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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Suspected as much. Sell Wharton then spent a fraction of the net proceeds on assorted dross. At least the Championship manager brigade will be happy. Oh well - if we're looking for a Gallagher clone this guy sounds absolutely ideal. A like for like replacement.
  2. Why do we need a CB? We have 4 already. We STILL don't have a decent striker on the books though. Not sure this guy from the US is the answer, you'd have hoped we'd have been a bit more ambitious if Wharton is being sold.
  3. I think you know what I meant. Anywhere would appear to be an upgrade on the circus here currently but in terms of PL Clubs he could go to I'd be looking at Newcastle, Spurs, Villa, West Ham, Brighton, Wolves etc before I'd even contemplate Palace. From our point of view as well, assuming we're not getting the money up front, we'd also be far better off holding out for a bidding war in summer between the slightly bigger guns
  4. Dreadful move for Wharton if it comes off imo, could hardly be worse for him. Even if they stay up for the next couple of seasons Woy won't be there long for starters and the next bloke may not fancy him.
  5. No, we'll no doubt sell the potential future superstar and keep the £16k p.w. donkey. If it was the other way round I'd be ecstatic.
  6. Have to agree. What's the point of "matching" another Club's bid whether that bid has been turned down or not. Surely you lodge a slightly improved bid. Tells me we're not that serious but trying to create the impression of doing something
  7. I would say it's probable but not a given that funding will be approved on the adjourned hearing. Still absolutely no way to operate though, you've no idea where you stand. Unless the issues with the Indian Authorities can be resolved asap they need to sell up.
  8. I expect we will be wondering that after the window closes.
  9. C'mon indeed - he obviously found his level last night - against League 2 opposition. Just because he might not be quite as bad as Ennis or Telalovic doesn't suddenly make him a good player. (Some going that by the Egg) He offers very little at Championship level - it would be absolute madness to turn money down for him this window. Which means we'll probably do it.
  10. Mentioned it before but thought Scott Wharton had a superb game. His passing out from the back was exemplary. He's our best centre half by a country mile when he's on song imo. Hopefully JDT will start to notice what a good player he is instead of using him as first reserve.
  11. Very good interview from JDT at the end, you wonder what he might be able to do if he'd received the same sort of backing Mowbray had. It would be nice to think he could survive until after the financial issues are resolved, Waggott is potted or retires and we get a decent DOF in. Sadly I doubt he will see any of the above.
  12. Scott Wharton's having a great game tonight imo his passing out from the back has been first class.
  13. Bollux. Should have shot but bottled out and passed back to Szmodics who was actually in a worse position. Did well for the second though helped by some suicidal goal keeping.
  14. Sigurdsson really poor as well. Make that like playing with 9 him and Gallagher. We've completely wilted since going behind. Very disappointing.
  15. You could see that coming a mile away. Completely dominated possession then caught by a sucker punch. Who's went to be playing LB? Gave Wharyon too much to do to try and get across. Playing with Gallagher is like playing with 10 but the Welsh commentators think he's looking 'sharp". I give up.
  16. Good move not to accept the original derisory offer, in an ideal world we need to be looking at a deal that will eventually net us well north of £30m. However we all called it a week ago, we'll cave in at the last minute and then the excuse will be we didn't have time to get anyone else in or else we'll get someone pretty useless in on loan after which we'll be another body and our best player down in summer.
  17. Thinking about it, as much as I don't want us to sell him, if he did make the decision to sign for someone else, I wouldn't want him playing for us personally.
  18. He misjudged it badly with his "team coach" interview in the summer he's going to have be even more careful not to misjudge the mood on this one. Or is it just us on here getting into a lather about the fact the Club's future hangs in the balance? If you look at our local "newspaper" you wouldn't even think anything was happening. You couldn't make it up.
  19. I wouldn't mind an unequivocal guarantee from them that their issues with the Indian Authorities have been resolved and there are no longer any restrictions on them transferring money to us tbf but a reaffirmation of their Commitment to the Club whilst the current status quo remains in place would sound even more hollow than normal unfortunately.
  20. You missed the bit where we spend £2m on an unsuccessful appeal. Edit: Oops sorry no you didn't, my bad.
  21. Because its better than the originally mooted £15m but still a shite offer.
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