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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Didn't realise you were being facetious, thought you made a perfectly good point first time around. As a supporter my first concern is performance on the pitch not plenty of money in the bank. If the relatively recent imposed wage budget isn't competitive enough to attract established Championship players or Waggott and /or Pasha are blocking transfer activity at every turn then a Brereton sale isn't going to change that necessarily. For me, get a few quality additions in, take the pressure off, and then and only then maybe we could countenance a potential BBD sale. Could you imagine the current squad minus BBD? It'd be absolute carnage!!
  2. He's just read what unleaded has posted on here and regurgitated it online hasn't he?
  3. If you want a pressing game tbf Dolan is your man. 2nd X1 showing the first team up possibly?(
  4. To be fair it's an extremely hot day today. That's the only concession I'll give them though, the result doesn't matter but the fact we're three key first teamers down plus JPVH and to a lesser extent Khedra and maybe even BBD in due course very much does.
  5. That explains it. I think you have him confused with Gallagher.
  6. I'll imagine he'll cut and paste the spiel from each of the last three weeks. "Progress has been made with a number of targets and we're hopeful of getting one or two in next week." Starting to feel a bit sorry for him, he's been dealt a seven two offsuit by Mowbray and Waggott in terms of the state of the squad and so far nothing has been done to rectify the situation. We don't seem to be finding it any less impossible to bring players in than under the previous regime. Wonder if it is having to run everything past Waggott and Suhail that is putting the kibosh on things?
  7. Unless you mean Nyambe is now no use to us because he has left and we have to go with what we've got, that's one of the most ludicrous statements I've ever seen on here. Bit like saying Danny Murphy and Chris Brown were better players for the Rovers than say Henning Berg.
  8. Just what I was thinking. You might criticise his output going forward but defensively he is sound.
  9. Not at all, if we accept the suggestion he was on 3k p.w. then you have to wonder how we got away with that for so long and the fact we had such exceptional value for money out of him for so long should have factored in to him being worth more when it came to a contract renewal. It is still absolute madness to me that we'll no doubt end up shelling out more in total by way of transfer fee and wages if we want a full back of equivalent quality. He was patently a vital member of the first eleven and on the basis of his quality and contribution to the team he was worth roughly the same as Lenihan in my eyes. What he was earning previously is completely irrelevant. If true he was only on £3k or £4k then that's a mad quirk of our pay structure for Academy graduates which will cost us many more top players in future if not relaxed.
  10. If he goes I doubt the whole fee would be reinvested. Personally I'd say if he doesn't go then we need to spend an absolute minimum of £6m in transfer fees and if he was sold for say £15m I'd say we'd need to be looking at spending £10/£11m of it but I'm not convinced we'd necessarily be any better off on the pitch.
  11. There needs to be a decent budget irrespective of any BBD sale. If anyone comes up with the figure we want bearing in mind his contractual situation then there's a decision to be made but if they don't he stays put for me and any recruitment calculations should be made on the basis he's staying until something happens to the contrary.
  12. I agree it would be good for BB. The way things are going though I disagree it would be good for Rovers to lose him though. Absolutely disastrous in fact. Another Rhodes type situation with relegation soon to follow in the offing.
  13. With Mowbray no longer here to do his old Club a favour, you'd hope JDT and GB would have more sense.
  14. Yes, I wonder which one of their duds they cant wait to get rid of will be coming this way as "compensation" if Nyambe completes a move there?
  15. Fair enough. I thought everyone was seduced by that exciting charge toward goal in his first cameo appearance at home. Apart from that I thought he was bloody awful and I think we saw enough of him to form an impression personally.
  16. Yes, was thinking they might try Carter which would be somewhat of a gamble.
  17. Doubt it. Headless chicken. Well would be a headless chicken if he could run and wasn't crocked.
  18. Yep. Story in the LT week before last: "Progress made with various transfer targets. Hopefully of getting a couple of deals over the line next week." Nothing happened. Story from Sharpe's sunbed this week -Ditto. See above. Next week? Have to say it is getting somewhat worrying despite wanting to put 100% confidence and faith in JDT. Does anyone else also not find it noticeable how quiet both him and GB have suddenly gone after the initial daily blaze of feel good publicity when they were appointed?
  19. You can maybe get all "I told you so" when we see who Nyambe's replacement actually is. Bit premature at this point.
  20. Don't know much about him other than the fact he's been touted many times on this m/b. Have we ever been officially linked with him though? If he did sign perhaps we could put your assertion to the test.
  21. 100%. Look at the Dutch lad brought in with an option to purchase. £2.9m Euros and not even remotely in Nyambe's class. You'd have thought at that point the penny would have dropped with the powers that be that it would have been far more expensive to replace Nyambe with equivalent quality than give him what he wanted and they'd have bitten the bullet.
  22. As far as Im aware, that's not correct. Technically the money is owed to the parent company but the loans aren't secured against the Club so there is no realistic expectation of them getting that money back short of us having a lengthy stint in the Premier League. As things stand the owners have shown no inclination of going anywhere for the foreseeable future, quite the opposite in fact and in my opinion if they were that worried by the losses which have been racking up they would have departed the scene long ago. The only caveat to that is the exercise with the training ground which was carried out to ensure FFP compliance. If they were that way inclined they could liquidate that separately to the Club but then again as owners they could have done that at any point anyway.
  23. Or you don't want to upset any of your pals in the posh seats more like. How do you know we have "a small budget" anyway? I can't see anyone at the Club divulging that sort of information with you but if they have, they shouldn't be doing.
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