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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Don't worry jim. Gregg the Egg is on the job! Just like he was in January.
  2. So out of interest, going back to Gerald Ashby sending off Henning Berg and awarding Man Ure a penalty for a perfect tackle, do you think that was "just incompetence" as well? Because I sure as hell don't!
  3. There's more chance of us winning the Champions League inside three years. He's only just managed to scrape 21 in the 3 seasons since returning permanently. "Exceptional work rate".....Hmmmmm. Deliberately avoiding getting into positions from where he would be more likely to score more like.
  4. And this is why, just when you start to dare to have high hopes for JDT for some of the comments he makes rightly holding management to account, he sticks a pin in any potential optimism you might be feeling leaving you as perky as a deflated balloon.
  5. Football eh - bloody hell!! Good lads Markanday and Leonard. Never want to see Gallagher in a Rovers shirt again irrespective of the final score today.
  6. Why stop at Brad, what's Terry Gennoe doing these days? Broughton probably still wouldn't be able to get either of those over the line though.
  7. And the latter paragraph you quote is some sort of badge of honour in your book?
  8. Everyone has nailed it above with their comments on Waggott. What a con-artist he is. I'm surprised anyone falls for it but obviously many do.
  9. 1) Won't be us so don't care 2) See above 3) Rovers 4) See above 5) 30 goals 6) Adam Wharton - if he isn't sold.
  10. I'm in that boat of not having renewed yet initially due to laziness on my part but now given recent events I feel in a bit of a quandary. Do I fork out £430 which will more likely than not disappear into the ether and make not a ha'peth of difference to the current situation whereby we have not signed the players we need and in the case of a striker or two haven't signed the players we need for the last four windows? Do I show my disapproval for professional gravy train merchants like Waggott and Broughton by refusing to line their pockets even further? Or is that turning my back on the Club I've supported all my life? Can I be bothered wasting any more of my time watching dire players like Gallagher and Hedges? Or on the other hand might the likes of Adam Wharton and Harry Leonard make the experience vaguely worthwhile? Quite a bit to ponder.
  11. But but ..........but we have Dominic Hyam in the side. Secret lovechild of Colin Hendry and Franz Beckenbauer according to many. Or at least allegedly the best CH we've had in the last 10 years or so.
  12. Comes across very much the other way round in the minutes. I realise theat from the Club's point of view the FF has always been a box ticking exercise to some extent but these days it appears from the minutes to be the case that the Club sets out their position on a particular matter and everyone either agrees or says nothing. There doesn't appear to be much if any critical analysis at all.
  13. What? On balance I'd rather he stayed and had another crack at it but how does missing out on the Championship play offs qualify him for managing ANY Premier League side let alone one with Champions League expectations like Spurs?
  14. Or if they're not paying enough attention and being led down the garden path again. Disclaimer: Even if that was the case that doesn't make them good owners before people accuse me of defending them again.
  15. in devil's advocate mode they seemingly agreed to shell out huge wages for O Brien. Was that calamity their fault as well and why would they do that but refuse to pay for a new pitch? As a point of order I think the top of the pitch was reseeded and relaid as is usual last season and bits of the pitch replaced with the latest technology but of course the entire infrastructure desperately needs replacing from undersoil heating upwards.
  16. So Waggott has slid quietly into the background and survived another year. The most notable of his "accomplishments" this season appears to be that a potential match day mascot was denied the chance to fulfil the role because not only did he have to wear the current shirt, we didnt have any stock left for his parents to purchase. And swanning around at St. Andrews as various transfer deadline day deals went tits up. Surely to God he must be nearing retirement by now. It will be a happy day when he finally departs the Club. I don't expect us or the size of the fanbase to be in a particularly healthy state by that stage but it will be a victory of sorts if he leaves with our infrastructure such as Brockhall still intact. Counting down the days..........
  17. Depends who has the final say. The owners have previously played hardball on player valuations but everything Broughton has said since arriving at the Club suggests he wants to turn us into the Championship equivalent of Crewe Alexandra -right from his very first interview.
  18. Pretty uncalled for seeing as the Fans Forum appears to have become little more than a tea and biscuits Club nodding along in agreement with everything the Football Club comes up with. Someone has to hold the Club to account with a critical eye even if you are not prepared to.
  19. The more offerings I hear from Broughton the more I despair. The guy is a bs merchant extraordinaire. He must think the supporters are completely thick in trying to make out the season can be viewed positively because during the final disastrous run in various irrelevant "performance metrics" allegedly improved. There are only 2 indicators that ultimately matter, scoring more goals in a game than you let in at the other end and securing enough points to secure promotion. I also see in an LT article that we're thinking of employing a throw in coach. Absolute insanity - we need a decent squad of players and a couple of decent strikers before we start fannying around with window dressing like that.
  20. Why? We may have secured the points yesterday but did so when it was too late. We had eight "must win" games prior to that and failed to win a single one! If we had that run at the start of the season people would be going apoplectic! And (I stand to be corrected) isn't that the first time we've come from behind to win all season? Doesn't scream "winning mentality" to me.
  21. Obviously. If I wanted success every week I could just follow Celtic, Rangers or (temporarily) City. I don't expect us to win every week, I just expect players and management to give us supporters a fair shake of the stick which I don't think they have been doing for many seasons now and particularly not during the capitulations in each of the last two seasons. (52 years. 2 major trophies, 3rd Division Championship, several unsuccessful play off attempts and another 4 promotions I think? So something to celebrate on average once every 5 and a half years and some of that done with absolutely no money let alone billionaire owners pumping in £20m p.a. Falling well behind that average imo)
  22. "Trust in the process" seems to be the main buzzword at the moment for pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.
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