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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. We wouldn't be able to do anything like that - we probably ran out of shirts in September.
  2. Will this not be part of Waggott's masterplan to only open one stand? If people can't book online then demand for the game is even less likely to exceed the capacity of the JW and prevents him from looking like an even bigger **** than he already does.
  3. We're not going to finish 12th conceding two or three goals every week - nowhere near.
  4. Don't be put off. At least one other group approached the Club a couple of years ago offering all manner of advice and support. The world and his oyster were promised and as far as I can see, nothing whatsoever came of it other than a change in structure to Head Coach and DOF. To the best of my knowledge Waggott has now more or less cut off any communications with external fan groups bur that doesn't mean people should give up. It might be even more necessary and relevant than ever if the owners are now genuinely unable (or unwilling) to pump as much money into the Club.
  5. Given the background of the Company that brought him into Coventry I do often wonder if Waggott is playing the long game and plans to somehow try and personally benefit from his systematic dismantling of the Club once he's reduced us to next to nothing.
  6. Good to hear from you Abbey if only temporarily. I don't think closing the BBE is as bad as trying to underhanded flog off the training ground but otherwise couldn't agree more. "Goatee wearing ball sack" love it! That cheered me up no end.
  7. Dont know about anyone being able to beat anyone at the moment - anyone can certainly beat US at the moment and the manager must take a portion of the responsibility for that.
  8. Promotion? Blimey Chaddy, we've NEVER looked further away since the owners took over, both on and off the pitch. I exempt JDT from most of the blame for that but perhaps he needs to be a shade more pragmatic with our playing style?
  9. We look nailed on for relegation to me, no money (apparently) relatively toothless up front despite 3 today, shipping goals for fun, no bite in midfield and a keeper you can't really rely on. Not entirely his fault, but the hype surrounding JDT far outweighs his results on the pitch.
  10. Shouldn't be at the Club in the first place but if he has to be pity his £300 k remuneration is not linked to bums on seats and a healthy finishing positon rather than him meeting a bare financial target. We might see some life out of him if it were.
  11. I do wonder what will be left of the Club by the time this abhorrent individual disembarks the gravy train- if you didnt know better, everything he does seems designed to piss supporters off and drive them away - from major calamities like raising prices during a pandemic, unsuccessfully attempting to flog off the training ground, and closing the Blackburn End to more minor irritants like the Waggott matchday tax and trying to charge for entry to Blues. Have often thought that he'd be in paradise if instead of selling 10 k season tickets at £400 hypothetically he could sell 2k season tickets at 2 grand a pop and close nine tenths of the ground down. How he's allowed to get away with what he does with barely a murmur of dissent from anyone I've absolutely no idea and whilst their financial input in the past has been commendablr, it's impossible to defend the owners when they continue to employ chances like this. Andy Cole had it right.
  12. Broughton has provided JDT with Ennis who seemingly isn't fit enough to play and this Semir who basically doesn't seem to have any experience at senior level.
  13. 100%. Bullshitter extraordinaire. Even Mowbray and Venus's recruitment was better.
  14. Or it could be like I said last week, we got absolutely battered by Watford but rode our luck. Worrying times, I doubt JDT signed up for this garbage.
  15. Did you see Kaminsky chuck one in the net for Luton last night? Neither are good enough. Going to be long old season.
  16. I would disagree with that, I would say he just does bits and bats to try and create the impression he's doing a lot. That said, yesterday was one of his better showings with them pushing up and leaving themselves light at the back in search of an equaliser. I think the reaction to the result is a bit OTT myself, it was a terrific 3 points and much needed but I thought they absolutely battered us and we were extremely fortunate to get the win. If they'd have taken one of their many chances and we hadn't scored with virtually our only sight of goal we'd all have been saying what an atrocious performance it was. Game of very fine margins sometimes.
  17. Yeah me and my Dad were on it as well. My Dad (who was a professional person) was fairly mortified that we were met by a long line of police officers and police dogs upon getting off the train!
  18. That doesn't seem to apply to Dolan who never stops running or attempting to harry the opposition - most on here can't seem to stand him.
  19. Think that is fairly optimistic personally. Waggott will be a bit happier now though that we've dropped back I to Lower mid table so happy days.
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