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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Yeah what happened with Kaminsky for the goal? I wasn't behind the posts but it looked like he flopped down on the floor like a dying fish!
  2. Absolutely dreadful first half, completely unacceptable. Slow and ponderous on the ball, sideways/backwards, milk turns quicker. If we've ever lined up with 2 worse full backs than JRC and Pickering, I can't recall it. Buckley non existent (again) 2nd half much better, JDT made the right subs at HT. On another day might have scraped a point but cant start like that.The bright spots for me were Phillips who I thought looked a lot more confident and the pick of the defenders and Adam Wharton who looked head and shoulders above everyone else on the pitch when he came on - what a player he looks- another like Phillips who needs a bumper contract for his age. Overall whilst we might be greatful for those first 3 wins it's a great start wasted and Waggott and Broughton have let everyone down in massive fashion. No goals in 270 mins - more firepower badly needed and that's with BBD who understandably looked a bit distracted today. Hopefully we can get the window shut with him still here and He'll have to refocus.
  3. Err.... pretty sure not - edit unless I'm thinking of him having to go off at half time. Either way, that's two games we've only played five!
  4. Everyone used to make out that Nyambe was injury prone but Brittain has been unavailable more often than he's been available thus far. Weak looking starting X1, the saving graces Dack back in and BBD obviously not close to a move.
  5. If we could only sign one more apart from Hyam I'd say a striker would have to be the priority. Two if BBD goes.
  6. No offence intended chaddy, you should know by now I greatly admire your optimism and dedication to the cause even if I don't always agree. So to clarify, and prevent any future misunderstandings you'd be happy if we finished the window with Brittain Hyam Szmodics Morton and 2 further signings? What positions would you like the other 2 signings in? For the avoidance of doubt if Hyam signs then I would say that is two of the three out of contract amigos potentially adequately replaced. However I would still like to see on top of that an equivalent standard JPVH replacement, a Rothwell replacement, a Khadra replacement, a decent striker (two if BBD leaves) and some cover from the loan market. In an ideal world we also need to get rid of Edun, Pickering and Gallagher and replace them with a decent LB and striker but that's probably expecting far too much from one window.
  7. Like Windy Mike, I'm prepared to accept without having seen him play that Hyam is a decent Lenihan replacement. However I've seen NOTHING from Szmodics to suggest he will be a useful addition to the squad - let alone a direct replacement for one of out better players.
  8. Touché Jim. Very good. It's always quite amusing when we sign a player, and certain posters (having not once suggested we sign said player) claim they've always rated him from since before he was a twinkle in his Dad's eye.
  9. Away from Mowbray seems to have come on leaps and bounds. Having a great game tonight. Looks far better than either of our current options.
  10. Beep beep beep...... warning Chaddy reversing Beep beep beep.......warning Chaddy reversing! 🙂
  11. Come on Chaddy, I know you're beside yourself that we might finally be making another signing but this lad from Coventry is 5th choice at best behind the lad that went to Sheff Utd, the 2 Van's and Davies from Liverpool. I'm prepared to accept unleaded's judgement that Hyam might be a decent acquisition but we've been after the 2 Van's all summer and maybe ended up with Hyam and Caulker which I find very underwhelming. Let's not pretend it was the plan all along. Also I'm sure you've been saying all summer we need another 4-6 quality signings but now JDT has apparently said we're hopeful of getting 3 in before the deadline, you've now also decided that 3 is the magic number.
  12. Widely reported £2.5m for Szmodics 😳 £1.5 m for Brittain and £2.5m for Hyam. In fact Nixon thought we'd have to go far higher to get Hyam but we'll go with the lower figure.
  13. I completely agree Glen but the thing with the three that left is spilt milk. It is what it is now. I just can't see the economic sense in refusing to give someone what they want in terms of wages then paying a fee/agent's fees and similar wages to another player who at best is no better.
  14. Really really hope we end up with SVDB and not Caulker. Signing Hyam must mean we were unable to agree a fee with Brighton for JPVH. We were prepared to pay quite a bit more for him as well seemingly.
  15. Must have been frightened off spending money on CB's after being relieved of £7m for Scott Dann.
  16. Well if a better manager can keep a worse squad afloat then that's all fine and dandy but that's not really the point!
  17. If you rate Hyman that makes me feel a lot better about that particular deal. Be happier when it's confirmed though. Memo to Gav and JH: That would be £6.5m spent so far this window? Shame there was no money made available. 🙂
  18. Exactly. I don't think there's much point trying to reason with someone who thinks we're stronger after losing ten players and bringing in three Of those ten, five were fairly key members of the first x1 last season and I'd venture to suggest we've replaced one of those five. (Nyambe) Of the other five, it's probably not unreasonable to say they either didn't contribute much or were downright crap. No matter how bad those five were though, if no-one comes into replace them, you can't say we look stronger as a result!
  19. I'd like to see Mowbray minus Nyambe Lenihan Rothwell JPVH Khedra and no other loanees brought in to bolster the squad. Well, I wouldn't, but we certainly wouldn't be finishing 8th or above. A better way to judge JDT would be that if he is given £7m to spend on a player or players from here and finishes higher than 15th he'll have done better than Mowbray in his first full season in the Championship.
  20. Does saying Gally's crap earn you a ban? There'd be no-one left on the board!
  21. Plus the financial jiggery poker with the training ground. Can't do it more than once but it should have freed up funds this time round.
  22. Wow. Just wow. I'm not going to make the obvious insinuation as I'll just earn myself another short ban
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