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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Great initiative, hope its a massive success to show up the error of Waggott's ways. My only worry would be whether the ancillary services such as catering and the offerings from the Club Shop will be of the standard required to satisfy a bumper crowd and whether the Club can avoid brassing a huge number of potential new supporters off.
  2. Why would we want Gallagher to, Leonard is already a much much better player than Gallagher ever will be, if he can become reasonably clinical in front of goal we'll have a nice little player on our hands.
  3. There's no proof that we wouldn't have had JDT without GB but if that statement is true he's better at unearthing managers than players.
  4. If its OK for everyone to state their opinions on players I'll chip in by saying that it is you who is wrong about Pickering not him. He's a defensive liability in my book.
  5. I think he's absolutely top class but his style is somewhat languid so I guess that's what his detractors don't like, when things aren't going well it can look a bit like he's not putting a shift in.
  6. Just caught the last 15 mins or so of normal time when I got in. Immensely entertaining stuff if you were a neutral , arguably at two goals up at 3-1 we were far too open though. Not sure what our so called keeper was doing for their second, it went bang smack down the middle of the goal and he got absolutely no where near it. Good three points things are getting mildly interesting as regards the table but I still think it's extremely hard to envisage us finishing in the top 6. The manager continues to overperform despite a threadbare squad, a CEO who doesn't want success and a dud in situ as DOF. Well done JDT.
  7. I don't see back up in any position as a priority. We don't have a striker worthy of the name at the Club and we have 2 dodgy keepers. Until those issues are addressed we aren't going anywhere, or at least nowhere positive.
  8. I'm not sure why people are getting excited about the January window, we're still waiting to hear what went wrong last January which Broughton promised to reveal and unsurprisingly didn't, brushing it all under the carpet with ultimately no recriminations for anyone. The best thing we could do in advance of this window (apart from potting Waggott) would be to sack Broughton and bring in an actual experienced DOF with an eye for a player who knows the market. Neither will happen of course and JDT will no doubt continue to be saddled with players he doesn't really want to pick like Ennis, Telalovic and Wahlstedt.
  9. People have fairly short memories as regards Kaminsky. Before he got dropped he was chucking a goal in practically every game. At his best still better than Pears and Wahlstedt though albeit nowhere near as good a shot stopper as Raya.
  10. I didn't know him that well, really only on nodding terms, but despite his reputation for being gruff he was always extremely courteous to me whenever we crossed paths at either Ewood or away games. You have to have a special type of dedication to follow every game the Club plays at every level home and away and I only know two or three others of a similar ilk. RIP.
  11. If he has, it's because GB spent £800 k on a keeper worse than Pears.
  12. I know you always put our defeats down to perceived shortcomings of the officials but that is a truly bizarre post. I thought the referee had an excellent game.
  13. Just about the most enjoyable match you could ever hope to watch if you were a neutral. We dominated the first half and should have been a couple of goals up at least but our lack of cutting edge proved crucial. Preston came back into it second half and there can be no real complaints about the result. We'll play a lot worse than that this season and win but the lack of a serviceable striker showed us up for what we're likely to be - a lower mid table side at best. JDT must be so frustrated.Greg the egg has had 3 goes at signing a striker and come up with Hirst, Ennis and Telalovic. Pitiful.
  14. Well, he obviously isn't an excellent shot stopper, nothing sticks with him, the ball might as well be a wet bar of soap and when he parries a ball out he generally pushes it straight out into the danger area instead of pushing it out to the side. People are so set against Pears they're trying to see ability in this guy which simply isn't there but imo he's even worse than Pears - by some margin based on his performances since he came in. No wonder JDT was loath to play him.
  15. I thought we played really well today, thought Szmodics and the much maligned Dolan were excellent. The momentum of the game obviously turned on the sending off, I thought it was a marginal one, whilst it appeared as though Scott just about got to the ball first I'd have been wanting a red if it was the other way round. Really at 3-0 up he didn't really need to go to ground and give the referee a decision to make. Wahlstedt- Christ an absolute liability, he makes Pears look like Gordon Banks. How do we manage to find all these useless keepers like Walton, Pears and Wahlstedt? As jim says there must be solid options throughout the League who do what it says on the tin. Why can't we find one? Have to agree with Wheelton Blue on Tronstadt, like him I felt today's game completely passed the player by. I didn't even realise he was playing until the camera panned in on him in close up second. That's fine for the referee, not a player. Also have to agree with bazza that jdt is doing a lot better than expected given (imo) he's having to contend with the owners recent financial issues, a CEO who seems to be on a mission to empty the stadium and who doesn't particularly want us to succeed as it will upset the comfy (for him) status quo and an overpromoted Academy head as DOF who has overseen some dire recruitment since his arrival (and the case of January non recruitment) I still can't see us doing anything this season but it looks like we might well survive which I thought would be a very tall order given the striking options or lack thereof. The question will be , whilst muddling along in lower mid table in no imminent danger of going up or down might be Waggott's wet dream, will it be enough to keep JDT interested in the medium term? Well done to JDT and the players today. A very entertaining watch.
  16. Don't really get the "Leo" love in and the "Pears" hatred on here, they both seem distinctly sub par keepers. Why Broughton wanted to pee away what available cash we had this summer on a keeper who is no better than the other, seems fairly bizarre and it's pretty unfortunate he managed to find one of that ilk.
  17. You mean apart from Hirst Ennis Telalovic Mola Morton the keeper and Uncle Tom Cobley and all?
  18. We seem to be sleepwalking towards relegation without so muxh as a whimper and it is desperately sad. A situation years in the making initially set in motion by poor long term planning and recruitment from Waggott and Mowbray. I can't see any hope for us whatsoever unless we were to have a stellar January window and what's the likelihood of that with Greg the Egg in charge? For me we don't have any real quality anywhere on the pitch unless Adam Wharton is on song and of course despite the goals conceded the main problem imo is still the total absence of quality up front which has been highlighted time and again over the last 2 and a half years yet nothing was ever done. Our DOF brought in two strikers this summer and our manager doesn't trust either of them enough to start up front in preference to an attacking midfielder. Sort of highlights how much even more of a basket case the Club has become if it wasn't before
  19. Absolutely. I keep hearing that none of this is JDT's fault as it is allegedly his remit to develop players and add value to them and it must just be me but I can't for the life of me see how we're developing or adding value to anyone by conceding 2-4 goals every game and getting thumped every week!
  20. But we did have the money to spend £850k on a keeper the manager seemingly rates behind Pears.
  21. Yep, he's not even an actual Director of Football in his previous incarnation, bet he can't believe his luck that we apparently missed out on our original target and he somehow ended up with this gig. We'll never get shut of him - same as Waggott.
  22. What a great post, one of the best I've seen on here in a very long time. Erudite, well reasoned and bang on the money. We really need to turn up the heat on Waggott with quality contributions such as this. Whether or not the penny will finally drop with those above him, who knows, but imo the Club is in severe jeopardy until the joyous day when he finally makes a long overdue exit. God knows what we'll be left with if he is allowed to continue unchecked.
  23. Relegation form second half of the season and an indifferent start this one at best.
  24. Yep decent turn out on a foul night considering Swag will have pissed countless people off no Internet bookings etc I expect everything to be miraculously back up and running tomorrow.
  25. Why do the so called secon d string consistently outperform the first choice X1 under JDT? If we could find the answer to that we might have a half decent season instead of struggling to stay out of the relegation places.
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