of whether the Government are technically entitled to intervene in this manner ought to be a fairly straightforward one - either they can or they can't.
  12. That seems to be the general understanding from those that have looked into it but don't think it's been confirmed by a official source as such.
  13. STILL no word as to what happened. If we had a proper CEO he'd have been right on top of it and put out a press release long before now. The Club at operational level is an absolute joke.
  14. As far as the relegation battle is concerned it could be pretty important whether or not Leicester have been automatically promoted before they play us on the final day. If they've been on the lash for a while and are mentally on the beach it "shouldn't" do us any harm. Although I'm sure we'd still find a way to look the more sluggish and less motivated of the two sides.
  15. Think it was a great result that Boro beat Brum. We can only influence games that we play in so it's up to us to perform and bring something home on Saturday. If any results involving other teams fall our way it has to be considered a massive bonus. Can't deny either the thought of Mowbray and Venus taking Brum down is also immensely satisfying although of course there will be no-one who wouldn't wish Mowbray a speedy recovery from whatever medical issues he is facing.
  16. So another hearing absolutely pivotal to the future of the Club, maybe even pivotal to its continued existence. Nearly 24 hours on, not a word from Ewood about what was the eventual outcome. Could Waggott possibly treat the supporters with more contempt? Fans groups need to start putting their foot down and say that treating the supporters like mushrooms I.e. keep them in the dark and feed them a load of **** is not acceptable and will no longer be tolerated.
  17. You're right sorry. The main title seems fairly nebulous subject matter unrelated to the matter at hand. Perhaps their Advocate is trying to argue that as a matter of principle the Authorities are not entitled to be intervening in this manner.
  18. That was filed on 30/05/23. It doesn't seem particularly pertinent to today? Which is just as well because if it was it doesn't give theimpression of any hearing being a mere formality.
  19. Technically Eustace was right when he said Plymouth wasn't a "must win" game. We didn't win it yet the last time I looked we hadn't been relegated (yet) That said we all knew how vital it was to get a win. I don't however read too much into him saying what he did other than it being a fairly transparent attempt to take some pressure off the players, who tbh have shown themselves to be a right load of whinging prima donnas over the last nineteen games and during that meeting with certain fans and Waggott. Eustace's only job at the moment is to keep us up. If he's decided that the only way to get some sort of tune out of them until the end of the season is to blow smoke up their arses and tell them how wonderful they are, then again I have no particular problem with it. (If it works) Where the problem will lie, if he is indeed what you could describe as "a yes man", is next season and beyond when the Club will need someone in place of JDT with similar drive and ambition who is actually interested in results on the pitch to push Waggott Broughton and the owners into being as successful as we can be.
  20. Well, they could spend money on merch if we had any.
  21. We didn't hear anything until ages after last time either. It was down to an Eagle eyed poster on here to spot that the case had been adjourned. The silence from the Club was deafening- as it usually is when bad news is afoot - like when a planning application to bulldoze half of Brockhall had been sneakily slipped in under the radar but was spotted by someone on here ( MattyBlue?)
  22. You would have thought that as any request to the Court for funding is to keep the lights on only and is not intended to be earmarked for funding transfers, then any amount authorised would be reduced by the amount of the first installment received for Adam Wharton. On the other hand you'd sort of hope any monies to be received for Raya in summer might be able to be put towards transfers. Remains to be seen I suppose.
  23. I wasnt a JDT out person but I have to say I don't think the majority of people are giving Eustace any sort of chance. Is this mainly down to the fact (unlike JDT) that his comments would tend to indicate he won't be rocking the boat or giving Waggott a hard time at any point? Do I think Eustace is the man to take us forward in the long term? Not sure on the basis of what we've seen so far. However I am pretty certain that JDT would have taken us down had he stayed and if Eustace keeps us up, by whatever means, he'll have done his job for this season.
  24. I actually thought it was a really disappointing game given the quality of the two sides. City weren't at it at all I didn't think
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