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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. The Jaguar was very funny. 16 Bit CPU with a 64 bit GPU (Graphic Processor) does not make it a 64-bit console in my eyes. However, other than the dodgey marketing claim, hardware wise it wasn't a bad bit of kit, but like so many consoles it was let down by poor software. The fave console of the era was the 3DO, fantastic hardware with a few good games but a marketing disaster (BTW, I'm after a 3DO if anyone has one hidden in thier loft).
  2. ... and until it's stabalised at hardware revision 4, software revions 12.2 (release candiate 4). I do find it odd the MS are openly admitting the early units won't be as fully featured as the later ones, it doesn't exactly make you want to rush out and buy the early ones does it.
  3. Top right, you should now be able to see "Live Chat". Go Play. Teething trouble are expected, let me know how it goes. Also, I have a bunch of ideas planned to get the chat room used more than just on matchdays.
  4. Most of the nuts and bolts of OS X is already free and Open source, namely BSD and the Mach Microkernal (along with many of the OS level apps). The main proprietry bit is the GUI (Aqua). So it no so much as re-inventing the wheel, it's just making a fancy tyre fit onto a third party 17" rim from Halfords.
  5. I think you're right with 5-1,000, sadly I suspect the figure would be much nearer 5 than 10,000. At a push we might even have got the extra fan tally to double figures.
  6. I'd don't want to make a pointless and obvious comment, but is the above post (Vinjays 74th) the first one NOT to mention the Walker family ? Keep it up Vinjay lad. (but 1 in 74 still isn't a good average ). As for pubs .... I've never found a decent away friendly pub near the ground (which is partly why I didn't add anything to the away guide section for this game). Anyone from the London branch care to let us know where you're drinking ?
  7. Whenever we want, but it's not a post-count problem, it's a bee-in-his-bonnet wont-debate-his-position crys-foul-everytime-somebody-disagrees-with-him problem. I applaud Vinjay for taking a stand that is contrary to almost every other user on this board, the board would be nothing without differing views, sadly he doesn't do himself any favours by :- a. Posting the same variation on a theme (The Walker Family and/or The Trust don't give the club enough money) with predictable monotany. b. When challenged, refuses to debate his views, instead he just repeats them. c. (and this one probably only bothers me) accuses us of censorship, when all we've done it move his posts to this thread and removed one single post (which was down right liablous and when asked to back it up with some proof, couldn't).
  8. In all seriousness, we aim to appeal to quite a cross section of folk and mostly we suceed. The downside is we get quite a cross section of folk which in turn leads to some very strongly held opinions getting very some very heated debate. The same names always crop up, but mainly because they seem to be the best debaters, however it often degenerates into name calling and we all have sit back and wait for the next debate. Anyway ..... enough chit chat with Kimberley ... Espanyol attendances anyone ? (PS. Are you sure it was Ste ? Reports have come in that Raffa Benetez has been scounting us disgussed as a messageboard admin ).
  9. You'll soon learn that until the season starts, the main sport around here revolves around about a dozen regular posters baiting each other, whilst everyone either laughs, leaves or takes cover
  10. I'm sure that wasn't aimed at you .... but you're right.
  11. *I* don't have anything in mind, BRISA is a collective, all I can do is put my ideas forward. However I've felt non-attending fans (i.e. exiles like yourself) have previously been very poorly represented in front of the club (hell, I feel cut off in Yorkshire as I don't have access to the LET, so you guys must find it far harder), so it's something I hope could be addressed. Actually, thinking about it, so far I'm only aware of a single non-UK based fan who has come forward to ask about getting involved with the ISA, perhaps they need better input into the ISA, not just the club.
  12. The next meeting is with the heads of existing supporters associations (Ewood Blues and the like and former heads of the former official supporters groups have been invited). It is hoped that after this everyone will have a better idea of how BRISA will function with regard to regional groups. I'm hoping that the plan for regional groups can also be applied to non-geographic groups such as the official site and brfcs.com
  13. Both Radio 5 and Talk Sport have covered it this week (R5's angle was that Kia Joorabchian's business dealings make Abramavic's look like tradefair and the Corinthians is nothing more than a money laundering operation).
  14. You're no longer "the golden boy" ? In that case you're no longer my friend
  15. Have to admit I smiled myself. The irony is I was pushing for him to re-instated
  16. How about 6. Discuss the subject YOU started without turning this into yet another member vs member points scoring thread. Sorry I had the ordacity to disagree, I'll try and make sure it doesn't happen again. As for choosing my friends ..... eh ?
  17. As far as I know it's money thing, they'll play anyone who stumps up enough cash to play them.
  18. I managed to spend some quality time with the PS2 last night and the more I play GoW the more I love it. Not only is it a fantastical all-action-beat-em-up but it has puzzles, and not the kind of puzzles a five year old solves without thinking, but *real* puzzles, ones that you actually feel some achievement when you've completed them. So far I'm somewhere around the rings of Pandora I think (just got the above mentioned Sword of Athena (or whatever it was called)).
  19. Amen to that, very good turn out at Preston, Blackpool and even Oldham in recent years should be the clue to that for Rovers.
  20. £15 tickets ISN'T a promotion ? Oh, thats EVERY cat B game isn't it. Actually, if Fulham was our SECOND home game I'll think that would be ideal, but turn out for the first home game is traditionally quite good regardless of who we play isn't it ?
  21. Yeah, because every other low-price ticket incentive at Rovers has been such a huge sucess I tuely believe that you could have given the tickets away free to anyone who went to the TO or rang and I doubt we'd have put more than an extra 1000 on the attendance. Currently people aren't intrestested in the product, I think price is just an excuse. Now don't get me wrong, I understand *why* people "couldn't be arsed" with a pre-season and I wouldn't criticize them for it, but I think many of these use price as an excuse. Lets face it, pre-season friendlies are like reserve games, even when they cost next to nowt, very few turn up, not because of the cost, but becuase they don't care enough (don't get me wrong, I don't go to reserve games myself, because "I don't care enough", why would you ?). If Rovers were a widget selling company, somebody would have long ago decided the international-pre-season widget was nothing but a mony-pit and stopped selling it.
  22. That, I wholeheartedly agree with. Bugger, I must have missed the public meeting where Scotty stood for and got, the post of media liason. Here was me thinking it was still just an informal group trying to push the thing forward until the initial elections
  23. Either I'm in a bad mood, or those folks who normally make sense on here (on footballing matters at least ) are being particular dumb today. It's becoming obvious the £15 per head is the break-even point for Rovers. Now, I'm all for loss-leader promotions to get new fans in, but I couldn't think of a WORSE game than yesterday to do that with. NOBODY in their right mind goes to Pre-Seasons for the football, it's not a game thats going to encourage people to come again (OK, so yesterday was an unexpected exception, 4 goals and a far from friendly friendly), so the only reason to drop the prices would be to keep the whingers happy. ... and how does that pan out ? The club loses money on the game and the die-hards end up paying for it (because they always pay over the odds for another game).
  24. You are entirely correct, so what we need to do it turn arm-chair fans into walk-on fans, walk-on fans in to regular attendees, regulars into ST holders, ST holders into die-hards. This is the only way to get the attendances we require. How do we go about this ? Not by castigating those we need to come more often for not being "proper fans". For once I understand why Scotty feels the need to add "numpty" at the end of each reply.
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