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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Glenn

    Oh My God!

    Class. To be honest I haven't been the ###### at home either
  2. BTW, This is the recent image of Kevin Smith that I claimed made more than a passing remeblence to your good self.
  3. Yes, quite a few people, thanks. If anyone, ever, sees me in that state at a football match again, please, please, tell me to go home for my own sake On a related note, have Scotty and SteB made it home yet ? It was a bit embarising to have to watch SSN this morning to see the final score.
  4. Kiely Todd Terry Carrigher Lampard Mokoena Gerrard SWP Henry © Bent Zamora Subs Carroll Purse Cooper Koumas
  5. There is very little information on the net that can't be found in your local library (and as any good hacker knows, there is often *more* useful stuff floating around the british library system than can be found on the net). The Anarchists cook book from the 70s and Jolly Roger's from the 80s had huge sections on making various inceduries from household products, both (as far as I'm aware) were available in print form first. Controlling the information is attacking the problem from the wrong end. Educating people about the resulting consequences (i.e. personal death and no noticable shift in religious or political situations) is surely the right way.
  6. Bare Lane is 0.6 of a mile acording to multimap (athough I think it's nearer a mile), Morecambe Central (prom near the pubs) is around 2.
  7. OK, the prom @ broadway is only a mile or so away, but all the pubs are in central Morecambe which is nearer 2
  8. About 2 miles (with a good number of drinking establishments along the way). If you're going by train then Bare Lane Station is close than the prom (and not far from the above mentioned dog and partridge pub).. MAP
  9. I used to spend a lot of time in the D&P around 13Yrs ago, great little pub but (well, certainly used to be) Manc orientated. However, I'd put it at over a mile away (I was under the impression South Road alone was 1 mile) and lacking other pubs on the way (other than the York Hotel). I had however forgotten about the bar in the ground. Feel free to join us on our little jaunt from Oscars if you want.
  10. This is beginning to cross the line. Feel free to continue the discussion but the trading of insults needs to stop NOW. I've argued against the closing of this thread but if it isn't brought back to a more civil level then closure is the only option. BTW, This isn't aimed at one single person, it's aimed at the half a dozen of you that are allowing an intresting debate to degenerate into a slagging match and points scoring exercise.
  11. Just getting reports that buildings surrounding hyde park in leeds have been evacuated and there has already been a controlled explosions elsewhere in the city. The BBC website *did* briefly have a headline up about the explosion, which linked to the wrong story, but it seems to have gone again now.
  12. chuffin 'ell. I thought that 2 entire weeks without touching a PC and I'd be cured, but obviously not. I blame the jet lag
  13. As an ex Lancasterian (who went to school in Morecambe) I've promissed two groups of folks I'd guide them to various hostelries at the weekend. So here's my plan. The plan (as much as there is one) is to meet in Oscars Bar on Vicoria Street (The Smurf used to manage it) which isn't far from Morcambe train station, then take in a few bars towards Queens street, head down Lancaster Road to the York Bridge (the traditional pre-match haunt of most Morecambe fans, you can quite often find both of them in there ) and futher download Lancaster Road to Christie Park. Post-game it's head for Lancaster becuase Morecambe's nighlife has gone considerably downhill since I moved (I'm sure the two are not unrelated). If you want to come and find us, just drop me a PM.
  14. The second Zero mission is considerably easier after you've done all the Verdant Meadows Flight School Missions. Not becuase it teaches you to fly (although it does) but because at the point where you unlock the zero mission you flying stat is very low.
  15. That was purley down to a mixture of bad timing and lazyness on my part. It'd be pointless claiming the ISA wasn't in my mind when I started the topic, but at that point I thought it would be some time before the ISA was spoken of openly on here, certainly not within a matter of hours. With hindsight asking the same question on some of the other boards would have been better (which is where the lazyness comes into it). As you can imagine, we've been talking about "what to focus on" for many months now (the initial sparks of the ISA where started nearly 2 years ago !), it was just a way of checking we shared others view on these areas. It also proved my theory, that on the whole, people think the club is currently doing a damn fine job are there isn't a lot to tinker with, despite the constant whinging. I'll agree that as we are trying our damndest to separate the ISA and the MB, posing that question soley on here perhaps wasn't a good move. And besides, you've known me long enough to know that "rather stange" is probably quite an apt description of me
  16. Glenn - When you look in the match day programmes at the supporters association section there are around nine branches, North lancs, South Lancs, London etc. Are these supporters club branches still in existence but now classed as independant rather than being BRFC based? 325549[/snapback] Some weeks ago (just before the ST packs were sent out) we were told the official supporters association branches had now been informed that the club is no longer providing official supporters associations and was replacing them with a membership scheme (available free to all ST holder). However, we've recently learnt it's possible that not all the branches have been informed (or at least that not all their members know yet). This could mean the club intends them to carry on as before or it could just be the club hasn't informed them. It has always been our hope that the ISA could encompass the existing SA branches and allow them to continue exactly as before (and hopefully we'll prove to be more useful to them than the club was). Hope that's accuarte (I wasn't involved with the correspondance with the club over this) and answers your question.
