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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Bugger, was trying not to post but can't let this go....... So if people don't happen to agree with your point of view then they're not a "fan" Fair enough. If you're going to be rude about it, I might as well be rude too and advise you to take your head out of the effing sand. I hope that I am not a bandwagon jumper and that my views are consistent whether or not people necessarily agree with them. My view is that I support Blackburn Rovers not Graeme Souness. Unqualified support for him can only last so long and if performances and results don't improve over the next month (after Birmingham on December 6 personally ) I feel the club have little option but to try a different approach. We CAN NOT afford to go down. If that sad day did arrive, (and let's hope it never does as a result of the players starting to perform for him) it wouldn't be a case of "Never darken our doorstep again" more a case of "Thanks for everything you've done. - you're welcome back anytime." You may not agree, but I'm not going to start accusing you of not being a fan if you don't, we just hold differing viewpoints on the best way forward.
  2. Might replace him with someone who gets the team playing for them/ to their potential perhaps. Anyone who turns a blind eye to the current predicament is not a true fan of Blackburn Rovers in my eyes. Might equally well have said the same about Iley, Harford, Hodgson, Kidd at the time. Souness has done well in the past but that was then and this is now. Its not rocket science to see where we are Rev,but saying if you dont want souey out then you are not atrue fan..ABSOLUTE @#/?!!!!!!!!!! We missed some gilt edge chances today and we should have a pen,you cant lay it on soey ffs. Don't turn my words around, I said that if you turn a blind eye to our current situation (not if you don't want Souness out) you're not a true fan. Personally I don't want Souness out, I would rather he turned it round, but if he hasn't done it within the next month I would favour a change of direction to try and save the club.
  3. But Revidge who the hell would you replace him with and how would you finance any rebuilding? It would be financial suicide to sack Souness at this point in the season, he needs until Christmas at least and then I’d hesitate to remove him even if we were bottom of the league then. SPIRIT? Did you not see Wednesdays display? We hammered Leicester today and got nothing which is a worry I agree but if Thompson learned how to pass a football and Emerton added to that, both Cole and Yorke would have had a hatful. As for rover6 adding hoddle to his list? i'm now sure he's a ringer. After the cup final no real Rover would want hoddle and his god squad anywhere near Ewood Park. Hammered Leicester today? Sorry GAV, saw a different game. All the possession, no desire no urgency, 1st (and only) decent shot on target from Cole after 62 mins. Yes, the spirit on Wednesday was great. But it's been missing in every other game than that apart from Wolves. I would repeat my view that the situation needs to have turned round by the end of the month.
  4. Might replace him with someone who gets the team playing for them/ to their potential perhaps. Anyone who turns a blind eye to the current predicament is not a true fan of Blackburn Rovers in my eyes. Might equally well have said the same about Iley, Harford, Hodgson, Kidd at the time. Souness has done well in the past but that was then and this is now.
  5. Not sure that I would agree with Jim's analogy but after today's shambles I think Souness is nearing the point of no return. Since the Wolves game I have seen no SPIRIT whatsoever in the team. (The 10 men against Liverpool honourably excepted.) This is about supporting Blackburn Rovers and not Graeme Souness or any other individual.
  6. In the summer if we'd kept Dunn and Duff and Berg and spent NO money everyone would have been mightily upset I'm sure. So having made £7-£8m profit on the summer dealings I'll be extremely brassed off if an announcement is made that the manager has no money to spend in the transfeer window. As to who the manager should be by then, nearly fell off my chair this morning looking at the League table. A defeat today would make us rock bottom. (Let's not split hairs about goal difference please.) As I see it we have four matches in November, three of which are very winnable (Leicester Everton and Spurs) and one from which anything will be a bonus. (Manure + biased home ref at OT) In December we have a further five games which take us up to the halfway stage of the season. However we've all heard that seemingly immutable stat whereby the team that is bottom at Christmas is always relegated. Not sure we can afford to wait until New Year if things haven't improved by then. So as far as Souness is concerned it's a vastly improved performance and an absolute minimum of 6 points required in November for me, followed by a similar improvement throughout December. If November fails to bring any improvement then sorry, no-one is bigger than the Club and I feel we will have to look at a different approach.
  7. Yes it is, but let's get it right, we have much better players than we had in the pre uncle jack days and for whatever reason they're simply not performing at the moment.
