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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. There's only so much you can do to polish a turd. I was rather more hopeful that JDT might jettison Gallagher in favour of someone decent and add an extra dimension to BBD's game if he's still here this season.
  2. Well, he certainly has charisma and presence, could hardly be further removed from Mowbray in that respect but of course ultimately it's results on the pitch that count. When they saw Brockhall, hopefully they were thinking "Wow!". Not: "I wonder how many houses we can fit on here".
  3. Disgraceful if that's what happened Mike. Fielder is a relatively recent appointment isn't he? Wonder if we got that one wrong? Why can't these people on several hundreds of thousands of pounds a year tell us what they CAN do to fill the ground and increase revenues rather than what they CAN'T?
  4. Personally, I haven't seen enough evidence of change YET, to say whether you're wrong or right on this. It's not happening quickly enough for me, I want things to happen yesterday when it comes to Rovers BUT........ We've seen a change in manager which everyone seems to be broadly in favour of and a change in management structure. I think this is absolutely huge and the importance of it can't be underestimated. We've seen the excellent Community work in recent months. Although no-one seems able to agree on the exact scale of what's happening, we're seeing improvements made to the pitch. I've always said the litmus test of all this would be the quality of the managerial appointment after Mowbray. I'm slightly more enthused than not before a ball is kicked. The next crucial test will be the extent of the backing he receives. So.....some way still to go, but, green shoots?
  5. Having met darrenrover I'm absolutely certain there's no ego's whatsoever involved here, just a genuine desire to help the Club do better and ultimately prosper. Not particularly wishing to speak for him, (he's more than capable of doing that for himself!) but personally I don't think he's guilty of anything more than being unable to resist the temptation to react to something he sees posted on here he perceives as being completely wrong or unfair having discussed various matters with the Club and having formed an opinion on what they have to say. Beyond that the implied understanding that matters discussed will be kept confidential and common decency prevent him from going into further detail.
  6. I'm sure he will in future given the reaction he's been getting on here!
  7. That is particularly harsh and completely unfair imo. Has no - one ever heard of the concept of mutual trust and confidentiality?
  8. I can't even remember who PNE are managed by since Neil left. Although you wouldn't expect them to say any different to be fair.
  9. I'll call your two and raise it to three and a half. But otherwise - absolutely. I keep thinking back to him substituting Nyambe, putting Sam Gallagher on at RB, and then hooking him as well after 10 mins. He can only have been trying to get himself sacked. Also left us a foundation my arse, we probably need to replace six first team players, possibly seven if Brereton goes. Anyhow enough of Mowbray despite Roverfan99's rather odd efforts to defend him at every opportunity. JDT..........
  10. I wouldn't say Khedra was a must. Obviously Van Hecke would be a massive bonus.
  11. Bloody hell, allow us our five minutes of guarded optimism for the first time in three years, it might all have dissipated by 15.30 on July 30 th anyway. We didnt end up with the Pardew/Grayson/ Adkins/ Pulis appointment many were fearing. Mowbray was very well backed in his early days as well so there isn't anything to automatically point to JDT being starved of funding.
  12. Exactly, one or two stained pairs of trollies still whizzing round in the drum but hopefully we're moving gradually in the right direction?
  13. BTW, don't know if everyone is having the same problem but that bastard Aeriel ad is being particularly troublesome this morning to celebrate the arrival of the new management team!
  14. Not really, if he's sensational and gets poached we'll get compensation and the converse if he bombs. Mowbray imo did a poor job and lasted five years though so based on that the odds are JDT will be here 3 years if he does an OK job unless the owners get a lot more ruthless.
  15. I was thinking Gareth Bale. If Cardiff can go in for him. ......
  16. Transfer window opened on June 10th but most deals won't go through until July 1st. Fixture list - Thursday June 23rd.
  17. Promising appointment in theory. Hope he does well. Not sure how "a culture of giving everything to the Club" ties in with keeping on Lowe/Benson etc but hopefully the new performance director will see them off in short order. They're certainly all talking a great game and singing off the same hymn sheet at this stage. Let's see if the reality matches the spiel!
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