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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. The thing I was wondering was, it seems to be widely reported that the Court approved £11m worth of funding last time. What period did that cover and why are we having to go back only 3 months or so later? At the same rate that equates to £44m p.a. Worth of funding rather than the £20m its accepted they put in.
  2. I understand most thinking like that however as one or two like den have said I really don't think administration would be the simple guaranteed long term solution most people think it would be.
  3. How much did they cost - about £7.5m in total? And sold for about £36m? If the Walker Trust had sanctioned a replacement for Savage when he broke his leg we'd probably have made the Champions League again. But they refused.
  4. As I said above from the John Williams Manual of Excuses #1 !
  5. And I don't think Waggott has finished yet..... God knows if there'll be anything left by the time he departs. Probably be ground sharing with Preston and back training at Pleasington trying to avoid the dog turds.
  6. I didn't rate Saxton, the guy who was the best at making something out of nothing was Howard Kendall by far. Overall you'd have to say Dalglish was best as he was probably the only one with the experience nous and charisma who could have got us over the line to win the title. Allardyce did a job of sorts for us but he'd be quite a way down my list - behind the likes of Furphy, Jim Smith and Mackay. Mark Hughes did an absolutely remarkable job with no backing from the Board or previous owners. Nicer problems to have given our current situation.
  7. Dry powder to paraphrase John Williams' favourite excuse for not spending money.
  8. I think it does, for the reason I've outlined above.
  9. As a direct alternative to immediate administration I'd rather they stayed and paid the bills in the short term. However the only palatable option in the medium to long term is they put the Club up for sale immediately. This routine of having to run off cap in hand to an Indian Court every 3 months to cover expenses and not being able to sign any players simply isn't viable or sustainable in the long run.
  10. When's the Indian Court Hearing? Wednesday? Presumably nothing will happen either way until after that as if we'd sold players by now the Court would probably say we only needed correspondingly less funding.
  11. Gallagher, yes please, Szmodics would more or less rubber stamp our relegation to League 1.
  12. I can't speak for Benson but there is definitely something very odd about Lowe's continued employment at the Club. I have heard it alleged that he has been sacked on at least two previous occasions only to be reinstated after going directly to the owners. I can't say for certain whether or not that is correct but have no reason to doubt the source.
  13. I find it equally odd that you care enough to weigh in on his behalf. Are you employed by the Club? Furthermore corect me if Im wrong but I thought he was primarily getting flak in his role as set piece coach because we are amongst the worst in the League (if not the worst) both at defending them and scoring from them. What's wrong with being unhappy about that?
  14. It's them to blame ultimately of course but I don't for the life of me understand the desperation to absolve everyone else from blame. Do you think they're interested enough to micro manage every single decision from India? Do you think they ordered Mowbray to spend £5m on Gallagher? Do you think it was their idea to flog off the training ground bearing in mind Waggott had tried and failed to do exactly the same thing at Coventry? Do you think they'd heard of Hirst, Ennis, Telaovic and Wahlstedt and said to Broughton "we must sign them?"
  15. Venkys Mowbray/Waggott - as bad as each other Broughton - as useless as Waggott Very little blame attached to JDT
  16. Yet again taking my comments completely out of context. It's not JDT's fault primarily either is it, as he's had the rug pulled from under him and had less than nothing to work with but even he is a little bit to blame for refusing to alter his tactics and dig in a bit wouldn't you say? Like I say a wide combination of different factors which you can broadly class as shite management over a large number of years ultimately leading back to the owners as they have the final say as to what goes on at the Club and who are also directly responsible for the current funding issues.
  17. You're obviously having difficulty reading tonight. I've said he's "largely" to blame not that he is more to blame than any other set of people. I've said it's "a combination" of factors that has put us where we are and most importantly for the point of this argument that ultimately it "it's all the owners responsibility". If you're going to cherry pick bits of what I've written and ignore other parts like Roverfan99 does there's no point debating it further.
  18. He managed the Club for 5 years and left us in a fairly desperate state. What assets did we have when he left?
  19. You don't have to agree with it. We're now short of money whereas Mowbray Spent £5m on Gallagher - dead money Paid Mulgrew £2m over 2 seasons to play for League 1 Clubs By his own admission refused to extend the contracts of key players during Covid because he didn't want to upset the others Paid Ben Gladwin to get himself fit even though he was out of contract £15k p.w for Stuart Downing then gave him a new deal for him to never play albeit on reduced terms Millions of pounds wasted on crap loanees - again dead money But no, none of it is St. Tony's fault.
  20. It's the most important one though wouldn't you say? Without good recruitment or at least SOME good recruitment you're screwed.
  21. Because imo he is largely at fault for the overall predicament we now find ourself in. As is Waggott, As is Broughton. I'm astounded you can't see that. Ultimately all the owners responsibility of course as their name's over the door and they're the ones who employed these clowns.
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