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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. If you think the situation during the last 30 years is the same as it is now then you clearly have no understanding of football whatsoever. In normal circumstances you try to achieve success on the pitch and to keep hold of your best players but occasionally they might want to leave because results aren't going so well. That's a whole different scenario to the plan being to flog them on the first place. And even then we've got a crap price because of the financial mess we find ourselves in.
  2. Did you have to post that? Just when the day couldn't get any worse...
  3. We've only had an overt aim of developing players to sell them on and not being bothered about results on the pitch since Broughton joined the Club tbf. Prior to that the owners clung onto our better players like grim death. Didn't quite work out with the benefit of hindsight but I prefer that in the hope of achieving success than simply existing as a feeder Club for others with zero ambitions of success
  4. £22m including add ons!!!!! We've been absolutely shafted!!!!!!! Fuck off Venkys. Fuck off Waggott. Fuck off Broughton.
  5. We paid good money for Hyam and he's average at best. Brittain has been a terrible signing.
  6. I can see I'm fighting a losing battle arguing with The Football Manager or Fifa Generation on here. All I can say is that for our Club selling our best player has rarely if ever resulted in an improvement in fortunes on the pitch, in fact usually quite the reverse. Last time it happened was arguably 1974 when Tony Field was sold and Gordon Lee eventually rebuilt the side after a bit of a gap. I'm also reminded of Spurs selling Bale. They wasted that money on a right load of old pony.
  7. Agreed. A loan adds nothing whatsoever to the value of the deal.
  8. He was dire here, no-one can argue any differently. If he'd performed in even half decent fashion for us he wouldn't have been flagged off.
  9. Send the new team coach (bus) over for him! When he sees that he won't be able to say no. Trouble is we'll miss the deadline. (Again)
  10. He most certainly is. He is DOF therefore he is ultimately responsible for everything that happens on the football side. Edit: "Gregg" LOL. You're a Club employee I take it.
  11. None have those Clubs have thrived since those sales though have they? They've gone into reverse which will no doubt happen to us as well albeit we haven't much further to drop. Let's not dress this up as a good thing, it's a sale borne out of economic necessity nothing else. We'll bring a bit of dross in and decline still further.
  12. Yes, I'm sure he's bring in another 4 or 5 Hirst's Ennis's or Telalovic's or Wahlstedts and life will be rosy. Maybe if a chunk of the money was spent bringing in a proper DOF we'd stand a slightly better chance.
  13. No they don't if they have any aspirations of promotion.
  14. Yep, some people hark back to Jimmy Armfield's comment about "The Ewood Jury" from nearly 50 years ago but I actually think the home support is incredibly tolerant compared to most.
  15. No it isn't, it would have been great to see him achieve success HERE with our Club. I wish AW no harm and I desperately wanted him to stay as the only way to progress imo is to keep hold of your better players and build round them but I eally couldn't care less what happens to him after he's left the Club, same applies to any other player.
  16. Great, developing players for other Clubs. A completely pointless existence.
  17. There'll be only one way we're going if we keep selling our better players and financially with all due respect apart from SS couldn't see any of the others raising much.
  18. So.....We've flogged off the crown jewels (Phillips and Wharton) for the grand sum of £24m. What do we do in 12 to 18 months Time?
  19. Again, have to disagree, think it's a terrible move for Wharton relatively speaking and we'd have been much better served waiting until summer. What makes you think "the right level of player" is coming in? Would you put the US guy in that category? Genuine question as I don't know but I can't really see it.
  20. Suspected as much. Sell Wharton then spent a fraction of the net proceeds on assorted dross. At least the Championship manager brigade will be happy. Oh well - if we're looking for a Gallagher clone this guy sounds absolutely ideal. A like for like replacement.
  21. Why do we need a CB? We have 4 already. We STILL don't have a decent striker on the books though. Not sure this guy from the US is the answer, you'd have hoped we'd have been a bit more ambitious if Wharton is being sold.
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