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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. You're trying to make yourself sound incredibly important there, all I can say is that to the best of my knowledge that has already been tried over a substantial period of time with extremely limited success. I can't tell you any more - if I did I'd have to kill you.
  2. Great post. Waggott seems only interested in maintaining his £300 k p.a. for as long as possible and won't try anything that 99.9% of normal Clubs would do in our situation that might mean he misses some of his targets and puts that employment at risk What's the point in fans groups constantly advising him the Club have made catastrophic decision after decision only for him to say "I'll look into it" with no end result and no subsequent improvement? In the bigger picture whilst the official Club rationale for digital day is an absolute nonsense it's sets a very dangerous precedent for what they are likely to try in future and Waggott needs to be told enough is enough. Not be constantly indulged like a naughty schoolboy. In the bigger picture as well it's under his tenure as CEO the Club have ended up completely at the mercy of an Indian Court. Does he bear no responsibility for that? "I'm sorry it shouldnt have happened" "That's ok Steve - crack on!" On the plus side - the tea and biscuits are no doubt lovely though.
  3. Even if you're of the view he made the best of a bad situation initially, I'd still maintain it is when you consider what he actually did with the net proceeds I.e signing Wahlstedt. It would have been easier to set fire to it.
  4. Well, yes, just because you're deemed to be "fit and proper persons" at one point for the purposes of the ownership test does that mean you'll ALWAYS be judged "fit and proper" regardless of what happens or what you do subsequently though? In effect the owners have put the Club in this unsatisfactory state by using the Club's parent Company to spend money on things they technically shouldn't have been spending money on. Does that not turn them from being "fit and proper" prior to that occurring into being not fit and proper? (Tin hat on) The only proviso to this though and I agree with RoverDom is that even notwithstanding the above you should still be careful what you wish for. Even if for the sake of argument they were only allowed by an Indian Court to put in £15m p.a. instead of the usual £20m p.a. - if they were to leave you'd still need new owners who could put in roughly that amount. Otherwise the Club would prima be worse off financially albeit there might be an upturn in attendances.
  5. Good news that Dolan, Rankin Costello (and in relative terms) Pears will be back. Shame we'll be weakened by the return of Hedges and Gallagher though. Offloading the latter, even if only to get him off the wage bill should have been a number one priority - but no let's sell some useful players instead.
  6. No it's a good idea - looks like the Club is going to do it therefore it has the Chadster seal of approval! With Broughton on the case it'll probably turn out about as well as flogging Kaminsky and virtually giving away Phillips to bring in Wahlstedt.
  7. You're right. £6m? Gregg probably "negotiated" a £2.5m release clause into his contract.
  8. Hypothtical question (hopefully) Would you change him if it looked probable we were going to drop into the bottom 3?
  9. I get your general point and I don't think JDT should be sacked (yet) but you're surely not comparing him and Dalglish after he lost a similar number of games? JDT hasn't proved anything in English football.
  10. This roughly equates to the Mowbray "journey". Keep the faith - it'll all come good at some unspecified point years into the future. When everyone eventually wakes up and smells the coffee and realise it hasn't worked it doesn't matter by then. I've stuffed my pockets full of cash and can sail off merrily into the sunset. Blackburn who?
  11. Yep. "£1m p.a. for Charlie Mulgrew to play for League one Clubs for a couple of seasons? No problem!" "Pay Ben Gladwin a wage to get fit whilst using our facilities even though his contract has expired? Be my guest!" "Another new deal for Corry? - Naturally!" "Another new deal for Stuart Downing even though he won't be playing? What else are you going to do?" "New deal for Danny Graham even though he's moving like an arthritic tortoise? - Mais oui" "£5m for Sam Gallagher? - Sounds like a bargain" "What about securing the futures of our better players and protecting our main assets Tony? Ryan/Darragh/Ben/Joe etc?" "Oooo......can't do that - we might upset the others!"
  12. Fair point. Like I said above he might argue circumstances had changed since he made that comment but in those circumstances anyone with integrity would walk on the basis they're being asked to do something they weren't brought in to do.
  13. Pretty easy really, Broughton is completely full of shit. It's an insult to anyone's intelligence to suggest that what Broughton says is in fact true. Edit: If the landscape has changed significantly since he made that comment then if he was a man of honour he'd be quite at liberty to walk. But like Swag he won't we'll be stuck with both of them until they get wheeled out in a box unless there's a change of ownership.
  14. Wasn't it Glen Mullan who said after a meeting with Waggott something along the lines of "No discussions have been held with JDT about a new contract - he's ambitious" Now it might be the case that JDT wouldn't even consider signing any form of new deal under the current conditions but it doesn't exactly smack of a Club prepared to do everything within their power to keep him either. If anything exactly the opposite.
  15. Disappointed to see Wahlstedt starting as well. Not much censure for performing horrendously is there?
  16. Yep there must be far better keepers than those two in the Lower Leagues. Also hard to believe Hilton wouldnt be a significant upgrade on both.
  17. Good spot! For me right from his first interview it was apparent that he had no genuine aspirations of success for us, just that he wanted to turn us into the Crewe Alexandra of the Championship. (Mind you there's not even much chance of that given his recruitment is so shite) Bet he can't believe his lucky stars he landed on his feet with this job in which he seems to be clearly miles out of his depth. In talking a good game however, he is absolutely World Class. Rememember him bragging about Telalovic being our "second PERMANENT striking addition of the summer". Lol Well - except when the transfer window is on and you WOULD expect to be hearing from him at which point he goes completely schtumm. I don't know how we manage to keep finding these people.
  18. Great post. Lest we forget last January just how DID he get away with the OBrien/lad from Rochdale fiasco scot free when he is MEANT to be Director of Football?
  19. Yeah, very good, unfortunately where your assertion falls down is that the financial situation at the Club has only deteriorated beyond the pale during the last six months due to circumstances which no-one saw coming. How much money did Mowbray waste over the years? There's no real reason why he couldn't have been a lot more successful than he was. However, putting scoring petty points off me to one side, I think most of us would agree that we're now in a pretty dire mess. I would still maintain that this hasn't been helped by what money we have had being completely wasted which is a common theme of Venky's tenure but I doubt they ring up from India and insist we sign a load of dross be it Leon Best, Chris Brown, Ryan Hedges, Sam Gallagher, Barry Douglas George Hirst, Ennis, Telalovic or Walstedt. That's down to the people on the ground at the time.
  20. Maybe so, but IF that is true you obviously think it's OK for the Club employees to constantly do the bare minimum required. What's wrong with them going over and above and exceeding expectations from time to time?
  21. Does sound as though the players have started to lose confidence in the system. Once that happens it's a slippery slope.
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