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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Another contributor on here (arbitro) has already said he's tried to do that and the Club wouldn't budge.
  2. Hardly having a go, he commented that you didn't reply to him which is only unfair if you had actually replied but he claimed you hadn't.
  3. What aspects of our marketing/ commercial operation do you feel have improved since this chap took over then?
  4. He can't half write a CV though.,.....or someone else can on his behalf.
  5. Sorry to keep digging out the Fans Forum but he's actually "a credit to the Club" according to Mike Graham (of Fans Forum Fame) (Rightly) Having the piss taken out of us by Darwen FC. That's about where we are right now as a Club.
  6. When you highlighted this originally I posted at the time that it was possibly the most distressing thing I'd read about the Club during the current tenure. Imagine a young fan over the moon with excitement at the prospect of being a mascot only to have that dream cruelly snatched away from him or her because the Club can't provide a shirt even if his or her parents were prepared to buy one! Then we have this digital fixture bollux. It seems that not only do we not want fans in the ground we dont even want mascots either. Obviously all far too much trouble and hassle for those at the Club. I absolutely despair reading this thread. Looking at these pathetic and counterproductive attempts to save a few quid in staffing and printing costs my mind wandered over to the time when not that long ago according to the Fans Forum minutes Cheston and Waggott sat in front of them and with a perfectly straight face claimed they'd be willing and able to finance a brand new state of the art training Centre if they were successful in their plan to sell off part of the training facilities. Yet seemingly we can't even afford a few ink cartridges...............strange that.
  7. OK, I look forward to hearing what the Club's responses to O2G's representations are and also the Forum's reaction to those responses.
  8. Apologies if it's been mentioned elsewhere but what was the FF reaction to this utter nonsense? Did they just nod along to it in agreement like they appear to do with everything else? Ive been saying for years we'll be lucky if we still have a Club left by the time Waggott is finished, I do wonder what his end game is - no-one could possibly be that stupid.
  9. 50% loss rate this season 24 games to get 19 points to take us to 50. On that loss ratio we need 19 points from twelve games and we'd better hope that some of our wins don't start turning into draws.
  10. Doubt we would have got anything anyway but two weeks wages for something so needless and stupid really isn't adequate. He's letting his team mates down on the day and we're stretched enough for bodies as it is.
  11. Perhaps he hasn't picked up his usual "injury" that rules him out over the Christmas period so he's trying to make doubly sure he's unavailable.
  12. In other news Ayala''s been sent off for Rotherham. Didn't know he'd gone there - how the mighty have fallen.
  13. I feel sorry for the fans who have travelled all that way at an inconvenient time of year. Sounds like a capitulation of Allardyce like proportions when he wasn't prioritising a game. We do have these games when we don't put a shift in, Burnley away Preston home Rotherham away last season etc etc and it's not good enough.
  14. Has there ever been a game when you didn't blame the referee?
  15. Red button has stopped working for me. Anyone else having same problem? Might be a blessing in disguise mind.
  16. Good point re the Watford game, hope the numbers that attend would be enought to embarrass any normal individual, not that Waggott will give two figs I don't suppose.
  17. You must have selective dyslexia and missed the bit where I have constantly said over the years that ultimately everything is their responsibility as it's their name over the door. The one thing I've said is that you can't really knock the scale of their financial input into the Club over the years. If they are however no longer able through circumstances beyond their control or alternatively are no longer willing to maintain that then there's no point them owning the Club. Before they go though, they've a) Got to be willing to sell and b) there's got to be suitable people ready and willing to take over Without that any debate regarding the ownership is largely academic although I suspect if you had b) and they were willing to pay enough money, a) would follow on more or less automatically. Even with Venky's still at the helm though you'd imagine we'd do better with a top CEO and an actual experienced DOF than with the likes of Waggott Cheston and Broughton in situ. I'm not sure why you appear to find that last point so difficult to grasp.
  18. In the case of Gallagher, whilst what you say is valid in general, in that particular instance I'd far rather see that than him get yet another new deal placing him alongside our top earners. Our number one priority for this window ought to be trying to get a million or so for him. He wasn't bought "cheap" exactly the opposite and imo we should have cut our losses on him long ago.
  19. Why are you asking questions you already know the answer to? Because the owners haven't sacked him be it because they aren't interested enough or because he has hit a limited number of parameters he is judged on. Does that mean to say that - when he prices ST'S wrong - makes no attempt to entice new support in - tries unsuccessfully to flog off the training ground and encourages a culture throughout the Club that results don't matter he should get a free pass?
  20. What an absolutely contemptible shower of shite Waggott is - no pressure on any manager to succeed, no desire to put extra bums on seats by tweaking prices and more or less resigned to the manager walking out at the earliest available opportunity with no apparent plans afoot to try and tempt him to stay. "As long as I get my £300k p.a. - I'm all right Jack." I didn't eventually get a ST this year, I couldn't in all conscience justify handing over £400 to absolute charlatans like Waggott and Broughton. I'm facing the same dilemma now at half ST time - can't even really bring myself to send them £210. Talking of half ST'S bet they'll be absolutely flying off the shelves with the "Buy a half ST. We're not really bothered about results, but with a bit of luck you might get to see us sell some of our best players" pitch.
  21. Just out of interest, what areas have you "constructively criticised" the Club on in say the last 12 months? Have to echo the feelings of a few others, I'm not sure why the supporters should be asked to fund this initiative.
  22. Why are we potentially in trouble for fans standing when a far greater proportion of supporters do it at every ground and in far greater numbers?
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