  8. Other than the fact I think we need a striker, the players we have should easily be good enough for a top 10 finish. At the moment the team are playing like Fulham did last season under Tigana. We need them to start playing like the current Fulham under Coleman. Whether that will need them to listen to another voice remains to be seen. Hopefully not.
  9. Less likely now that David May has left the Club.
  10. Can't agree with that at all tash. Souness deserves more time to turn things round but the Board MUST surely give the Club every chance of survival in its present form if results don't improve under him. As a side issue, where has this assumption "we've no money" come from?. When Duff was sold Souness was quoted on Sky as saying that the money for Amoruso/ Gresko/ Emerton etc had been set aside even before the Dunn/ Duff sales. I accept that the wage bill may well be full which is a different matter entirely.
  11. I thought that article was more or less spot on. A frank no punches pulled opinion from an outsider looking in. The only bit that was wrong was the bit about "before Blackburn are sucked into a relegation fight" We're in one already. There's no reason at all why we can't turn it round if we abandon the futile 4-5-1 formation, the players start pulling their weight and Souness concentrates on our own predicament rather than brawling with the opposition staff in the touchline/tunnel. That said the level of self denial on here about our current position is quite staggering and extremely depressing.
  12. No team is ever too good to go down. We could quite easily be relegated and will be if we maintain our current "form". No disrespect but it's blind optimism and complacent attitudes such as this which represent as big a danger to us as anything.
  13. Given the lucrative contract he is on,can't see that ever happening jim. (him resigning that is, not us hitting rock bottom, which will will take about another fortnight on the form shown over the last eleven games) I don't envy the Board on this one, they are in a no win situation. If they back Souness and we are relegated they will be accused of failing to take action, if they sack him they will undoubtedly take horrendous flak from the "Souey is god and can do no wrong" brigade. Whilst I don't think there is any need to seriously consider a change of direction yet, I would not be of the same opinion if performances and results hadn't improved in 6-8 weeks time.
  14. Agree entirely Abbey. Felt like throwing the radio out of the window. Plus when people started ringing in to say how bad the game was Gerald did his usual trick of butting in and not letting the caller have his say. It's on occasions like these that the station loses all credibility. I know it's a club station but a modicum of realism is required otherwise there's no point being on air. As for Souey saying we were "mugged" after both the Fulham and Charlton games I hope that was purely a comment for public consumption designed to avoid players being criticised in public. If he really does believe that then I'm afraid the game is well and truly up.
  15. Welcome to the board Jason, hope you'll be a regular contributor. As I said before best of luck with the column. However if you don't mind me saying IMO it is difficult if not impossible to write about something you haven't actually seen. Therefore given the financial constraints the LET are forced to work under and your situation I would suggest taking full advantage of Sky/Norwegian TV where available and if possible try to get to those matches which aren't being televised. Or do you want me to do the away games? All the best Simon
  16. Jason was part of the new "Fans Jury" feature last season on a Thursday night. Other than that don't know him.
  17. Errr...... yes I've been given the chop Lynn, not really any other way of putting it I'm afraid. There has though been an initial suggestion I might have some involvement with a new LET project but nothing definite has transpired as yet. P.S. Best of luck to Jason.
  18. Telegraph team Friedel Finnan Terry Henchoz Taylor Scholes Dunn Duff Jansen Henry Solskjaer
  19. I was blissfully happy for 7 years. Then for the last 32 Rovers have been putting me through the mill. (39)
  20. Shall be there with better half. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
  21. From what I saw the ticket restrictions worked in that "infiltration" was at an absolute minimum given the circumstances. I only saw two fans ejected from Jack Walker lower and one from the Blackburn End. However closing half the turnstiles in the Jack Walker stand is a difficult one to work out. One thing i noticed was that the usual "old bid" make up of S/T holders in my area were almost all absent and in their place was an altogether more vocal brand of youngish to middle aged male showing that there is a wider pool of potential support than we've been attracting for some games. They're never likely to return if we can't play better than that though.
  22. A lot of people are being far too generous. Just about everyone on the pitch was a disgrace to the shirt, the name of Blackburn Rovers, and Jack Walker. Every time a ball was played forward the Celtic player was at least a second quicker to react. Too angry to go into specifics.
  23. Woodlands on Preston New Rd. nr. Billinge School. West View is at bottom of Revidge Rd. Dog Inn bit further up.
  24. Anyone fancy a beer in the Woodlands/West View area lunchtime onwards before they head into town?
  25. 78 ditto. Cap and Steven, Oh dear!
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