  17. When the current admin (and the founder if he cares to voice his opinion ) decide they want rid of the MB and the ISA decide they want it, I imagine. Should both of these not happen, then never I guess. From the beginning it made sense that the ISA be a separate entity, not a MB thing. The ISA must become much wider than the MB to serve it's purpose. So, for the forseeable future I see no merit in merging the two (howver, you have a unique position on this, so I'd be intrested to hear your views, be it publily or privately). However, who knows what the future holds. (Besides, I'm still fighting with nominet to get ownership of brfc-supporters, I don't want the hassle of trying to move it again )
  18. Looking at that list of names, i understand these intentions, you guys all seem to be a tight knit group who enjoy ripping the p*ss out of theno and a couple of others. I would certainly not be interested until i felt that the group was slightly more representative of Rovers fans 325433[/snapback] What would you need, to be assured of that Andy? 325438[/snapback] I certainly think that you need to have at least one foreign based member at the forefront (i dont understand exactly when the 'driving group' becomes a 'council'), as well as maybe a couple of names that arent messageboard celebrities. Otherwise someone that is very opinionated but outspoken - someone like Theno wuld be good, just to show the rest of us that you are actually taking suggestions from all angles seriously - One of the biggest thing i feel is putting supporters off this club is the fact that those of us who don't reside in Lancs or don't go to every home game are regularly made to feel incredibly guilty for our circumstances. You wouldnt get that at a club like Man Utd or Liverpool! 325443[/snapback] The good news is, those are some of the very same reasons the ISA was thought about in the first place. As a non Blackburn resident who has bought 1 LET in the last 10 years I felt that the club was doing very little to get information to me. I set about trying to start a Yorkshire Branch of the ISA to attempt to address this but the clubs set up at the time prevented it happening. Also, after years of being involved with this site I've come to learn just how much more detatched non-UK based fans feel (often claiming this site is thier sole contact with the club, which is NOT how it should be at all). Having non-UK based members on the comittee could prove tricky for attending meetings but I do feel that their involvement is paramount, something that hopefully the more relaxed "branch" system will bring about. They are an area I feel was previous all but ignored by the club and shomething hopefully we can address.
  19. Looking at that list of names, i understand these intentions, you guys all seem to be a tight knit group who enjoy ripping the p*ss out of theno and a couple of others. I would certainly not be interested until i felt that the group was slightly more representative of Rovers fans 325433[/snapback] Well excuse me, I believe *I* headed the campaign to get him re-instated . Beside, ripping the #### is reserved those those without the intellect or spirit to fight back (come back lofty, all is forgiven), I'd hardly put Gord in that category. Plus the idea of calling Scotty & Tris close knit is class You'll be claiming AS is Jim's life long friend and I'm really Gerald Jackson next ! (I guess being called Gerald is better than being called the North Korean government ... again). As Paul says, the point of starting with a public meeting is we all stand aside and a public vote chooses who gets voted in. If you don't think there is anyone currently involved who you feel represents your views GET INVOLVED ! I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say the broader the represented user base the better. As for student discount, I would propose we can see how close to zero we can get the membership fee first. One of the problems with the official supporters associates is you seemed to get very little for your money and that is one thing we are desprately trying to avoid.
  20. Oops sorry Klur. But if you are really cn174 then shame on you for having 2 accounts. You'll get banned before you start if you aren't careful. 325335[/snapback] Clure (cn174) and Claire (Kiwi) are two different people. I believe Paul's omission of Clure was an unintentional mistake on his part. As for the posts, we're trying to avoid a "jobs-for-the-boys" (or Claires ) situation, all posts will be elected at a public meeting. One of our aims is to keep the membership fee as close to 0 as possible, obviously paid posts would hinder this. None of the other club ISAs we've contact have come up with any reason for paid posts. To avoid this becoming a "messageboard thing" we've contacted (or at least will in the next few days) the heads all the former official supporters associations and other unofficial ones (I guess it makes sense to include other messageboards in this too) trying to get them on board as early as possible. Ideally we'd like to see them all well represented on the ISA.
  21. There are no longer any BRFC based supporters organisations, although we didn't know about those changes when the ideas where first developed. 325283[/snapback] I think it's fair to say that the wholesale unsuitability of the then exitsing Official Supporters Association (especially for anyone livining outside Blackburn) was one factor that drove this forward in the early stages. I tried to achive something within the official structure a few years ago and found the club to be nothing short of obstructive. That said, we were very surprised to learn of the disbanding of the official supporters asociation, that was never our intention. As for independant association, I'm only aware of Ewood Blues and from an outsiders point of view they seem to mainly be a Blackburn based travel club.
  22. The CV2 number is the 3 digit part of the security number on the back (the first, 4 digit part is the last 4 digits of your card number). One thing to look for, I don't know which online merchant services Rovers are using (I've never had reason to look), but several will reject cards if you insert spaces between the numbers (as shown on your card). An internet booking fee as a whole makes sense, I'd imagine that Rovers don't have the infrastructure to do their own authorizations, so instead will use an online merchant, who in turn take a cut of every transaction (around 4% is normal). Plus there is still the postage to cover. The booking-with-switch-fee is because the club gets charged it and passes the charge onto you. If you look at the tills of big high street stores they now have notices stating that you are being charged this fee for switch, but they give you the exact same amount as a discount and don't bother showing it on the reciept. (i.e. the fiddle the numbers to keep it simple, although they make less money on swicth transactions). Genuine "credit" cards have a similar (but different) charge. Finally, a question, does anyone know if renewing ST holder get to keep their existing cards or will we be getting new ones ? From a technology point of view it makes sense to keep the existing ones, plus it'd save a fiver or so a head.
  23. Tonight its pokerroom.com (but may change in the future ). Table (if anyone can find it) is SlamTilt's HE under private tables. If you can't see it log out of pokerrom.com and log back in and try again. edit -> Jim J has found me !
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