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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. We are nothing like Luton financially, why do people always ignore the £20m p.a. the owners pump into the Club on top of our existing revenue? The Club's we should be judging ourselves against should be ones with a turnover of around £30m p.a.
  2. Your assertion that I objected to was that "Top Championship defenders are on £50k p.w." That list proves otherwise as according to that only 12 players total allegedly earned those figures in 2021/22. If you're going to pull up stats, at least pull up ones which support your point of view. Interesting to see the discrepancy in the list between Lenihan at nearly £12k and Rothwell and Nyambe at only c £4.5k. I wouldn't say there should be much discrepancy between any of the 3 myself. No wonder RN and JR were cheesed off.
  3. There were extenuating circumstances given our League position at the time. With hindsight, it was a gamble that didn't quite pay off not selling Rothwell to our main rivals at the time in January, but I think the owners were completely correct to take the stance they did. It would have been at a minimum areally bad look going forward, and frankly the last straw if he'd excelled for them and fired them to promotion and we'd dropped away as we did. That particular issue of should we/ shouldn't we have sold Rothwell isn't really relevant to how we got into the position of all three walking out for nothing however.
  4. Good. It was a very interesting question but like I say I'd wager a pint the answer will be that they have to go away and look into it and that'll be the last you hear of it.
  5. You don't expect the Fans Forum to ask any awkward questions do you? In any event, you know what the answer will be: "We'll look into it".
  6. Come off it, there won't be many Championship defenders on 50k p.w. , if any.
  7. By the same token, you have absolutely no idea whether Nyambe wanted say 12k p.w. but was only offered £6k or £7k p.w. Until we do know for certain what sort of figures the players were offered, then it's impossible to say definitively who was in the right and who was in the wrong. So you cannot just assume the terms offered by the Club were reasonable. All we know for a fact is that none of the out of contract trio accepted whatever terms were on offer. That would indicate to most rational people that either the terms on offer weren't competitive enough or the players had no confidence in the outgoing management team and Waggott, or a combination of both. I would venture to suggest also that losing three key players for nothing at the same time is an absolute catastrophe for a Club in our current financial situation and not merely one of those things that happens as you suggest. If one of the three had declined to accept terms you could maybe put it down to him being a bit greedy. For all three to decline suggests something has been seriously awry.
  8. That's only your subjective opinion though. Personally, I would have pushed the boat out for Nyambe and put him alongside our top earners. A bit less so for Lenihan and Rothwell but in the case of any of them I'd say losing them is a false economy as to replace them with similar quality will require a substantial fee plus wages making the exercise self defeating from a financial point of view.
  9. We don't know whether the Club have done "loads" or not though. Obviously in the case of the tens of millions of pounds of talent that have just been allowed to walk out of the door for nothing we didn't do "loads" as none of them saw fit to sign the deals on offer. If the Club REALLY wanted to keep any of the players whose contracts were running down, they would offer them what they wanted and endeavour to make savings elsewhere. Of course the problem isn't just a recent one, once it gets to a certain stage it's probably to late to rectify it, it's years in the making of Waggott and Mowbray failing to identify, prioritise and protect our key assets whilst at the same time wasting money or peeing money up the wall elsewhere on dross.
  10. How long are we in Portugal for? Guessing there won't be much in the way of transfer activity if Broughton is out there as well?
  11. I think that would be absolutely fine Mike. Once we actually get the "3-4 solid signings" we can all breathe far easier. Maybe we'll find it a lot easier to get deals over the line than we have in the past with Broughton doing the negotiating as opposed to Mowbray/Venus/Waggott. On the loan front, if we do bring some in, more quality and less quantity required. Need everyone to be a hit like Van Hecke and not misses on 10k p.w. like Poveda or downright flops like Douglas or Trybull.
  12. We can bicker on here all we like, but the bottom line is we are three key players, five loanees and possibly BBD down from where we were by the end of the January window with around one month to go to the start of the new season. So potentially NINE players down and no real sign of anyone coming in! Why havent we for example got our ducks in a row and a couple of oven ready players ready to come in after June 30 th? If anyone who isn't concerned by that, I want a pint of what they're on!
  13. The story changes completely when the first version of events didn't turn out to be true!
  14. Hang on, this was the bloke that was going round telling people in the lounges that DL was about to put pen to paper last Autumn wasn't it? Brand new category 1 Academy also promised prior to that in a space that wouldn't support it and a new pitch promised after a game was called off to placate people which never happened either. The guy can't lie straight in bed.
  15. Absolutely no idea what your beef with Gary Smith is and playing devil's advocate we are possibly seeing signs of the good things certain people were promised 18 months or so ago - New manager and management structure - Substantial work done on the pitch and supporting infrastructure - You yourself posted some remedial works are to be carried out to the stadium. As far as Waggott is concerned though, couldn't agree more. Absolutely bang on with your points regarding him.
  16. I'm very pleased to hear it. How nice for them. Even taking your word on this lad's ability though, it's of no relevance whatsoever to us unless he ends up here though is it?
  17. Completely agree. Absolutely gutted to be losing Nyambe and for me he will be by far the most difficult of the three to adequately replace. We'll end up having to spend money to bring in an inferior replacement. Three key assets walking out for nothing though. That's absolutely criminal and Waggott and Mowbray have so much to answer for. Mowbray, has gone, thankfully, but what on earth does Waggott have to do to get the sack?
  18. So you are are effectively announcing, or alleging, to all and sundry that he's been breaking the rules? 🙄
  19. To use Sharpe's terminology "It is understood" there is no sell on percentage (and at the price we paid there bloody well shouldn't be) but I'm not 100% certain on that.
  20. Venus was supposedly in charge of negotiating transfers at one point. Probably why we could never get any deals over the line or, if we did, why they were on such massively unfavourable terms.
  21. Sounds feasible given he has only 12 months left on his contract and is player number 4 out of 4 Waggott has failed to convince to sign a new deal but I suppose what you're being told would also be in total contradiction of what Broughton said about there being a very healthy budget. Or whatever the exact wording it was that he employed. Would be a very bad start for him if he said one thing and the opposite was in fact the case.
  22. The point being..........? Surely he can observe a previous training session without taking an active role in it?
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