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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. That would be the ultimate nightmare wouldn't it, JDT tiring of the Regulated Venkys/Waggott/Broughton circus and Waggott reappointing his old mate Mowbray in the hope they can cream a couple of years more wages out of it before the wheels fall off completely.
  2. Well, yes. their previous indiscretions, in spending money on things they technically shouldn't have been doing appear to have caught up with them, and far more importantly, us. And whilst I'm sure Mattyblue will instantly leap in and disagree, that STILL doesn't excuse the employees of the Club from doing their job properly though be it JDT ensuring whatever X1 he puts out on the pitch are completely up for it and as hard as possible to beat, be it Waggott who SHOULD be demanding results or Broughton who shouldn't be completely cooking up the recruitment.
  3. It's incredibly complacent not to be looking down imo. We've lost more than 50 % of our games. All that needs to happen is for our win ratio to drop off a bit and we'll be bang in the thick of it. I thought at the start of the season it would be a bit of a result if we stayed up with the striking options we had ( Not that that should be the AIM per se, a la Waggott) but I'm still of the same mind.
  4. Was thinking that. Why couldn't we try a grittier type of midfield consisting of Travis and Garrett with Adam Wharton feeding whoever is up front ?
  5. The way we're playing we'd need 45 points on the board to feel safe.
  6. Judging by the fact JDT won't play or at least seems extremely loath to play many of the players Broughton sources, you'd think they never spoke to each other! Hard to believe the likes of Hirst Ennis Wahlstedt and Telalovic were his choices and you can certainly see why he wasn't keen on playing them!
  7. I seem to be on my own in agreeing with you on your last paragraph, it's incomprehensible to me that with funds particularly tight we blew our summer budget on "Leo" and that with the need for a striker paramount for the last 12-24 months the best he could come up with has been Hirst, Ennis and Telalovic, funds limited or not. Then of course we had the transfer window debacle last January. As I've said more or less from the off - bullshitter extraordinaire. How's the plans to turn us into "a sustainable Premier League side" going Gregg?
  8. Was wondering what would happen IF one of the requests to transfer funds was denied. Presumably, as you say, that would bring a rapid close to their ownership.
  9. But why should the players bother? (Incredibly) by the CEO's own admission the manager is under no pressure whatsoever to produce results, therefore, from his point of view as long as we perform well enough in a large enough percentage of games to stay up its happy days. The lethargy permeates from the top of the Club down. If the fans have to sit through various no shows - tough kitty.
  10. (Tin hat on) Did say at the time Nyambe would be the hardest of the outgoing players to replace. Not Roberto Carlos in the final third but ver let us down.
  11. Morgan has some raw talent but he highlights the problem of relying too heavily on loan players. When the going gets tough they generally go into hiding. Not my problem guv.
  12. and for raising prices during a pandemic......and for unsuccessfully trying to sell off part of the training facilities.....and for failing to tie down key players.
  13. Spot on. Its the only conceivable explanation for two largely different sets of players under two different managers failing to secure a play off spot when it looked impossible not to for two seasons running. Then combine Waggott/Mowbray's negligence in not getting key players tied down with a subsequent reduction in funding and things look incredibly bleak.
  14. Waggott has admitted quite clearly what it is. Stay up and sell one or two players at a profit. The first might be problematic the way we are going. I bet Waggott can't wait for JDT to leave then he can get another Mowbray in who like Waggott is only interested in feathering his own nest for a few years and who won't give him a hard time.
  15. Pears isn't very good but this lad who we spaffed the summer budget on is absolutely abysmal. Far worse.
  16. £5m plus? I'll have a pint of what you've been drinking!
  17. Well done to everyone involved in the organisation of today's game. Showed the Club you CAN get extra supporters in with a bit of effort.
  18. What a strange post. Yes we don't need all those horrible nasty extra fans. Are you Steve Waggott?
  19. What do you expect? Let's blow the summer budget (such as it was) on a keeper worse than the one we've got. Another Broughton masterstroke. Can't wait to see what he's got in store for January. Or hasn't based on previous form.
  20. Whatever the exact target is I'm fairly sure this is a well trodden path. I'd be amazed if Waggott was suddenly prepared to reduce prices having raised them in the first place as that would actually require a bit of effort to get more bums on seats to meet said target.
  21. How many times have we had that number over the last couple of seasons? It's a great effort especially at the time of year. It's almost as if the Club have deliberately introduced digital day immediately afterwards as an act of spite to undo any build up of good will caused by the Fans takeover
  22. Ah but none of it is his fault, it's ours, we apparently have "staunch habits" ( he makes it sound like heroin addiction) that he finds awkward to overcome.
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