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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I ended up watching it simply because I expected to be watching Top Gear and couldn't be bothered changing channel when it wasn't on. However, I'm really glad I watched it, far better standard than I've been led to expect and pretty entertaining to. I might even make it across to Ewood for the next one.
  2. Thanks to Kandevil for jogging my memory. To link a specific item, it's a bit complicated, but here goes. Firstly you need to find it's ASIN number. This can be found in the address bar when you look at an item on amazon. For exmaple if you take a look at A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson the address is http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0552997048/ref=pd_cpt_w_h__1/202-2274719-4703020 The ASIN number is the 10 digit number directly after /ASIN/, so in this case 0552997048. Next take the following address http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/**********/brfcsupportin-21 and replace ********** with the ASIN number. e.g. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0552997048/brfcsupportin-21 This then becomes your link. For those that already know how to use them on here, you're on your way. For those that don't carry on. Click the button marked http:// above where you normally type when you post. this will first ask for "the complete url for the hyperlink". This is the link above. It will then ask for "the title of the web page" which is whatever you want the link to say (in this case "A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson"). I hope that makes sense.
  3. Not only is it possible, it's been suggested by us a few time. Give me two secs and I'll remember how to build suitable links. Whilst I remember how to link direct to items (which give us a great perentage), for general browsing of amazon, if you clikc the link below we get a cut of ANYTHING you buy. Amazon UK For those wanting to cut and paste it, it's http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=brfcsupportin-21
  4. Maybe it's a locale thing, because one of the things I like about the Dells here are the nice finger-tightenable screws on the site panels, rather than traditional screws (or worse rivits).
  5. The Truth, NighWatch, Theif Of Time and Going Postal are the proof of a return to form. Soul music was pretty good but Intresting Times, Jingo and most importantly The Last Continent are proof that even he is not above the odd lemon. BTW, Any Pratchett fans (or Tom Holt come to that) that haven't read Neil Gainman's American Gods should do so. Very similar style (other than AG is set in the comtempary world a la Holts novels) to TP and even funnier.
  6. What's more, from "The Truth" onwards he seems to be back on form, after losing it for a few years. I did something similar the other week, I went to the library for the first time in 2 years (first time since I moved) and found there are now 4 Tom Holt book I haven't read !
  7. AMD clock speeds. I have to say the "pentium equivalent" speed number has caught out a LOT of novice hardware builders. People buy AMD 2700+s (which are as quick as a P4 2.7GHz) and wonder why it crashes like buggary when they set the clock speed of their board to 2.7Ghz instead of 2Hz. Not being much of a PC gamer, I've not followed this for a few years, but are AMDs still the gamers chip of choice ?
  8. I know I've posted this before, but this is the response a work college sent to Ebuyer. A guick google shows he's no alone. Personally, I've bought a few bits from the in the past, but seeing how much time and effort this took to resolve I haven't used them since.
  9. Glad to see it £15-£25 cheaper to kids in the family stand that BBE Lower. Shame they haven't done the same for match day prices. Still, it's a start.
  10. Well seeing as it was you that started or "designed" this thread, you must be feeling pretty stupid... 318898[/snapback] To be fair, he didn't. This thread is an amalgamation of relevent posts from other threads.
  11. No, Damn You Berkley, Damn You ! (Actaully, I found the one after much easier, but I did it towards the end of the game).
  12. No (other than don't even think about attempting it at night). It's just a case of learning the patterns (the planes always appear in the same order). Some people claim turning of rummble helps. Most people think it's the second hardest mission in the game (the hardest being the one that follows it (unless you've left these missions until your a very skilled pilot)).
  13. Sounds like "one simon gardener", who normally sites behind me (whom I noticed wasn't in his normal seat for the testamonial. Did they also have a small child with them who spent 90 mins kicking the back of the chair in front ? I'm praying the club ends concessionsary child seats in the BBE lower, so the annoying rug rats that are slowly taking over the BBE move back upstairs (no disrespect to your own kids Paul, whom I'm sure have been brought up to show a little respect).
  14. I normally hate people spoiling the flow of threads by only saying how good a previous post was. But MrDrog that was excellent It's not often I laugh out loud whilst sat at the PC.
  15. As we've been accused of not taking this seriously, can I take it off-topic a little and propose a new category for next year's Grooby award "The Lofty Award for sheer entertainment through not knowing when to give up".
  16. Thankfully that instituion is somewhere we have very very good connections with the IT staff
  17. I see your knowledge of this site is second only to your knowledge of Rovers. We have NO sponsors what so ever. We have three sources of income, a few advertisers (whom we pick from generic advert sites rather than them sponsoring us), members who chose to purchase our occasional items for sale (ie. the badges we did) and finally (were almost all of the money comes from) members who choose to make donations. If organisations did sponser us, they key thing the'd be intrested in would be the number of pairs of eyes that saw their adverts and as this is constantly rising at an alarming rate it's hardly be a waste of money. Welcome to the internet. Actually we pride ourself on being very amicable around here. Seriously, you should check out the opposition. Let's face it almost EVERY club is looking for this and 99% of them would believe they'd have found it if they had the trust behind them. If you think a nice corporate backer is a good thing, ask residents of Oldham what happened when succesful brewary JW Lees bought the club (top flight to bankrupt in a few years). So you think Wigan are in a better financial position than Rovers ? It's not YOU people are ridiculing, it's the nonsense your spouting. This thread is not designed to have a go at you, just the oposite. It serves two purpose (well three if you count denying you the marterdom you desire), it allows your concerns to be discussed sensibly and secondly (and more importantly) it keeps this issue in a single tidy place without it spilling over into topics where it is irrelevent. We could have just removed the posts as irrelevent, but doing it this way allow you to continue to make your point. ... but yes, it is highly entertaining. Not quite as funny as lofty, but entertaining all the same. Here's a tip. If you want people to stop ridiculing your arguments, MAKE BETTER ONES.
  18. Certainly for the pens (although most should have been retaken because of how far he came off the line) and the first part of the double save. However, I don't think he knew a thing about the second part.
  19. Well, as the son of a red I always wanted Liverpool to win this one, and what a way to win !
  20. Come on Jim, even if you weren't an ex-hack, nobody in their right mind would bite at such obvious troll.
  21. The problem is it names the room after the person that creates it.
  22. Nope. The technical phrase I'm looking for is ...... broken. Hopefully all fixed now.
  23. Simply because the alternative is watching Eurovision, I've decided to open the poker room again. To recap. 1. Sign Up at holdempoker.com 2. Under Game Formats, make sure it's set to Ring Games 3. Select "Private Tables" 4. Click on Slam Tilt's HE in the list of tables. It should be near the top of "Play $" games which are below all the "real $" games. 5. It'll ask you to send a message, just send your BRFCS username. 6. Play ! It's "play money", so nobody is going to blow the rent.
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