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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. To be fair, that was Waggott's idea, which must have been subsequently shelved by someone else, presumably the owners, who then proceeded to inject £16m into the Club for an asset they already owned to keep us temporarily FFP compliant and the training facilities intact.
  2. Obviously there must be some money available as the recruitment team of which GB is a key component have been scurrying around failing to land their chosen targets. It's not been a case of "we're not even looking to add anyone because we've no money." Secondly, money was really badly spent In summer imo. £1.8m plus add ons for Szmodics to sit in the treatment room? £10k p.w. in wages for Hirst to never feature? Mola? God knows how much it's costing to loan Morton out. Won't be cheap if the estimates of £1m for HALF a season plus full wages for Sorba Thomas are correct which in itself doesn't strike me as particularly good value either. So yeah, let's not let GB off the hook for not doing his job and revert back to the default position of automatically blaming everything on the owners. There's little doubt in my mind that if we were going down the DOF route we should have picked an actual experienced DOF rather than a recently out of work Academy Director but nevertheless you'd expect GB to have an actual working knowledge of the market and where there are gems to be unearthed and bargains to be found.
  3. Couldn't disagree more with this either. Arbitro is quite right.
  4. I couldn't disagree more. Maybe the expectation in summer was that play offs were not probable given the mess Mowbray and Waggott left us in. However having unexpectedly reached in January in the play off positions, you HAVE to give it a go. Otherwise, what is the point of the football Club existing in the first place? There is none. Secondly, you can't absolutely guarantee success at any point, whether or not you claim to be following some nebulous long term plan (which in reality is probably only a ruse to keep certain individuals on the gravy train for as long as possible anyway) If an opportunity unexpectedly arises in the meantime, even if it's earlier than anticipated, you HAVE to try and go for it.
  5. It's all part of the "long term plan". Start the window off with aspirations on unloading certain players then give up and welcome them back into the fold regardless of whether they're good enough.
  6. Brilliant post. The mental gymnastics some posters indulge in to absolve the recruitment department of any responsibility is truly something to behold.
  7. On BBD have the Club's PR Department actually got round to announcing he has signed a pre contract agreement yet or did I miss it?
  8. I've commented on this in the past, instead of identifying the players we want and going out and getting them, we just scratch about at the 11th hour for whatever scraps are left in the loan market. Therefore we are totally at the mercy of parent Clubs changing their mind at the last minute or selling another player etc It's a complete lottery and an absolute farce. There's zero planning involved, it's sheer luck or otherwise as the case may be. "Recruitment" my arse.
  9. Touché! Ah well, 3 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  10. 🤣🤣 Oh dear, built up by various posters like Mbappe or Messi and it might not be him after all! All of J*B's and OTG's hours spent poring over the plane timetable potentially gone to waste as well. 🙂
  11. On the other hand, J*B said it was him as well so........ (Couldn't resist that one. 🙂)
  12. Why do Troyes want him out if as you say he's so highly rated there? Has there been a fall out?
  13. It is a semi valid point. Even if this lad isn't very good he's still likely to be considerably better than Gallagher. That's if he's picked. Our head coach seems to have a weird infatuation with SG.
  14. I find it hard to believe that this is the best we could have done on loan. If it was a permanent signing then yes, it would appear money is fairly limited this window.
  15. Surely I'm entitled to an opinion before he arrives based on his career history to date? I expressed exactly the same opinion on Hirst who had a similarly uninspiring Career profile (0 in 32 at this level when he arrived) and look how that turned out.
  16. Truly desperate Stuff . Age 24, never played for parent Club Chelsea - been to seven different Clubs on loan throughout his career. One goal in thirteen in Ligue 1 this season. Career total of 4 In 46 in England. That would be two strikers brought in this season who have no idea where the back of the net is at this level. Is that Greg's key criteria for bringing someone in?
  17. That's one of the most distressing things I've ever read about the Club. Hot on the heels of the account from the fan on here who tried to sponsor some under-privileged fans but who didn't get an inch of leeway from those on the ground at the Club Can someone e-mail that direct to the owners to try and demonstrate what a state Waggott has reduced BRFC to and what utter disdain he has for the supporters.
  18. I can't even agree Gallagher works hard. Doesn't impose himself physically, can't in general be bothered getting himself into positions from which he would be likely to score. Does make an eye catching lung busting attempt to get a ball he has no chance of winning occasionally to create the illusion he's actually doing something. Stealing a living.
  19. Ah I see.Nothing to do with their overall record as owners then. AllRoverAsia is right. Probably best not to give someone like that the oxygen of publicity unless absolutely necessary.
  20. Pretty much - but don't worry it's presumably all part of "the project" and everything will just miraculously gel in year 5.
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