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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. If there's a problem he doesn't seem to be aware of it.......yet.
  2. At the moment I can't see this being anything other than a formality but if there's any truth in it it would explain why they're not letting JDT anywhere near a camera. There's only one penny pinching employee who would be kiboshing feals internally IF there's any truth in this.
  3. Not many attacking options off the bench should we need them. If we want to switch to 4 centre halves though we should be fine!
  4. You're merely playing with words there. They're not protecting him at all, they're worried about what he might say. Also if he needs "protecting" in the first place that in itself tends to suggest its been a calamitous window which in turn would you think lead to him being extremely unhappy.
  5. Don't give Waggott a free pass Gav. They ALL need calling out and firing off.
  6. Some sort of international clearance issue maybe?
  7. No point quibbling with each other. Yes, I think we'll be goosed if JDT walks out, yes I think we're goosed next season even if he doesnt unless the owners either sell up or at the very least resolve their financial issues before then. However first things first, we need the 3 points today to try and stave off any possibility of relegation this season. I'm sure the fans in the ground will get behind the team like they always do. I don't blame anyone for either going to get behind the players or staying away in protest. I stopped going this season after 53 years because amongst other things I was so fed up we surrendered a seemingly unassailable position 2 seasons running and I couldnt bring myself to put another penny in the pockets of Waggott and Broughton. Then for me Waggott merely confirmed it was pointless attending until he leaves the Club when he said there's no pressure on results. What's the point in following a Club that isn't bothered if it wins or loses and whose only function is to develop players for other Clubs and sell a few of our own to keep the lights on? Notwithstanding that, WE the fans (and the Head Coach) are desperate for us to do well and get the result today and I hope we do and everyone in attendance enjoys the game. The battle to save the Club will continue regardless.
  8. I think Pickering is a poor signing and seem to be in a minority of one that doesn't rate Hyam but point taken.
  9. I was watching the Wrexham game and I didn't even realise he was on the pitch until he scored. Each to their own. Cracking strike and great reaction though.
  10. Top 6? Give it a rest for God's sake. Didn't you also assure us the financial issues were a temporary blip that would be resolved shortly before the end of the summer window? We're 11 points off top 6 and if we lose tomorrow will be 5 points of the bottom 3. I do however agree that tomorrow's game is absolutely huge - the proverbial 6 pointer. Unfortunately however it still seems relatively insignificant in light of a) The speculation surrounding the head coach and b) The financial situation engulfing the Club. You'd imagine also that if JDT is leaving the morale amongst the players would be absolutely on the floor - particularly amongst the ones who have just joined and would be wondering exactly what they'd walked in to. So whilst the financial woes arent going away let's hope therefore the managerial speculation is baseless and we can get the 3 points by hook or by crook.
  11. Bleurgggh! Not even in jest please! I was thinking more David Lowe. He seems to have even more stickability than Teflon Tony.
  12. Go on OC!! Can you stagger down to Ewood and give Waggott a battering with your walking stick please?
  13. I think Broughton's worse than useless but if a signing is made on his watch you have to give the credit to him so its unfair not to credit him with SS. Where I differ to most is how good or otherwise his other signings have been. Everyone usually comes up with at least one good signing. Mowbray and Venus signed Dack and Armstrong and even Owen Coyle signed Charlie Mulgrew.
  14. The thing that got me was when he made a post on deadline day night something along the lines of "Ennis to Stoke still seems to be on. Not clear if it's a permanent deal or a loan with a view or an outright loan at this stage" Well, pick the bloody phone up and ask someone then! You're being paid for this!
  15. "Sorry you've ended up here mate, with all due respect you weren't my choice nor were any of the others. I'm off on Monday. All the best".
  16. Think that was obvious from his interview. For the purposes of the present discussion though its probably more relevant whether JDT wanted him to stay or at the very least grudgingly agreed to his departure on the understanding he'd get a decent chunk to spend on permanent fees. Reading between the lines when he was asked about AW recently it sounded like JDT wanted him to stay until the summer.
  17. I've been a bit on the fence about JDT during his tenure. I don't think he's quite the genius he's been painted as when things were going well and whilst not completely blameless, nor do I particularly blame him for the bad runs because imo he's been dreadfully let down by the owners, Waggott and Broughton. So whilst he isn't irreplaceable, at the moment I see him as currently our only hope as he seems to be the only person at the Club with any ambition to succeed. If he goes he needs to be replaced by someone in a similar mould, youngish with a fierce ambition to succeed and achieve results on the football pitch. Dare I say someone who can also set a team up better defensively at times. Can't see that happening. After this experience Waggott will probably be keen to revert back to someone who is happy to top up his pension for a few years and not rock the boat.
  18. The LT are normally terrified of upsetting the Club as well so if young Elliott has got it completely wrong and there was a relatively innocent explanation ie. JDT asked not to give a press conference because he wanted to work with the new players, he'll be getting his botty smacked big time.
  19. Ha - did he work under Waggott? I actually really rated him at one time. A long long long time ago.
  20. It MAY be something in-between I.e. he's not happy at all about the happenings during the window but isn't prepared to walk out at this point and the Club did stop him from holding a press conference because they didn't want him sounding off again. He was pretty forthright with his comments after the Wrexham game as it was and that was before the Mcguire debacle. I hope it doesn't happen but if it was me I'd have my team of advisors negotiating an exit by mutual consent
  21. Yep was going to say similar Who has worked under Waggott at any point Been out of the game for years, therefore cheap Is desperate, therefore will conform to the party line. Bit like Mowbray when we appointed him albeit Waggott arrived shortly after.
  22. Has Broughton given an appraisal of the transfer window or has that not happened either. Surely even he wouldn't be shameless enough to try and pass that off as a success.
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