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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Don't give up the day job. Well....... It's Mowbray and Waggott's fault we're three key players down on last season. If however we've made at least three cracking signings before the start of the season to replace the players we've already lost to at least put us back on an even keel I'll hold my hands up. (Assuming the usual raft of loanees will also be coming in after that late on)
  2. Yes, when it works! It did seem to me that JDT was trying to make it quite clear that the lack of incomings was nothing to do with him. "Nothing to do with me Guv!" (but I'm sure they're doing their best, bless their little cotton socks).
  3. 3 weeks!!!! He's been here a lot longer than that. Edit: Just checked - appears he was appointed on June 8th - that's over five weeks ago. Also can't judge him on whatever he has or hasn't been doing, can only judge him on results and so far diddly squat. Wasn't really having an all out go in my original post, I just found it interesting (and rather worrying) that JDT seemed to be implying that the recruitment side wasn't really his concern but Broughton's once they'd identified the type of player he wanted.
  4. Not a very encouraging interview from JDT in the LT. He only "thinks" players will be coming in now seemingly. Meanwhile confirming that recruitment is basically out of his hands and in the hands of Broughton - who imo has done absolutely nothing thus far to justify another fancy title and body being added to the wage bill.
  5. Spot on Nyambe on a free would STILL be as good a piece of business as we're likely to do this summer!
  6. Good to hear the positive reviews for Adam Wharton which ties in with what I've been told, albeit I've never seen him play.
  7. I agree up to a point..........I think there are funds available and don't go along with this "We've no budget" narrative.......sooner or later we have to start landing our targets though!
  8. Good for you chaddy, my post wasn't aimed at you BTW as I respect and admire your dedication to the Club. I hope you turn out to be right, it does seem to me looking in from the outside that something is currently going wrong with the recruitment process though.
  9. You can add Hedges and Gallagher to that list for me. It's also only by dint of the fact that the contracts of Johnson and the unused Davenport and Chapman have just expired that the list of deadwood isn't a lot longer.
  10. I think you misunderstand: As far as roversfan99 is concerned he isn't Tony Mowbray.
  11. Exactly right. We're four key players down from the first eleven from last season plus Khedra who had a decent impact at times, plus BBD if he goes. In addition, I think it was the general consensus by Christmas the squad was down to the bare bones and needed supplementing. Imo we need four absolutely first class signings to replace the three that have left and JPVH, then ideally three or four decent acquisitions on loan to give the squad a bit of depth. Whilst in no way not wanting JDT to do well, the fact no-one whatsoever has come in so far has to be worrying surely. Anyone who says they aren't worried imo is lying or doesn't really care or at least is maybe one of this seeming relatively new breed of supporter who seemingly isn't that bothered whether we win lose or draw as long as they can demonstrate their their superfan status by being a better supporter than the next man and "getting behind the lads" (FFS)
  12. Would hope not. Would hope he has a lot more integrity than Lambert who imo never had any intention whatsoever of staying here long term but merely used us as a stepping stone to get back into work.
  13. Be a bloody rare event if he does. Has only ever scored 22 goals as far as I can make out and two of those were for Flint Town 9 or 10 years ago and one for Wales under 19's. And he's 27.
  14. Have I missed something? What's with the picture of Gary Bowyer?
  15. The annual exodus of loan players leaving is only something not to worry about if none of them excelled. Given how good JPVH was last year for us I would suggest it is a massive worry if he isn't replaced with similar quality, especially with Lenihan leaving. Khedra less so, but even he still had his moments. The ones that came in January I'd agree on.
  16. Best post on here for a while and the most sense spoken about BBD as well. Whilst we need a number of quality additions in like yesterday, I do feel everyone is going slightly overboard with the pessimism and the "We can't compete" narrative.
  17. If it comes to that, which I hope it doesn't bearing in mind our lack of activity elsewhere so far, Leeds would be able to massively outbid West Ham having just sold 2 players for c £110 m. Knowing the way they operate West'aaaammm would probably want him for a packet of jelly babies and a half eaten Mars Bar.
  18. I'd have thought the £1m loan fee was pretty standard for a decent PL prospect. All hinges on how much of their wage you have to stump up after that. Personally I see it as completely dead money unless they get you promoted, rather like renting a house as opposed to having a mortgage. Should be used very sparingly for that one extra special player who could make all the difference. Not as the cornerstone of your transfer policy.
  19. Maths not your strong point at school then? Half of 60 is 30 not 16. Very optimistic to think we could sell two players for £30m each every year imo. And I also think that you only thrive on the pitch by keeping hold of your better players and building round them. We competed perfectly well last season up until January then bad management and poor decision making on and off the pitch let us down. Thankfully football isn't an exact science corresponding precisely to revenue.
  20. Yes - surely you have to have a fan base in the first place before you can flog people NFT's or some comparable peripheral shite. If (as it is alleged Feilder is claiming) youngsters aren't interested in coming to the ground but are only interested in following Liverpool or City, etc, why would they be interested in purchasing Rovers merchandise in this area? They'd just go for the Premier League version wouldn't they?
  21. Not having a go, as I'm not sure there's a right or wrong answer but hypothetically would you rather we got £20m for BBD this summer but went down, or kept him and we didn't.? It's not my money so as a fan my answer would be unreservedly the latter. It's no use having money burning a hole in our pocket if any envisaged replacement won't come for the wages we're offering. (If that's the reason we're struggling to get anyone in).
  22. Be careful what you wish for. Incredibly dangerous wishing BBD away at the moment imo. I want some signings in as much as the next man but if we're struggling to attract people then replacing him with some dolloper or maybe even A N OTHER loanee is the last thing we need imo.
  23. I know most will choose not to believe it but I am firmly of the belief there was a also a very substantial budget available in January as well in addition to the very well publicised bonuses which for some unknown reason Mowbray and Waggott decided not to utilise. It doesn't seem likely to me that we would appoint a new manager and not afford him at least the same funding Mowbray had. Broughton also claimed there was a "healthy" budget shortly after arriving and again, to me, he'd have nothing whatsoever to gain from lying about that just 2-3 days into the job. He'd be making a rod for his own back. Something seems to be going horribly wrong somewhere along the line though. I always put it down to Venus being in charge of negotiations and then Mowbray topping it off with his "You'll have to work your way into the side and dislodge Corry and Benno" type spiel.
  24. Don't profess to know anything much about NFT's, nor am I the least bit interested in same, but I did hear some youngster on a radio programme who was into this sort of garbage and the metaverse etc rattling excitedly on about how someone had paid £120k for a unique pair of Nike Trainers in the metaverse. £120k for something that doesn't actually exist! Only of any value for as long as people decide it has some. Times and technology change but it sounds exactly the same principle as the Tulip boom and bust between 1634 and 1637. If our Head of Commercial is pushing this idea I'm flabbergasted tbh.
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