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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. He was on the subs bench last night v Spurs. Not sure if he came on.
  2. So £18m in plus Loan that won't be made permanent Loan we don't need Possible further loan and Ennis possibly out And Bayes is trying to dress it up as something impressive
  3. It's not "back on" as such though is it? It's turned from a permanent deal to a loan we'll never make permanent. If he does well on loan, great, but after that we'll have flushed away another £500k and be back to square one.
  4. You couldn't make this shit up. £2.3m permanent fee negotiated, we renege, then renegotiate a loan deal costing c £500k with an option to buy for a total of c£7.5m! But yeah, we'll be signing him permanently.............
  5. Which we won't exercise. Read what I put properly.
  6. How many times? Not exactly going to be paying it all up front for any purchases either!
  7. We're definitely not signing him permanently then. Why would we agree to a more expensive option than the fee we originally negotiated? Madness but par for the course here I guess.
  8. Exactly. If true. It'll never end up getting made permanent. No wonder there was a hold up if we wanted to change it from being a £2.3m permanent move into a loan.
  9. Well yes, I think it's a commonly accepted practice and should be absolutely second nature to our senior management but...........
  10. It's not that outlandish, why would he expect that to be paid BEFORE the Club were? They'd only have to agree the payment terms in principle and then pay him as and when the money came in. Secondly I think he would have had a lot of leverage when he signed his new deal, he's a very sought after talent. Had he stayed here 4 years and we'd got £40m plus for him we wouldnt give the bonus a second thought. It's not his fault we're shoving him out of the door to paythe bills for a few months.
  11. Fear not Jon! Gregg (with 2 g's) is on the job!! Oooo err, hang on..........
  12. Good if JDT has any overall say in what goes on but if no-one comes in then the 4 players rumoured are unlikely to make a lot of difference.
  13. I take it you haven't read Andy Cole's autobiography.
  14. You're right of course (normally) but it seems fairly obvious in this instance they have us by the knackers as we need the money to keep the lights on until summer.
  15. It gets worse and worse. So, after forcing him out to pay the bills, we refuse to pay him a bonus to which he is contractually entitled? Classy, but that sounds like Waggott all over.
  16. (Can't resist) And yet the Wharton deal will no doubt miraculously still go through despite these alleged "snags". And our resident local "journalist" laps it up hook line and sinker.
  17. (One more post) This was done to death last night. The image is a photoshopped botch of his Rovers team pic. No idea if the deal actually has gone through or not.
  18. Could well believe it but if it were solely down to him (and OBrien) etc you'd have thought he'd be receiving his P45 the day after the window shut? Doing nothing for my blood pressure this. Over and out until 11p.m.
  19. Well said Langho Rover. Shame he swore which gives Jackson the excuse not to reply and/or block him It really doesn't help when this twonk is toeing the party line and attempting to pass everything that happens off as acceptable, he needs to be bombarded on social media today saying that this sort of conduct from the Club is completely unacceptable and he should be doing some proper work for once asking searching questions of the Club instead of simply regurgitating rumours off social media.
  20. I'm trying not to say too much today until the window is over but they don't half make it hard. I'd be delighted if Wharton's deal collapsed and the V's had to make alternative arrangements to sort out any funding deficit but I think we know how this ends, we get the worst of both worlds Wharton still goes and we end up with no-one in or another crappy loan with a load more mealy mouthed excuses from apologist in chief Gregg (with 2 g's to keep blue Bruce happy) Broughton. To think J Biz took the mickey out of me yesterday for fearing the worst about the end of the window!
  21. Yes Adam, let the barstewards sort their own financial problems out. It's not your responsibility.
  22. He'll be acting under instruction not to upset the Club but he and the LT are frankly an embarrassment. Talk about fiddling whilst Rome burns. Unless I've missed it they didn't even acknowledge that there was a Court hearing crucial to the Club's future last week which was postponed until March.
  23. I preferred you when you were breathing fire and brimstone!
  24. I'm told his son (who takes a keen interest) comes across as very sensible should their ownership get that far. He'd be taking over a team from the 8th or 9th tier at this rate.
  25. Broughton, if he's totally blameless, would have a very good case for walking out and claiming constructive dismissal. All of this is making him look even more of a mug than his signings. JDT maybe less so as he is only a "Coach" but maybe even him if he could prove he had been made promises which hadn't been kept.
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